Add-ons start at $5 a … So erhalten Sie Zugang zu einem ausländischen (amerikanischen) iTunes Store >>. Sling TV bietet insgesamt 150 verschiedene Sender an, wobei der Nutzer seine Lieblingssender aussuchen und in sein Abonnement integrieren kann. Unsere deutsche Visa-Karte wurde unter Verwendung eines VPN-Servers problemlos als Zahlungsmittel von Sling akzeptiert. Sling TV is an app-based service through which you can watch live TV and programs you record on your DVR — like cable TV, but you can pick and choose which channels and features you want. No need to compromise when everyone wants to watch something different! Eine Zahlung per Paypal kann nicht erfolgen. Gesendet wird ein breites Spektrum. Gain access to the best of German TV, and enjoy shows like Markus Lanz, Richterin Barbara Salesch, or Rote Rosen. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Für Windows 10 kann die SlingTV App über den App Store heruntergeladen werden. This is a resource that launched in 2020. Sling TV bietet Live TV sowie Video-on-Demand der einzelnen Sender in 3 verschiedenen Basis-Paketen an, die individuell erweiterbar sind. Click here to learn more. Sling TV knows that there are many tools available to unblock it in Germany and other locations around the world. Each language offers its own standalone Sling TV package options with the option for add-on channels. Sling TV also offers bonus English channels — free with all language packs! Anywhere you go, Sling TV goes, too — Watch your favorite Ramadan series wherever you are — on any device. Teilweise kann es zu Komplikationen bei Überschneidung einer deutschen und amerikanischen Postleitzahl kommen. Sling TV and the Sling TV Logo are Licensed Trademarks of Sling TV L.L.C. Es umfasst Sport, Comedy, Kindersendungen, Unterhaltungssendungen, Filme etc. The Sling TV Blue and Orange plans are currently $20 per month as Sling TV is offering a special price (normally the two packages are $30/mo each), and there is a lot of flexibility in what Sling TV channels you want to subscribe to. Sobald Ihr SmartDNS oder VPN mit einem amerikanischen Server aktiviert und Ihre IP-Adresse ausgetauscht ist, haben Sie die Ländersperre umgangen und erhalten Zugriff auf die Website von Sling TV was the first of its kind, having debuted in 2016, but it now has a bunch of competitors at different prices, including Hulu Plus Live TV, YouTube TV, AT&T TV Now, Philo and Fubo TV… If you subscribe to both services in Sling Orange + Sling Blue, you can enjoy up to four streams at the same time. By. Stay in the loop with news from back home. Für Ausländer in den USA bietet der Streaming-Dienst für US$ 10,–/Monat Sendungen in den jeweiligen Sprachen an (Sling International – darunter deutsch, polnisch, italienisch, hindi etc.). Das Sling Orange+Blue-Paket liegt bei US$ 40,–/Monat (umfasst 50 Kanäle). Sling TV offers a cheaper entry point and more customization for streaming TV, while FuboTV provides a larger list of channels in its base package. Or even use a streamer to watch your TV on a second television. Any extras you add to your Sling Orange service will be included in your single stream. Sling TV offers many of the channels you watch with a traditional cable package and lets you pick and choose which programs you want to pay for … You can watch on a variety of devices, streaming and mobile. One major positive is that you are also able to cancel your service at any time without penalty. You can even watch or control your DVR. SEC ESPN Network is a trademark of ESPN, Inc. All rights reserved. Whatever your taste, Sling has you covered. Beide Varianten tauschen Ihre heimische IP-Adresse mit einer amerikanischen IP-Adresse aus. Catch the latest from back home with German news & political programs, such as Der Tag and Kulturzeit. All prices, fees, charges, services, programming, features, functionality and offers subject to change without notice. Your account will be authorized to receive programming upon your first login. Es umfasst Sport, Comedy, Kindersendungen, Unterhaltungssendungen, Filme etc. She said someone reactivated it. If you subscribe to both plans, you’ll receive a $15 discount. Just download the Sling TV app onto any one of the 15+ compatible devices, sign in, and you’re ready to watch. Sling TV is an