Subject: Guidelines of the Single-Use Plastics Directive going beyond the scope and objectives of the Directive According to a very recent Ramboll study (1) , single-use paper packaging in quick service restaurants is better for the environment than reusable tableware. 1. Commission Services is currently consulting with Member States on guidance to implement the Single Use Plastics Directive (SUPD). Market restrictions (bans) Single-use plastics are made wholly or partly of plastic and are typically intended to be used just once or for a short period of time before they are thrown away. TAGS: Green and Bioplastics The European Union (EU) Directive 2019/904, commonly known as the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) Directive, is slated to become the first global regulation to potentially defining packaging plastics use in an anticipated future circular economy by 2030. Preparatory work on the directive has been delayed at the EU level, which, in turn, has hampered its implementation in the Member States. The Directive further lays down marking provisions for the labeling of certain single-use plastics. Almost a year has passed since the European Parliament and the European Council adopted the Single-use Plastics Directive (SUPD) in summer 2019. The Single-Use Plastic Directive (EU) 2019/904 was published in June 2019. Main stipulations of the SUP Directive affecting the Industry. Many charities campaign against polystyrene and oxo-degradable plastics. As such, we believe the Guidelines have encroached upon and eroded the scope of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. Revise the definitions used in Section 2.1 of the directive to exempt sustainable alternatives to single use plastics, including PHA Ensure that the Guideline reflect that polymers that are the result of a fermentation process and having the same chemical identity as polymers present in nature are considered to be ‘natural polymers’ within the Single-use plastic directive (EU) 2019/904. The draft guidance does not recognise that the thin polymeric coatings, which are used to ensure paper cups hold liquid, are a minor component and also support the move away from plastic packaging. However, the UK Government wants to reduce single use plastics using other policies – such as its Waste and Resources Strategy. English legislation has limited the use of plastic straws and stirrers since 2020. KEY POINTS Scope. In order to clarify its scope and objectives as well as its general terms and definitions, in particular its single-use plastic product definitions, the directive calls on the European Commission (EC) to prepare corresponding guidelines. The Directive means different requirements for a wide range of, mainly single-use, plastic products, including some plastic packaging. The single-use plastic products covered by measures under this Directive are estimated to represent around 86 % of the single-use plastics found, in counts, on beaches in the Union. The directive delivers on the EU’s plastic strategy, an important element in the EU’s move towards a circular economy. DUH and the Rethink Plastic alliance therefore call on national governments to transpose and implement the legislation as it is intended, to reach maximum positive environmental impact. Key discussions like how to define the term “plastic" and criteria for single-use or multiple-use have been discussed. GO!PHA has written a letter to the European Commission to express serious concerns on the latest version of the “draft guidelines” to Directive (EU) 2019/904 also called the Single-use Plastics Directive. to the categorisation of an item as a single-use plastic product. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151 of 17 December 2020 laying down rules on harmonised marking specifications on single-use plastic products listed in Part D of the Annex to Directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (Text with EEA relevance) In this context, the European Parliament and the Council, acting in their capacity as the Union legislator, stated that “[b]y 3 July 2020, the Commission shall publish guidelines, in consultation with Member States, including examples of what is to be considered a single-use plastic product for the purposes of this Directive, as appropriate” (see Article 12(2) of the SUP Directive). [1] Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151 [2] Directive (EU) 2019/904 The Single Use Plastics Directive: Background. In the public consultation between December 2017 and February 2018, 95% of respondents agreed that action to tackle single use plastics is both necessary and urgent, and 79% believed that these measures should be taken at EU level in order to be effective. Key discussions like how to define the term “plastic" and criteria for single-use or multiple-use have been discussed. Subject: Written question on the Single‑Use Plastics Directive guidelines Using single‑use paper packaging in quick‑service restaurants is better for the environment than using reusable tableware (it produces fewer CO 2 emissions, uses less water and fossil fuels, … The national legislations resulting from it will create opportunities to reduce overall plastic use and raise the public awareness of more sustainable alternatives. Single-use plastic spoons that are used for eating or serving food are within the scope of these regulations; however, single-use plastics spoons that are used for medicines are not covered by these regulations. 