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Every time a German opens his mouth an also falls out; and every time he shuts it he bites one in two that was trying to get out. Tach Allerseits, vielleicht gibt es Kollegen, die diese Liebeserklärung an die deutsche Sprache noch nicht kennen. A little learning makes the whole world kin.— Proverbs xxxii, 7. With our advanced file filters, unlimited language and advanced file support, memoQ translator pro has been designed for translators and reviewers who work on their own, with other translators or in team-based translation projects. -- Proverbs xxxii, 7. Download Free The Awful German Language Die Schreckliche Deutsche Sprache Mark Twain The Awful German Language Die Schreckliche Deutsche Sprache Mark Twain When somebody should go to the ebook stores, search initiation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is essentially problematic. Yes, Rechtsschutzversicherungsunternehmen is a ridiculous word, but acco “The spraxhe German language” Seing that German is my third language, I thoroughly enjoyed this. Buy Die schreckliche Deutsche Sprache by Twain, Mark (ISBN: 9783925817656) from Amazon's Book Store. My philological studies have satisfied me that a gifted person ought to learn English (barring spelling and pronouncing) in thirty hours, French in thirty days, and German in thirty years. Mark Twain schildert sehr humorvoll, wie schwer es für anderssprachige Menschen ist, die deutsche Sprache zu lernen und zu verstehen. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art, he would also have known that it would break any collector to buy it. Getting the books the awful german language die schreckliche deutsche sprache mark twain now is not type of inspiring means. It seems manifest, then, that the latter tongue ought to be trimmed down and repaired. I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German. These things are called “separable verbs.” The German grammar is blistered all over with separable verbs; and the wider the two portions of one of them are spread apart, the better the author of the crime is pleased with his performance. For instance, if one is casually referring to a house, Haus, or a horse, Pferd, or a dog,Hund, he spells these words as I have indicated; but if he is referring to them in the Dative case, he sticks on a foolish and unnecessary e and spells them Hause, Pferde, Hunde. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Die schreckliche deutsche Sprache oder auch Die Schrecken der deutschen Sprache[1] ist ein kurzer humoristisch-satirischer Essay des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Mark Twain aus dem Jahre 1880. The Awful German Language A little learning makes the whole world kin.— Proverbs xxxii, 7.I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German. Feb 03, Miguel rated it really liked it. It has ceased from its Sufferings, it has gone to a better Land; all that is left of it for its loved Ones to lament over, is this poor smoldering Ash-heap. Das englische Original wurde zuerst in der Anthologie A Tramp Abroad als Annex D veröffentlicht. I spoke entirely in that language. In the interest of science, I will cipher it out on the hypothesis that it is masculine. There are ten parts of speech, and they are all troublesome. Repetition may be bad, but surely inexactness is worse. I consider this capitalizing of nouns a good idea, because by reason of it you are almost always able to tell a noun the minute you see it. Buy the selected items together This item: Twain doesn’t just complain about the absurdity of some of German language’s aspects, he also offers suggestions for its improvement. [1]. Sent from and sold by Amazon. We used to have a good deal of this sort of crime in our literature, but it has gone out now. The inventor of the language seems to have taken pleasure in complicating it in every way he could think of. This would simplify the language. The creators will not be held accountable for any … The Germans do not seem to be afraid to repeat a word when it is the right one. Or would not a consumptive feel too much bundled up, who was about to go out, in a shirt-collar and a seal-ring, into a storm which the bird-song word Gewitter was employed to describe? You can hang any word you please to its tail, and make it mean anything you want to. Observe these examples: These things are not words, they are alphabetical processions. And they are not rare; one can open a German newspaper at any time and see them marching majestically across the page — and if he has any imagination he can see the banners and hear the music, too. There is no other way. Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: It’s more like an essay, but you’ll miss so very much of the humor in this brilliant read if you haven’t TRULY attempted to master the language. For instance, there is a word which means a runaway, or the act of glancing through a book, according to the placing of the emphasis; and another word which signifies to associate with a man, or to avoid him, according to where you put the emphasis — and you can generally depend on putting it in the wrong place and getting into trouble. When we wish to speak of our “good friend or friends,” in our enlightened tongue, we stick to the one form and have no trouble or hard feeling about it; but with the German tongue it is different. