The official Amazon colors are Amazon Orange and black. To preserve the integrity of the Amazon Echo brand, make sure to apply the logo correctly. Die Verwendung des Namens oder der Markenaufbau-Elemente kann Ihnen helfen, Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Do not place the logo on top of a photo without significant negative space. Whenever possible, use the maximum amount of clear space the placement in layout will allow. For the purposes of these Trademark Guidelines, "Marks" means the following trademarks, service marks, service or trade names, logos, product names, or designations of AISPL and its affiliates: (i) the "Powered by Amazon Web Services" logo in the two forms shown below (the "Logo"); and The logo must be no smaller than .375 inches high for print, 30 px for 1x resolution screens, or 60 px for 2x resolution screens. Die folgenden CTAs sind in Marken-Textlinks von Amazon zulässig: Da die Optik und Haptik von Amazon-Schaltflächen ein integraler Aspekt der Gesamtmarke ist, sind sie nicht für die Verwendung als CTA-Aussagen zugelassen. Use a variety of product photos. Der erforderliche vertikale Raum entspricht der Hälfte der Höhe des „o“ oben und unten. No other elements should encroach on the logo’s clear space. MINIMUM SIZE ee e e e e ee AMAZON ECHO ALEXA BRAND GUIDELINES EXTERNAL USE ONLY 12 For details regarding use of the overall AWS brand, please reference the AWS Trademark Guidelines. The Amazon trademarks and logos designated below (the "Amazon Marks") are available for your use in promoting the availability of your mobile app through our store in accordance with the Trademark Guidelines, including these … B. Dogtamer 2016-12-09 23:56:40 UTC #9. For placements on site, usage of the Amazon logo is strongly discouraged. The opacity of the underline and … Der Markenaufbau in Werbeanzeigen muss in angemessener Weise erfolgen, wenn diese auf Amazon und außerhalb von verwendet werden. Are only to be used when there is a conflict using the primary color variations. Das Amazon-Logo darf nicht kleiner als 1 Zoll Breite bei der Druckausgabe oder 72 Pixel auf dem Bildschirm sein. Whether you are using the Smile logo, No Smile logo, or the Amazon lockup, the clear space around the logo does not change. Senden Sie Anfragen auf Genehmigung zusammen mit Anwendungsbeispielen an Ihren Kundenbetreuer. The Amazon Echo logo should not appear smaller than 0.1875", or 14 px, from the baseline to ascender height. Off Amazon Trademark Guidelines These Trademark Guidelines ("Guidelines") apply to your use of our and our affiliates' trademarks and logos that we may make available to you from time to time, including as part of any content you obtain from us (collectively, "Amazon Marks"). ... Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon: 6pm Score deals on fashion brands: AbeBooks Books, art & collectibles: ACX Audiobook Publishing Made Easy: Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web : Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account: Amazon … Please refer to the Trademark Guidelines for more information. Sizes below this height can damage the logo’s integrity. Um beim Kunden Verwechslungen darüber zu vermeiden, was zur Website und was zur Werbung gehört, sind Markenschaltflächen nicht erlaubt (nur Markenschaltflächen des Werbetreibenden oder Amazon-Textlinks).2. The Investor Relations website contains information about, Inc. - Press Room's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. Advertisements should be branded appropriately, when used on and off Außerhalb dieses Zusammenhangs ist die Verwendung von Amazon-Markenbegriffen oder ähnlichen Aussagen nur zulässig, wenn sie ausdrücklich genehmigt wurden.Dies umfasst Folgendes, ist aber nicht darauf beschränkt: The “Subscribe & Shop Now” message could easily be confused with the Amazon Subscribe & Save program. These guidelines include information on making reports to the Legal Department and to an independent third party. Die Verwendung von proprietären Wörtern, Redewendungen, Produkten usw. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below. When the Amazon logo and device logotype with Smile are separated by a frame, panel, or screen (scrolling or sequential). Sizes below this height can damage the logo’s integrity. The clear space is measured by the x-height of the letter ‘e.’