29.06.2020 - Sustainability. Both the corona pandemic and climate change have shown that safety and prosperity depend on the way we maintain aspects of the common good, like public health and climate stability, in the long term: Society and the economy must be structured to be resilient, sustainable and climate-friendly. [1] Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151 [2] Directive (EU) 2019/904 In order to comply with the SUPD, Member States (MS) have two years to bring into force the necessary laws, regulations and administrative provisions. With the Plastic Strategy and the Single Use Plastics Directive, the EU has made an unprecedented commitment to reduce waste and pollution and protect our environment. Even though the plastic pollution crisis goes much more beyond the presented list of products, the Single-use plastic Directive is a first step towards solving the problem. This could lead to adoption of provisions that could go beyond the requirements of the Directive and hamper the correct functioning of the EU Single Market. However, the Directive’s focus on ‘plastic’ has revealed a problem that may render it powerless to deliver on its objectives. The directive should be passed into national legislation by 3 July 2021. 15. The Single-Use Plastics Directive — Directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment—was published in the Official Journal of the European Union (click here to view). The directive is most well known for setting out a ban on a variety of single-use plastic products within the EU beginning in July 2021. The DRAFT AGENDA of the MEETING OF THE WASTE EXPERT GROUP (DIRECTIVE ON SINGLE-USE PLASTIC) to beh held on the 11th of March 2020 includes: (*) Guidelines under Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (‘SUP Directive’, article 12(2)); The new law, known also as the single-use plastics (SUP) Directive, aims to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, in particular the aquatic environment, and on human health. The directive, which originates from the Commission’s Plastic Strategy, focuses on reducing marine litter.Certain nonwovens products, namely feminine hygiene products and wet wipes, have been included under the Single-Use Plastics Directive. The EU now wants to tackle marine litter and has enacted the so-called Single-Use Plastics (SUP) directive to this end. Setting guidelines on definitions and categories should follow promptly to avoid the risk that different interpretations will prevail among Member States. SUPs are a significant environmental problem, making up about half of all items of marine litter found on European beaches, with the ten largest categories of SUP comprising 86% of the total. The European Commission has sent to all Member States new draft guidelines for the Single Use Plastics Directive. There are several main stipulations affecting the Food and Beverage Industry´s business model: First, from July 3, 2021, the member states have to assure that the placing on the market of certain single use plastic products, such as i.a. These draft Guidelines now seek to sever the link to the product’s littering potential due to its volume or size as guiding criteria for defining SUP items. The single-use plastics directive has a strong impact on the entire plastic industry and caused a great amount of uncertainty due to its blurry wording. Single-Use Plastics Directive . ENGLAND is not implementing the Directive. previous Directives on plastic food contact materials and articles into one Regulation and simplifies the rules applicable to them. The Regulations, as drafted, would ban single-use food containers made from Expanded Polystyrene (as per the SUP Directive). : concerns about plastic pollution in the oceanic environment, where clean-up is incredibly challenging and the impacts on marine life and ecosystems can be catastrophic. Member States have until 25 January to submit written comments. The EU ’ s Single-Use Plastics (SUP) directive, adopted last year, aims to reduce pollution in oceans and waterways. As their name suggests, single use plastics (SUP) are plastic items that are designed to be used just once. Glass and metal beverage containers should not be covered by this Directive as they are not among the single-use plastic products that are found the most on beaches in the Union. 2 Chapter I – General provisions 2.1 Subject matter and scope The Plastics Regulation applies to plastic materials and articles as set out in the scope. In addition, it calls for Member States to take national measures on the extended producer responsibility schemes for certain single-use plastics, such as certain food containers and cups for beverages including their covers and lids. Implementation guidelines to EU Single Use Plastics Directive get leaked Cristian 2020-10-02T10:42:37+03:00 02 octobre 2020 | The final version of the EU’s Single Use Plastics Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/904) included a provision that by summer 2020 the EU would release a set of guidelines for the different countries to help write legislation for the transposition of the directive. Following its adoption, KH reports that the European Commission launched an 18-month study to inform the implementation of the directive, including a first public survey in October and November 2019. The Commission is now working on the guidelines to help Member States to implement the Directive. Guidance on single-use plastics directive: European Commission to stick to its timeline Despite the current pandemic, the EC wants to present the final SUPD guidance by July 2020 Almost a year has passed since the European Parliament and the European Council adopted the Single-use Plastics Directive (SUPD) in summer 2019. Update: EU Circular Economy Package and Single Use Plastics Directive. The Commission is now working on the guidelines to help Member States to implement the Directive. The European Commission launched the Single-Use Plastics Directive in 2018.
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