affordable, legal method to stream German TV. Sling TV is a reliable live TV service with a lot of channel flexibility, but it lacks some local channels. Sämtliche Pakete können mit Zusatzpaketen erweitert werden (Sports Extra, Kids Extra etc.). The base plans — Sling Orange and Sling Blue — each come with a different set of sports channels in its lineup. Sling TV $35.00 from Sling Cord cutting — or ditching cable — is all about freeing yourself from the confines of contracts, getting rid of bulky hardware, and, most importantly, saving money. It lets you choose different channel packages and stream live TV to many devices. Sling TV is a popular live television streaming service owned by Dish Network. Mit Hilfe von Sling TV können US-Sender wie NBC, CNN und AMC in Deutschland empfangen werden, allerdings muss zuerst die Geo-Blockade überwunden werden. Avoid! Add a Sports pack for channels like ESPNEWS, a News pack for channels like MSNBC — or get a Kids pack for access to Disney Junior, Boomerang & more. The Sling TV Advantage. Sling TV is not a TV channel on its own, but it is a service in which lots of TV channels and streams can be found, and in addition, it serves as a streaming service for films and movies. Available channels include local channels (in select markets), as well as channels such as USA, ESPN, Disney Channel, Univision, and others. About Sling TV. Relax with cultural shows like “Des Racines et des Ailes” and “Midi en France.” Or entertain the kids with game shows like “Fort Boyard” or cartoons like “Marsupilami.” Sling TV has programming the whole family can enjoy. No headache. Diese können Sie umgehen, indem Sie einen SmartDNS-Dienst wie SmartDNS Proxy* oder ein VPN wie NordVPN* in Anspruch nehmen. Plus, included for no cost: English-language news, sports, and entertainment from around the world. Das direkte Streamen im Browser funktioniert leider nicht. Es umfasst Sport, Comedy, Kindersendungen, Unterhaltungssendungen, Filme etc. Sling subscriber for years and responded to a promotion to purchase AirTV Mini. The TV signal comes from your set-top box and your Slingbox slings your TV programming to any of your devices, anywhere in the world. Whatever your taste, Sling has you covered. Sling TV Arabic is one of those options. Get the most value from your cable or satellite subscription with a Slingbox. Das Sling Blue-Paket liegt bei US$ 25,–/Monat (umfasst 45 Kanäle). Any extras you add to your Sling Blue service will be included in your three streams. See our Free Trial Offer Details, Credits, and DMCA Policy. Datenschutzerklärung | Haftungsausschluss | Bildnachweis | Impressum | *Affiliate-Link, 2021 © Beste VPN Anbieter, alle Rechte vorbehalten -, Die besten VPN Anbieter 2021 im Vergleich. Beachten Sie, dass nach Ablauf von 7 Tagen automatisch Ihre Kreditkarte mit den monatlichen Raten belastet wird, falls Sie nicht rechtzeitig kündigen. Because you are purchasing two separate services in Sling Orange + Sling Blue, you can get the total number of streams included on each separate service—one stream for any channel on the single-stream Sling Orange service and three streams for channels on the multi-stream Sling Blue service. SmartDNS-Dienste sind kostengünstiger, sind aber nur fürs Streamen von ausländischen Inhalten geeignet, die vom jeweiligen Provider zur Verfügung gestellt werden. If you subscribe to our Sling Latino core services, you can enjoy three streams at a time. Nach der Registrierung erfolgt die Installation der Apps auf den verschiedenen Geräten, wie Computer, Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet oder Smart-TV. Anhand der Streaming-Plattform kann allerdings auch aus dem Ausland auf einige US-Sender zugegriffen werden. Get the best of German TV with our German Mosaic Package. Add News, Kids, Sports & other packs for tons of popular networks, including MSNBC, Disney Jr., Boomerang, ESPNEWS, NBA TV, and more! No cables. Mit Hilfe von Sling TV können US-Sender wie NBC, CNN und AMC in Deutschland empfangen werden, allerdings muss zuerst die Geo-Blockade überwunden werden. Um die diversen Sendungen auf Sling TV schauen zu können, muss zuerst die Hürde des Geoblocking umgangen werden. Therefore, Sling uses some special technology to detect fake American IP addresses and block it. Trial will