. Smile, No-Smile, and Amazon logos. The Amazon Echo logo should not appear smaller than 0.1875 inches, or 14 pixels, from the baseline to ascender height. We require a review of all your creative materials that use the Amazon Prime brand. Do not place the logo within running text. Other than that, you have no right to slap an Amazon logo on anything. For ads promoting movies, TV shows, video games, music titles, and apps, the name of a band, or the title of a TV show, movie, or video game can be treated as … Our three-word product name should always be capitalized and should not be broken up. At smaller sizes (< 20 pt product text size), set price as ¾ x-height for increased legibility. Im Folgenden finden Sie einige Beispiele für Logo-Darstellungen, die nicht erlaubt sind. Der Freiraum basiert auf dem fettgedruckten Buchstaben „o“ im Logo. The logo must be your brand’s registered logo and not of the brand you are promoting, unless you have the legal right to use the promoted brands logo. These guidelines do not include guidelines for use of non-APN specific trademarks such as the Amazon Web Services trademarks, which can be found online. The text is set in Amazon Ember Light and should be center aligned as shown. Amazon Site Standards for Product Images. 1. How to set up and use Amazon Posts. Any uses of the Alexa badges, logos, or symbols outside of the Program are prohibited. Verbiage in the call-to-action button is incorrect. © 2010 - 2021,, Inc. or its affiliates. Für den Fall, dass das Logo in einer Co-Branding-Kampagne verwendet wird, muss die Verwendung den unten aufgeführten Standards entsprechen. All Rights Reserved. The Login with Amazon button should be placed wherever a login is offered on your site or app. „Ein-Klick-Installation“). Amazon recommends keeping CTAs no longer than 30 characters and focusing on making it as short as possible. Produktbilder dürfen nicht von Google oder einer anderen Suchmaschinen-Website heruntergeladen werden. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. You must include the following statement in any materials that include the AWS Marks: “Amazon Web Services, the “Powered by AWS” logo, [and name any other AWS Marks used in such materials] are trademarks of, Inc. or … For images named by product identifier without a variant code or named with the MAIN variant, and display as the main image on the product detail page, Amazon maintains the following site product image standards: The image must be the cover art or a professional photograph of the product being sold. Ad placements intended for Amazon DSP should feature the Amazon logo or the appropriate text link CTA … Attribution. Branding On And Off Amazon. Use of the Amazon Device Brand trademarks are subject to the Trademark Guidelines found here . Altering, distorting, or redrawing the logo in any way weakens the power of the image and could create customer confusion. Die Marke ist jedoch einer unserer wertvollsten Unternehmenswerte. Please see the reporting guidelines for information and instructions. Alle verwendeten Bilder müssen sich im Besitz des Werbetreibenden befinden oder vor dem Start der Kampagne für die Verwendung in der Anzeigeneinheit freigegeben werden. B. Any use of Amazon brand assets must comply with all of the applicable requirements detailed in this guide. On Amazon Das gesamte Material muss im Voraus zur Genehmigung durch Amazon gemäß unseren Werberichtlinien an Amazon übermittelt werden. Verwenden Sie das Logo nie ohne das Lächeln. Dies umfasst Folgendes, ist aber nicht darauf beschränkt: Weitere Richtlinien zu technischen Spezifikationen, berechtigten Anzeigeneinheiten, Typen von Werbetreibenden und mehr finden Sie unter: technische Richtlinien. We do not generally allow third parties to use our logos directly on their hardware. The following pages provide rules for their usage based on context and region. AWS Activate Logo Guidelines. As we already mentioned, only brands enrolled in Brand Registry with an active Amazon store are eligible Amazon Posts. Always type out the product name using initial caps. The AWS Activate Logo Guidelines below are intended for use by eligible companies that participate in the AWS Activate Offering (“AWS Activate”) and wish to use logo (s) that AWS makes available in connection with AWS Activate (“AWS Activate Logos”). "Product" in the modifier below must be the name of the Amazon product (e.g. The current status of the logo is active, which means the logo is currently in use. Horizontal space required is the full width of the ‘o’ on either side. These guidelines are intended only for members of the Amazon Developer Program. When adding a modifier to an Echo product logo, ensure that the height matches the x-height of the logo (from the base to the top of a lowercase letter) and that the spacing is consistent throughout. Bei Platzierungen auf der Website wird von der Verwendung des Amazon-Logos dringend abgeraten. PR, business leadership, legal, and trademarks must approve of such uses, and such approvals should be obtained several weeks prior to any logos being printed on physical hardware. Amazon Incentives - Prime Brand Guidelines The Amazon Prime brand is one of our most valuable company assets. Clear space is based upon the bold letter ‘o’ in the logo. These Program Content Guidelines ("Guidelines") are part of the Operational Documentation incorporated into the