In his 1991 book Geschichtsdenken im 20. Ebenfalls in der Sezession schrieb er 2012 in Bezug auf Juden von einer angeblichen „antiwissenschaftlichen Ungleichbehandlung eines welthistorischen und in aller Differenzierung sehr aktiven Volkes […], das aus inneren und äußeren Gründen auf der Ausschließlichkeit seines Opferstatus zu beharren scheint“.[24]. 130–149 from, Kulka, Otto Dov "Singularity and Its Relativization: Changing Views in German Historiography on National Socialism and the `Final Solution'" pp. There is no evidence to support Nolte's speculation that the ethnic Germans in Poland would have been entirely exterminated had the Nazis not completed their invasion quickly. [66], In an essay first published in Die Zeit on September 26, 1986, the historian Jürgen Kocka argued against Nolte that the Holocaust was indeed a “singular” event because it had been committed by an advanced Western nation, and argued that Nolte's comparisons of the Holocaust with similar mass killings in Pol Pot's Cambodia, Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union, and Idi Amin's Uganda were invalid because of the backward nature of those societies. Ernst Nolte - Ein Deutscher Streitfall - YouTube. Faceted Browser ; Sparql Endpoint ; Browse using . 584–606 from, “Zur Phänomenologie des Faschismus” pp. Pol Pot, the rat torture, and the fate of the Armenians are all extraneous to any serious discussion of Nazism; Mussolini’s Italy is not. [19] Anfang Februar 1994 verhinderten etwa 30 „Demonstranten“ einen geplanten Vortrag Noltes über das Thema „Nietzsche und die Gegenwart“ im Gebäude der katholischen Studentengemeinde in Friedrichshain und attackierten Nolte mit Schlägen und Tränengas. Er führte aus, dass auch die Tätigkeit sowjetischer Partisanen hinter der Front als Reaktion den Massenmord an den Juden provoziert hätte. Ernst Nolte wiki ionformation include family relationships: spouse or partner (wife or husband); siblings; childen/kids; parents life. Sein Sohn ist der Berliner Völkerrechtsprofessor Georg Nolte, seine Tochter die Journalistin und Schriftstellerin Dorothee Nolte. 285–301 from, Kitchen, Martin "Ernst Nolte And The Phenomenology Of Fascism" pp. [44] A common line of criticism was that Nazi crimes, above all the Holocaust, were singular and unique in their nature, and should not be loosely analogized to the crimes of others. [29], Nolte ended Deutschland und der kalte Krieg with a call for Germans to escape their fate as the world's foremost battleground for the rival ideologies of American democracy and Soviet communism by returning to the values of the Second Reich. 1–11 from, “The Relationship Between "Bourgeois" And "Marxist" Historiography” pp. [30] Likewise, Nolte called for the end of what he regarded as the unfair stigma attached to German nationalism because of National Socialism, and demanded that historians recognize that every country in the world had at some point in its history had "its own Hitler era, with its monstrosities and sacrifices".[30]. [5][6] From 1944 onwards, Nolte was a close friend of the Heidegger family, and when in 1945 the professor feared arrest by the French, Nolte provided him with food and clothing for an attempted escape. Nolte lobte seinen Text als „wichtig“, auch wenn er ihn nicht als wissenschaftlich bezeichnen mochte. Dazu billigte Nolte Hitler zu, eine „bemerkenswerte Kenntnis des Alten Testaments“ gehabt zu haben – Gedankengänge, die in der Presse als Beleg des „wissenschaftlichen Niedergangs“ Noltes bewertet wurden. Citing Mein Kampf, Evans argued that Hitler was an anti-Semite long before 1914 and that it was the SPD (the moderate left), not the Bolsheviks, whom Hitler regarded as his main enemies. [12], In den Jahren nach dem Höhepunkt des Historikerstreits wurde Nolte unter Historikern zunehmend isoliert. In response to Wehler's book, Geiss later published a book entitled Der Hysterikerstreit. Paul Nolte (* 28. Nolte’s major interest is the comparative studies of fascism and communism (cf. [26] Im November 2011 erhielt er den von der Förderstiftung Konservative Bildung und Forschung und der Wochenzeitung Junge Freiheit verliehenen Gerhard-Löwenthal-Ehrenpreis für Publizistik 2011. August 2016 