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Probably not worth the bother, though, if you’ve not attempted this process, because it focuses–hilariously– on the despair of such a daunting undertaking. When the fire to the onthedownburninghouseresting Stork’s Nest reached, flew the parent Storks away. Our descriptive words of this character have such a deep, strong, resonant sound, while their German equivalents do seem so thin and mild and energyless. O, horror, the Lightning has struck the Fish-basket; he sets him on Fire; see the Flame, how she licks the doomed Utensil with her red and angry Tongue; now she attacks the helpless Fishwife’s Foot — she burns him up, all but the big Toe, and even she is partly consumed; and still she spreads, still she waves her fiery Tongues; she attacks the Fishwife’s Leg and destroys it; she attacks its Hand and destroys her also; she attacks the Fishwife’s Leg and destroys her also; she attacks its Body and consumes him; she wreathes herself about its Heart and it is consumed; next about its Breast, and in a Moment she is a Cinder; now she reaches its Neck — he goes; now its Chin — it goes; now its Nose — she goes. Even a jury would have penetration enough to discover that. July 1. Thirdly, I would import some strong words from the English tongue — to swear with, and also to use in describing all sorts of vigorous things in a vigorous ways. Yeah, every day someone create a new compound and you can never look them up in the dictionary but theiy’re so typisch Deutsch. Personal pronouns and adjectives are a fruitful nuisance in this language, and should have been left out. Having pointed out, in detail, the several vices of this language, I now come to the brief and pleasant task of pointing out its virtues. It is as bad as Latin. Die schreckliche deutsche Sprache /The Awful German Language by Mark Twain, 9783868200393, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Now, by the above dissection, the reader will see that in Germany a man may think he is a man, but when he comes to look into the matter closely, he is bound to have his doubts; he finds that in sober truth he is a most ridiculous mixture; and if he ends by trying to comfort himself with the thought that he can at least depend on a third of this mess as being manly and masculine, the humiliating second thought will quickly remind him that in this respect he is no better off than any woman or cow in the land. — In the hospital yesterday, a word of thirteen syllables was successfully removed from a patient — a North German from near Hamburg; but as most unfortunately the surgeons had opened him in the wrong place, under the impression that he contained a panorama, he died. For instance, there is the word vermiethen (to let, to lease, to hire); and the word verheirathen(another way of saying to marry). Let him talk right along, fearlessly; let him pour his indifferent German forth, and when he lacks for a word, let him heave a Schlag into the vacuum; all the chances are that it fits it like a plug, but if it doesn’t let him promptly heave a Zug after it; the two together can hardly fail to bung the hole; but if, by a miracle, they should fail, let him simply say also! They think our ladies have the same custom, perhaps; for I once heard a gentle and lovely old German lady say to a sweet young American girl: “The two languages are so alike — how pleasant that is; we say `Ach! These are perhaps all I could be expected to name for nothing; but there are other suggestions which I can and will make in case my proposed application shall result in my being formally employed by the government in the work of reforming the language. We used to speak of a things as a “never-to-be-forgotten” circumstance, instead of cramping it into the simple and sufficient word “memorable” and then going calmly about our business as if nothing had happened. German books are easy enough to read when you hold them before the looking-glass or stand on your head — so as to reverse the construction — but I think that to learn to read and understand a German newspaper is a thing which must always remain an impossibility to a foreigner. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I have heard of an American student who was asked how he was getting along with his German, and who answered promptly: “I am not getting along at all. He was greatly interested; and after I had talked a while he said… Very well, I am ready to reform it. Seventhly, I would discard the Parenthesis. Then you blandly sayalso, and load up again. But mainly, think of the exasperation of never knowing which of these meanings the speaker is trying to convey. — troublesome? I capitalize the nouns, in the German (and ancient English) fashion. Would any man want to die in a battle which was called by so tame a term as a Schlacht? Harris and I had been hard at work on our German during several weeks at that time, and although we had made good progress, it had been accomplished under great difficulty and annoyance, for three of our teachers had died in the mean time. The sad event has cast a gloom over the whole community. There are lots of such words and they are a great torment. Now observe the Adjective. And it is right, because these long things are hardly legitimate words, but are rather combinations of words, and the inventor of them ought to have been killed. It is so in our tongue, and it is notably the case in the German. In the German it is true that by some oversight of the inventor of the language, a Woman is a female; but a Wife (Weib) is not — which is unfortunate. It sounds about as wicked as our “My gracious.” German ladies are constantly saying, “Ach! Schlag, for example; and Zug. Write a customer review. That is manifestly absurd. Difficult? I am not that kind of person. Let us take him up tenderly, reverently, upon the lowly Shovel, and bear him to his long Rest, with the Prayer that when he rises again it will be a Realm where he will have one good square responsible Sex, and have it all to himself, instead of having a mangy lot of assorted Sexes scattered all over him in Spots. There’s a problem loading this menu at the moment. Reviewing applications can be fun and only takes a few minutes. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Credit offered by NewDay Ltd, over 18s only, subject to status. I translated a passage one day, which said that “the infuriated tigress broke loose and utterly ate up the unfortunate fir forest” (Tannenwald). And eighthly, and last, I would retain Zug and Schlag, with their pendants, and discard the rest of the vocabulary. Buy Die Schreckliche Deutsche Sprache the a by Twain, Mark (ISBN: 8601416185408) from Amazon's Book Store. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I heard a Californian student in Heidelberg say, in one of his calmest moods, that he would rather decline two drinks than one German adjective. Discover Prime Book Box for Kids. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Nothing gives such an air of grace and elegance and unconstraint to a German or an English conversation as to scatter it full of “Also’s” or “You knows.”. Der bekannte Autor Mark Twain hielt diese kurze humoristische Rede „Die Schrecken der deutschen Sprache“ am 21.November 1897 vor dem Presse-Club in Wien - und er sprach dabei Deutsch!. Of course no bird would do that, but then you must stick to the book. German names almost always do mean something, and this helps to deceive the student. Now here is a sentence from a popular and excellent German novel — which a slight parenthesis in it. Tach Allerseits, vielleicht gibt es Kollegen, die diese Liebeserklärung an die deutsche Sprache noch nicht kennen. I have worked at it hard for three level months, and all I have got to show for it is one solitary German phrase — `Zwei Glas‘” (two glasses of beer). We have the Parenthesis disease in our literature, too; and one may see cases of it every day in our books and newspapers: but with us it is the mark and sign of an unpracticed writer or a cloudy intellect, whereas with the Germans it is doubtless the mark and sign of a practiced pen and of the presence of that sort of luminous intellectual fog which stands for clearness among these people. Ah, woeful, woeful Ash-heap! It will very squander the time. “Freundschaftsbezeigungen” seems to be “Friendship demonstrations,” which is only a foolish and clumsy way of saying “demonstrations of friendship.” “Unabhaengigkeitserklaerungen” seems to be “Independencedeclarations,” which is no improvement upon “Declarations of Independence,” so far as I can see. A writer’s ideas must be a good deal confused, a good deal out of line and sequence, when he starts out to say that a man met a counselor’s wife in the street, and then right in the midst of this so simple undertaking halts these approaching people and makes them stand still until he jots down an inventory of the woman’s dress. Hear the Rain, how he pours, and the Hail, how he rattles; and see the Snow, how he drifts along, and of the Mud, how deep he is! Er schlug seine ganz eigene Reform der Sprache vor und läßt diejenigen, die diese Sprache lieben, aber ihre Fallstricke kennen, mehrfach laut auflachen. Joy, joy, with flying Feet the she-Englishwoman comes! You could not isolated going subsequent to books accretion or library or borrowing from your friends to gate them. This is the shape it takes: instead of saying “Mr. I take a great interest in these curiosities. “The Awful German Language” is an essay by Mark Twain published as Appendix D in A On October 31, , Twain delivered a lecture titled “Die Schrecken der deutschen Sprache” (“The Horrors of the German Language” in English). You might not require more times to spend to go to the book start as competently as search for them. Now there are more adjectives in this language than there are black cats in Switzerland, and they must all be as elaborately declined as the examples above suggested.

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