Participation Agreement that governs your participation in the Program.The Guidelines apply to your use of our and our affiliates' trademarks and logos that we may make available to you from time to time, including as part of any content you obtain from us (collectively, "Amazon … Off Amazon Nach schriftlicher Genehmigung erlauben wir unseren Werbetreibenden, Amazon-Markenaufbau-Elemente innerhalb der im folgenden Dokument beschriebenen Anforderungen zu verwenden. This includes where you sign up new customers as well as the login prompt for existing customers (for example, during checkout). It is the second instance of the device logotype usage where the first instance features a lockup with the Amazon logo. Overview. The Amazon logo and device logotype are not separated by a frame, panel, or screen (scrolling or sequential). Price is set in Amazon Ember Light with the cents set as a superscript ½ the height of the dollar amount. If you comply with the Guidelines, you do not need any further approval from Amazon to use the Badge. Creative may not use Amazon branded buttons unless expressly approved by Amazon. This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu.The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. We recommend using the Amazon color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The Amazon Echo logo should not appear smaller than 0.1875 inches, or 14 pixels, from the baseline to ascender height. Download the vector logo of the Amazon brand designed by in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format. Echo Show 8). CTAs should be displayed in the font ‘Frutiger 57 Condensed’ at 11.5 point for small adverts and ‘Frutiger 67 Condensed’ at 14 point for large adverts. Color: The CTA can be any color as long as – 1) all elements within the CTA (arrow, text and underline) use the same base color, 2) the CTA complements the promotional graphic it is used in, and 3) it stands out enough to be seen. Angesichts der zunehmenden Gewalt in den USA möchten wir von Amazon Advertising deutlich machen, dass wir fest hinter allen Asiaten, Amerikanern asiatischer Herkunft und pazifischen Inselbewohnern stehen. Vertical space required is half the height of the ‘o’ above and below... Amazon corporate colors are Black and Amazon Orange (see colors below). Only companies that are explicitly authorized in writing by AWS to use the AWS Activate Logo (“AWS Activate Logo … The Trademark Usage Guidelines posted here (the “Guidelines”) apply to Advertiser’s use of the Amazon trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos or designs as provided by Amazon to Advertiser (the “Amazon Marks”) in materials that have been approved in advance by Amazon. Der notwendige horizontale Raum entspricht der gesamten Breite des „o“ auf beiden Seiten. >Shop now at AMAZON.COM>Shop now at Amazon color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex Bitte senden Sie Anfragen zur Genehmigung zusammen mit Anwendungsbeispielen an Ihr Kundenteam. Step 2: Click on “Get Started.” Broadcast and print assets must always have the attribution. Here’s how sellers with these qualifications can get started. Unspezifische oder ungenaue CTAs sind nicht zulässig. Alle, einschließlich Amazon-Produkte wie Kindle, müssen von Amazon genehmigt werden, und Produkte von Nicht-Amazon-Händlern, die nicht dem Werbetreibenden gehören, müssen ebenfalls von dem Unternehmen freigegeben werden, das die Rechte besitzt. Verwenden Sie keine Farben, die nicht genehmigt sind. Ändern Sie nicht Proportion oder Farbe des Logo-Artworks. Step 1: Visit and sign in using your existing Amazon account credentials. If you are describing the gift card value, display the dollar amount first: “$XX Gift Card”. Wir wollen zum Aufbau eines Landes und einer Welt beitragen, in der jeder würdevoll und frei von Angst leben kann. The Amazon logo is strongly discouraged when the advertising placement is on the Amazon site. These Trademark Guidelines are Program Policies for all purposes under the App Distribution and Services Agreement (the "Distribution Agreement" ). Brand logos must: Fill the entire image or be on a white or transparent background. Amazon Developers Services Portal Terms of Use. The Legal Department has developed and maintains reporting guidelines for employees who wish to report violations of the Code of Conduct. There are three Amazon Echo logos for use in Amazon first-party creative. First and foremost is that "FCAs," or … Do not place the logo on a background without significant contrast or unapproved colors. Use the AWS Logo to show: 1) that my solution supports AWS, 2) that AWS is a cloud services provider my organization works with, or 3) how my solution works with AWS: x : Ensure that my approved co-branded campaign or activity aligns with AWS messaging guidelines: x: x Minimum Size. When there’s no explicit Amazon branding