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Historiker und Philosoph. From a fear of the Bolsheviks’ Asiatic will to annihilate, Hitler himself committed an “Asiatic deed”. Seine Antwort auf die Frage, was den Nationalsozialismus ausgelöst hatte, löste 1986 den Historikerstreit aus. All this does not stop Klaus Hildebrand in the Historische Zeitschrift from commending Nolte’s “pioneering essay”, because it “attempts to project exactly the seemingly unique aspects of the history of the Third Reich onto the backdrop of the European and global development". [17] Als einziger Fachwissenschaftler von Rang tat Nolte den Leuchter-Report von 1988 nicht als pseudowissenschaftliche Geschichtsfälschung ab. Ernst Nolte starb im Alter von 93 Jahren nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit. Er ist Präsident der Evangelischen Akademie zu Berlin. [83] Elie Wiesel called Nolte, together with Klaus Hildebrand, Andreas Hillgruber, and Michael Stürmer, one of the “four bandits” of German historiography. The Quarrel of the German Historians" pp. He was previously a professor at the University of Marburg from 1965 to 1973. Nolte’s positive review of The Holocaust Industry may have been related to Finkelstein’s endorsement in his book of Nolte’s demand, first made during the Historikerstreit, for the “normalization” of the German past[99], In a 2004 book review of Richard Overy's monograph The Dictators, the American historian Anne Applebaum argued that it was a valid intellectual exercise to compare the German and the Soviet dictatorships, but she complained that Nolte's arguments had needlessly discredited the comparative approach. [90] Nolte's defenders have pointed to numerous statements on his part condemning Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. [93], Nolte often contributed Feuilleton (opinion pieces) to German newspapers such as Die Welt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Juni 1986, auf den Jürgen Habermas in der Zeit publizistisch reagierte, löste den sogenannten Historikerstreit aus. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind osteuropäische Geschichte, insbesondere Russlands und der UdSSR sowie Weltgeschichte. Victor Farias' Buch ", "Das Vor-Urteil als "Strenge Wissenschaft." Antisemitismus bei den ‚Identitären‘.“ In: Judith Goetz, Joseph Maria Sedlacek, Alexander Winkler (Hrsg. [87] Grab accused Nolte of ignoring the economic impoverishment and total lack of civil rights that the Jewish community in Germany lived under in 1939. Nach der – an Max Weber angelehnten – typologischen Methode werden als allgemeine Merkmale des Faschismus Antimarxismus, Antiliberalismus, Nationalismus, Gewalt und Propaganda ermittelt, wobei Nolte selbst auf die Grenzen dieses Verfahrens verweist, da Rassismus oder Antisemitismus hier keine definitorische Rolle spielen. [79], Perhaps the most extreme response to Nolte's thesis occurred on 9 February 1988, when his car was burned by leftist extremists in Berlin. Angefangen bei der Doktorarbeit bis hin zur Gesellschaftsgeschichte, die nicht nur eine Emanzipation vom Lehrbetrieb bedeutete, sondern im weiteren Verlauf auch eine zunehmende Fokussierung auf Weber, wie Nolte … In particular, controversy centered on an argument of Nolte's 1985 essay “Between Myth and Revisionism” from the book Aspects of the Third Reich, first published in German as "Die negative Lebendigkeit des Dritten Reiches" ("The Negative Vitality of the Third Reich") as an opinion piece in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 24 July 1980, but which did not attract widespread attention until 1986 when Jürgen Habermas criticized the essay in a feuilleton piece. japanische Sängerin und Schauspielerin 1968: … Sezession Im Netz Blog-Archiv Ernst Nolte Wird Heute 90. Das neue Buch gebe Nolte „Gelegenheit, seine alten Theorien zu wiederholen“. Directed by Andreas Christoph Schmidt. 74–78 from, Eley, Geoff "Nazism, Politics and the Image of the Past: Thoughts on the West German, Friedländer, Saul "West Germany and the Burden of the Past: The Ongoing Debate" pp. Was the Bolshevik murder of an entire class not the logical and factual prius of the "racial murder" of National Socialism? Media in category "Hans-Heinrich Nolte" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Er machte 1941 sein Abitur und begann sogleich ein Studium der Philosophie, Germanistik und der Altphilologie an den Universitäten Münster, Berlin und Freiburg im Breisgau. 