end on the date that is 7 days following account activation or upon cancellation if subscription is cancelled prior to this date. U.S. Patent Nos. Sling TV sports channels. The service offers access to most of the same channels that satellite and cable television services offer. NordVPN Rabatt Weihnachten 2017 und Neujahr 2018, Türkei VPN: Ausländische IP-Adressen für die Türkei. Bei der Registrierung ist die Eingabe einer Postleitzahl erforderlich. Regardless of the language that you’re choosing, Sling TV offers a 7-day trial and all the standard Sling TV rules apply. Sling TV Free Trial >> Get it now at Sling, Free At the end of these Zoom-addled, spine-obliterating WFH days, most people just want to turn off their brain and zone out as … Sling unterteilt sämtliche Sender in „Schedule“ und „Available Now“. Wer US-TV in Deutschland streamen möchte, stößt unweigerlich auf das Problem des Geoblocking. You’ll get to skip the commercials, too! Außerdem umfasst es das Regionalprogramm von Mexiko, Südamerika, Spanien und der Karibik. Mithilfe des Dienstes gelingt die Wiedergabe von CNN, NBC, AMC und mehr auch von Deutschland … Außerdem umfasst es das Regionalprogramm von Mexiko, Südamerika, Spanien und der Karibik. Das Sling-Orange-Paket liegt bei US$ 20,–/Monat (umfasst 30 Kanäle). To get up to four streams, go to the My Account page and make sure that the “show me only Sling Blue versions of channels in both services” box is not checked. The supervisor said they can’t give me my refund. the date that is 7 days following account activation. … If you want to watch and enjoy Sling TV on your computer or on some other device, keep on reading for information on how this works. Lecktests für VPNs: Wie sicher ist mein VPN? Die Kündigung können Sie in den Konto-Einstellungen vornehmen. With Sling, it’s easy to stay in touch. *Based on the number of subscribers publicly reported as of March 1, 2018. All Sling TV international packages include 3 free streams, letting your family watch TV on up to three compatible devices at the same time. One per customer. Sling TV is not a TV channel on its own, but it is a service in which lots of TV channels and streams can be found, and in addition, it serves as a streaming service for films and movies. Must provide email address and credit card. Sicherheit/Anonymität beim Hosten der Website, Nutzung illegaler Streaming-Seiten: Konsequenzen, Verschlüsselung und Verschlüsselungssoftware. Sling TV bietet insgesamt 150 verschiedene Sender an, wobei der Nutzer seine Lieblingssender aussuchen und in sein Abonnement integrieren kann. Programming fees are charged monthly in advance and no credits or refunds will be issued for partial or prepaid months after cancellation. Upgrade to 200 hours of storage with DVR Plus for only $5/mo. Android 9.0 TV Box, Pendoo X6 PRO Android TV Box 4GB RAM 32GB ROM, Dual-WiFi 2.4GHz/5GHz Bluetooth Quad Core 64 Bits 3D/4K Full HD/H.265/USB3.0 Android Box 3.9 out of 5 stars 1,796 $50.99 Sling TV display on Roku (Image: Sling TV) Service Optimizer . EPIX® is a registered trademark of Studio 3 Partners LLC. Das Live-Streaming von US-TV-Sendern ist mit einigen Hürden verbunden. Dish Network announced that it will permanently shut down all of Sling Media’s Slingbox services and end support for the devices in two years, at which point they’ll no longer work. ESPN and ESPN2 are registered trademarks of ESPN, Inc. ©Disney. In recent years, Sundance TV has also produced original series like Deutschland 83, The Restaurant, and The Bureau. The service contains many features such as DVR service, simultaneous streams, on-demand content, and an easy-to-use interface. With Sling’s FREE 8-Day Replay, you can watch them whenever you want — as many times as you want — for up to 8 days after they air! Christopher Casper - Chris Casper is a former tech industry product manager who escaped from California for New Mexico. Now, with free Additional Streams, your family can watch Sling on … PLUS, catch amazing highlights on shows like Die Bundesliga and Kick Off! Sling TV $35.00 from Sling Cord cutting — or ditching cable — is all about freeing yourself from the confines of contracts, getting rid of bulky hardware, and, most importantly, saving money.
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