present. Find amazon logo stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. The Amazon Logo Colors with Hex & RGB Codes has 2 colors which are Vivid Gamboge (#FF9900) and Black (#000000).. Weitere Informationen zu den restlichen Amazon-Logos finden Sie hier. Sizes below this height can damage the logo’s integrity. Certain badges for Amazon devices and services are made available only through our Developer Program , which you can qualify to use by joining and meeting all requirements of the Program.Please also refer to the brand book and/or marketing guidance provided by your Amazon … If you are using an Amazon Echo product logo within six months of its launch, you may add an “all-new” claim to the logo. „Gold Box Deal Of The Day“), erfordert aber die Genehmigung von Amazon. Die Symbole und Website-Elemente der Amazon-Familie dürfen nicht in Werbeanzeigen verwendet werden, es sei denn, es wurde ausdrücklich von Amazon genehmigt. Die Verwendung des Amazon-Logos muss in allen Fällen genehmigt werden. von Amazon, die direkt an Amazon-Funktionen oder -Elementen gebunden sind, ist erlaubt (z. Incorrect Logo Usage If the logo is not able to be placed on a white or light-colored background, the logo may appear reversed out of an Echo Blue or Squid Ink background. You not alter the Badge in … Unless there are space constraints, all assets that use these logos must include the following attribution: "Amazon, Echo, Alexa, and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates." "We," "us," or "our" means Amazon Seller Services Private Ltd or any of its affiliate companies, as the case may be. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. Do not use the logo as part of a sentence. It is your job to use product photos on your Amazon listing that give … The Guidelines include requirements that: You use the Badge only to advertise that your products are available for purchase on an Amazon website. If an ad features both your brand name or logo and an Amazon logo, your brand name or logo must be the largest and most prominent. When referring to a portfolio of products or the brand in general. Stellen Sie eine Beziehung zu Käufern her, Werbung und Datenschutz-Grundverordnung der EU, Werbung und das brasilianische Datenschutzgesetz, Richtlinien für Amazon Advertising und Annahmerichtlinien, Richtlinien für die Nutzung von Amazon-Markenbezeichnungen, Zusätzliche Richtlinien für die Amazon DSP, Genehmigte Anzeigenserver und Technologie von Drittanbietern, Richtlinien für Buchwerbung und Annahmerichtlinien, Durchlaufzeiten für das Einreichen von Anzeigen, Inhaltsrichtlinien und Annahmerichtlinien für Posts, Anforderungen an Pixel für Weitervermarktung und Conversion, Richtlinien für gesponserte Anzeigen und Annahmerichtlinien, Zusätzliche Richtlinien für gesponserte Anzeigen, Richtlinien für Sponsored Display-Werbung und Annahmerichtlinien, Inhaltsrichtlinien und Annahmerichtlinien für Stores, Richtlinien für Werbung auf Twitch und Annahmerichtlinien, Ähnliche Redewendungen (z. Kindle Logo Guidelines. More than one device logotype appears on the same frame, panel, or screen. In order to preserve legibility do not scale the Alexa Smile logo smaller than the sizes recommended. Amazon should always be in title case (all capitals or lowercase is not allowed). Ändern Sie das bereitgestellte Design nicht und erstellen Sie es nicht neu. Remove decimal point from price. Amazon Product logos (Dot, Plus, Spot, Connect, etc.) Amazon has a set of guidelines for what those employees can and cannot say, and even offers examples of how to respond. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Schichten Sie keine anderen Inhalte darüber oder darunter. “at” should always be used vs. “on” Offsite static ads that link in to Amazon, should clearly display the Amazon logo or the appropriate text link CTA. Daher benötigen wir eine vorherige Überprüfung des Anzeigenmaterials. Die Ausnahme hiervon ist die Verwendung von Schaltflächen der Marke Amazon in eCommerce-Anzeigen wie „In den Einkaufswagen“, „Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen“, „Jetzt einkaufen und „Clip Coupon“. Anzeigenplatzierungen, die für Amazon DSP vorgesehen sind, müssen beim Verlinken mit Amazon das Amazon-Logo oder den entsprechenden Textlink-CTA enthalten. With our approval, Amazon Incentives clients may use the Prime name or logo in a limited capacity within the requirements outlined on this website. Adding Login with Amazon buttons on your site. Alle Werbebilder unterliegen der Genehmigung durch Amazon. Center the price under the logo when used as part of a lock up. Setzen Sie das Logo nicht auf einen gemusterten Hintergrund. Die Logos der Amazon-Familie sind nur in Anzeigen zulässig, wenn sie ausdrücklich von Amazon genehmigt wurden. It is not a “gift certificate” or “e-gift card”.
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