95–98 from, Soutou, Georges-Henri “La "Querelle Des Historiens" Allemands: Polemique, Histoire Et Identite Nationale” pp. Ein Beitrag Noltes in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (FAZ) vom 6. Insbesondere seine Studien zum europäischen Faschismus, die er in den 1960er Jahren vorlegte, waren einflussreich. Insbesondere seine Studien zum europäischen Faschismus, die er in den 1960er Jahren vorlegte, waren einflussreich. [9] The German historian Jen-Werner Müller wrote that Nolte "almost single-handedly" brought down the totalitarianism paradigm in the 1960s and replaced it with the fascism paradigm. Nolte has always vehemently denied these charges, and has insisted that he is a neo-liberal in his politics. See more ideas about history, history boys, chernobyl today. 1076–1088 from, Shlaes, Amity "More History" pp. Nolte was born in Witten, Westphalia, Germany to a Roman Catholic family. [39] Nolte took the view that the principal problem of German history was this “negative myth” of the Third Reich, which cast the Nazi era as the ne plus ultra of evil.[40]. [8] In Nolte's opinion, only those with training in philosophy can discover the "metapolitical dimension", and those who use normal historical methods miss this dimension of time. [98], In August 2000, Nolte wrote a favorable review in the Die Woche newspaper of Norman Finkelstein’s book The Holocaust Industry, claiming Finkelstein’s book buttressed his claim that the memory of the Holocaust had been used by Jewish groups for their own reasons. 80–112 from, Maier, Charles "Immoral Equivalence" pp. [2] Nach dem Studienabschluss 1945 ging er in den Schuldienst an Gymnasien, wo er die Fächer Deutsch, Latein und Griechisch unterrichtete. deutscher Schriftsteller 1927: Herbert Aulich, deutscher Maler, Grafiker und Objektkünstler 1927: Ignatz Bubis, deutscher Kaufmann und Politiker, Vorsitzender 13. Ernst Nolte wurde 1923 in die Familie eines katholischen Volksschulrektors in Witten an der Ruhr geboren. Ein unpolemischer Essay (The Hysterical Dispute: An Unpolemical Essay) in which he largely defended Nolte against Wehler's criticisms. [97] In his acceptance speech, Nolte commented, "We should leave behind the view that the opposite of National Socialist goals is always good and right", while suggesting that excessive "Jewish" support for communism furnished the Nazis with "rational reasons" for their anti-Semitism. Nazi genocide was only a copy of Soviet genocide, and thus can in no way be considered unique. He expressed regret that he would not have enough time for a full study of Islamic fascism[102] In the same interview, Nolte said that he could not forgive Augstein for calling Hillgruber a "constitutional Nazi" during the Historikerstreit and claimed that Wehler had helped to hound Hillgruber to his death in 1989. [27] 2012 erhielt Nolte „für sein umfangreiches wissenschaftliches und geschichtsphilosophisches Gesamtwerk“ den Historiker-Preis der Erich und Erna Kronauer-Stiftung,[28] deren Kuratorium er angehörte. Intervista ad Ernst Nolte", Le Lettere, 2008, Landkammer, Joachim “Nazionalsocialismo e Bolscevismo tra universalismo e particolarismo” pp. 100 1 _ ‡a Nolte, Ernst, ‡d 1923-2016 100 1 _ ‡a Nolte, Ernst, ‡d 1923-2016. Nolte's conclusion was that fascism was the great anti-movement: it was anti-liberal, anti-communist, anti-capitalist, and anti-bourgeois. Fascism and Communism offers readers the rare opportunity to witness and learn from a confrontation between two of the world's most distinguished historians over one of the most serious subjects of our time. By ‘monotheism’ and ‘anti-nature’ he did not imply a political process: he related these terms to the tradition of Western philosophy and religion, and left no doubt that for him they were not only adjuncts of Rousseau's notion of liberty, but also of the Christian Gospels and Parmenides' concept of being. Ernst Nolte ist ein deutscher Historiker und Philosoph. Nolte called the Federal Republic "a state born of contemporary history, a product of catastrophe erected to overcome catastrophe"[95] In a Feuilleton piece published in Die Welt entitled “Auschwitz als Argument in der Geschichtstheorie” (Auschwitz as An Argument in Historical Theory) on 2 January 1999, Nolte criticized his old opponent Richard J. Evans for his book In The Defence of History, on the grounds that aspects of the Holocaust are open to revision and so Evans’s attacks on Nolte during the Historikerstreit had been unwarranted. 33–34, 42–43, 56, 82–83, 184–85, Maier, Charles "Immoral Equivalence" pp. [81], Anson Rabinbach accused Nolte of attempting to erase German guilt for the Holocaust. [28] In Nolte's view, the division of Germany made that nation the world's central battlefield between Soviet communism and American democracy, both of which were rival streams of the "transcendence" that had vanquished the Third Reich, the ultimate enemy of "transcendence". Did Auschwitz in its root causes not originate in a past that would not pass? 14–25 from V, This page was last edited on 18 February 2021, at 12:50. [22] In diesem Buch stellte Nolte auch die These auf, eine sogenannte „Okzidentose“ bedrohe „den ganzen Islam von innen“ und habe „viel mit dem Wirken der Juden innerhalb der angeblich christlichen Kultur zu tun“. 285–304 from, Sternhell, Zeev "Fascist Ideology" pp. Seine Antwort auf die Frage, was den Nationalsozialismus ausgelöst hatte, löste 1986 den Historikerstreit aus. Ernst Nolte ist ein deutscher Historiker und Philosoph. [13] The American historian Fritz Stern wrote that The Three Faces of Fascism was an "uneven book" that was "weak" on Action Française, "strong" on Fascism and "masterly" on National Socialism.[25]. [16], In seinem Werk Geschichtsdenken im 20. Nonetheless, the following question must seem permissible, even unavoidable: Did the National Socialists or Hitler perhaps commit an “Asiatic” deed merely because they and their ilk considered themselves to be the potential victims of an “Asiatic” deed? Diese These, die Nolte indessen nicht dazu veranlasste, die Singularität des Holocaust in Frage zu stellen, erweiterte er zur Behauptung eines „europäischen Bürgerkriegs“, der von 1917 bis 1945 getobt habe. The award attracted considerable public debate and was presented to Nolte by Horst Möller, the Director of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Institute for Contemporary History), who praised Nolte’s scholarship but tried to steer clear of Nolte’s more controversial claims. The books Der Faschismus in seiner Epoche, Deutschland und der kalte Krieg, and Marxismus und industrielle Revolution (Marxism and the Industrial Revolution) formed a trilogy in which Nolte seeks to explain what he considered to be the most important developments of the 20th century. Deutscher Historiker Ernst Nolte Mit 93 Jahren Gestorben. These were as follows: The British historian Richard J. Evans criticized Nolte, accusing him of taking too seriously the work of Holocaust deniers, whom Evans called cranks, not historians. [85] The American historian Donald McKale blasted both Nolte and Andreas Hillgruber for their statements that the Allied strategic bombing offensives were just as much acts of genocide as the Holocaust, writing that that was just the sort of nonsense one would expect from Nazi apologists like Nolte and Hillgruber. [17] Nolte wrote that: The most central of Maurras's ideas have been seen to penetrate to this level. [65] Fleischer argued that Nolte was only seeking the "historicization" of National Socialism that Martin Broszat had called for in a 1985 essay by trying to understand what caused National Socialism, with a special focus on the fear of communism. Du Passe Qui Ne Veut Pas S'Effacer” pp. Hans-Heinrich Nolte IEIS Conference Arno J Mayer-001.jpg 1,200 × 800; 653 KB. Needless to say, such propositions were thought anathema by leftists who believe that fascism was an original and unparalleled evil. Responding to the essay "The Age of Tyrants: History and Politics" by Klaus Hildebrand that defended Nolte, Habermas wrote: “In his essay Ernst Nolte discusses the “so-called” annihilation of the Jews (in H.W. [41] Nolte wrote that "if Europe was to succeed in establishing itself as a world power on an equal footing [with the United States and the Soviet Union], then Germany had to be the core of the new 'United States'". 57–73 from, "What Fascism Is Not: Thoughts on the Deflation of a Concept: Comment" pp. Impulse zur Historisierung des Nationalsozialismus, hrsg. Nolte is best known for his role in launching the Historikerstreit ("Historians' Dispute") of 1986 and 1987. 36–39 from, Review: Ein Höhepunkt der Heidegger-Kritik? [100] In response, Paul Gottfried in 2005 defended Nolte from Applelbaum's charge of attempting to justify the Holocaust by contending that Nolte had merely argued that the Nazis had made a link in their own minds between Jews and communists and that the Holocaust was their attempt to eliminate the most likely supporters of communism. How should we cope with a study that begins its discussion of the Cold War with Herodotus and the Greeks versus the Persians? Sponsored Links. They argue that Weizmann's letter to Chamberlain was written in his capacity as head of the World Zionist Organization, not on behalf of the entire Jewish people of the world,[89] and that Nolte's views are based on the spurious idea that all Jews comprised a distinct "nationality" who took their marching orders from Jewish organizations. [9] In a Hegelian dialectic, Nolte argued that the Action Française was the thesis, Italian Fascism was the antithesis, and German National Socialism the synthesis of the two earlier fascist movements.[10]. Nolte's basic hypothesis and methodology were deeply rooted in the German "philosophy of history" tradition, a form of intellectual history which seeks to discover the "metapolitical dimension" of history. 389–417 from, “Zusammenbruch und Neubeginn: die Bedeutung des 8. Nolte married Annedore Mortier[3] and they had a son, Georg Nolte, now a professor of international law at Humboldt University of Berlin. Sein Buch wurde auch von gemäßigten Linken positiv rezipiert, weil es als Gegenentwurf zur Totalitarismustheorie verstanden wurde. After 1945 when Nolte received his BA in philosophy at Freiburg, he worked as a Gymnasium (high school) teacher. [50] In the same review Hildebrand argued Nolte had in a praiseworthy way sought: "to incorporate in historicizing fashion that central element for the history of National Socialism and of the "Third Reich" of the annihilatory capacity of the ideology and of the regime, and to comprehend this totalitarian reality in the interrelated context of Russian and German history". In seiner phänomenologischen Erschließung der Vorgeschichte des Faschismus jedoch kommt Antisemitismus und Rassismus eine umso zentralere Stellung zu. [8] The "metapolitical dimension" is considered to be the history of grand ideas functioning as profound spiritual powers, which infuse all levels of society with their force. [89], Because of the views that he expressed during the Historikerstreit, Nolte has often been accused of being a Nazi apologist and an anti-Semite. And the moral absolutes of Habermas, however politically and didactically impeccable, also carry a shadow of provincialism, as long as they fail to recognize that fascism was a continental phenomenon, and that Nazism was a peculiar part of something much larger. [94] The historical consciousness and self-understanding of the Germans form a major theme of his essays. Jahrhundert (Historical Thinking in the 20th Century), Nolte asserted that the 20th century had produced three “extraordinary states”, namely Germany, the Soviet Union, and Israel. [96] In October 1999, Evans stated in response that he agreed with Nolte on those points but argued that form of argument to be an attempt by Nolte to avoid responding to his criticism of him during the Historikerstreit. [32] In his 1974 book Deutschland und der kalte Krieg (Germany and the Cold War), Nolte wrote there was "a worldwide reproach that the United States was after all putting into practice in Vietnam, nothing less than its basically crueler version of Auschwitz". 3–18 from, Grab, Walter “German Historians And The Trivialization Of Nazi Criminality: Critical Remarks On The Apologetics Of Joachim Fest, Ernst Nolte And Andreas Hillgruber” pp. Nolte argued that fascism functioned at three levels, namely in the world of politics as a form of opposition to Marxism, at the sociological level in opposition to bourgeois values, and in the "metapolitical" world as "resistance to transcendence" ("transcendence" in German can be translated as the "spirit of modernity"). Nolte was a prominent conservative academic from the early 1960s and was involved in many controversies related to the interpretation of the history of fascism and communism, including the Historikerstreit in the late 1980s. Daneben setzte er seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten fort und wurde 1952 in Freiburg im Breisgau mit der Arbeit Selbstentfremdung und Dialektik im deutschen Idealismus und bei Marx bei Eugen Fink, einem der früheren Assistenten des Philosophen und Begründers der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserl, promoviert. The Historikerstreit (Historians' dispute) was an intellectual and political controversy in West Germany about the way the Holocaust should be interpreted in history.It took place between 1986-1989, and pitted left-wing intellectuals against right-wing intellectuals.Its embers flared up again briefly in 2000 when one of the leading figures, Ernst Nolte, was awarded a literary prize. Kershaw has argued that Nolte was operating on the borderlines of Holocaust denial with his implied claim that the "negative myth" of the Third Reich was created by Jewish historians, his allegations of the domination of Holocaust scholarship by Jewish historians, and his statements that one should withhold judgment on Holocaust deniers, who Nolte insists are not exclusively Germans or fascists. Nolte defined "transcendence" as a "metapolitical" force comprising two types of change. Philipp Heyde: Rezension zu Die Schatten der Vergangenheit. [87] Grab called Nolte's claim that Weizmann's letter to Chamberlain was a "Jewish declaration of war" that justified the Germans "interning" European Jews a "monstrous thesis" that was not supported by the facts. [105], Courtois wrote the preface to the French edition of The European Civil War, published in 2000. Ernst Nolte, deutscher Historiker 1923: Carroll Shelby, US-amerikanischer Rennfahrer, Sportwagenkonstrukteur und Unternehmer 1924: Roger Guillemin, Liste von Todesopfern der COVID-19-Pandemie Karl Harb: Derek Weber , Musikkritiker der SN, ist gestorben, Salzburger Nachrichten, 14. Januar. [15] Der Rezensent des Jahrbuchs für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands kritisierte, dass Nolte offenkundig ein Naturrecht auf einen solchen Gegenschlag annehme, ganz gleich, ob die peripheren Äußerungen dieser jüdischen Intellektuellen je nennenswert rezipiert wurden: „In transzendentalistischer Spekulation reicht der Nachweis, daß etwas geschrieben wurde, schon für seine Wirksamkeit aus“. [19] Nolte wrote that: Auschwitz was contained in the principles of Nazi racist theory like the seed in the fruit. Hans-Heinrich Nolte (* 24. In his 1987 book Der europäische Bürgerkrieg, 1917–1945, Nolte argued in the interwar period, Germany was Europe's best hope for progress. Writing in 1989, the British historian Richard J. Evans declared that: Finally, Nolte's attempts to establish the comparability of Auschwitz rest in part upon an extension of the concept of ‘genocide’ to actions which cannot plausibly justify being described in this way. [102] Nolte ended the interview by calling himself a philosopher, not a historian, and argued that the hostile reactions that he often encountered from historians were caused by his status as a philosopher writing history. [47] In his essay, Nolte argued that if the PLO were to destroy Israel, then the subsequent history written in the new Palestinian state would portray the former Israeli state in the blackest of colors with no references to any of the positive features of the defunct state. Davies concluded that revelations made after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe about Soviet crimes had discredited Nolte's critics. Dieses Werk, das bald in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt wurde, machte ihn international bekannt. The historian Ernst Nolte, who succumbed to a brief but serious illness on Thursday at the age of 93, has been dead, at least from the standpoint of his academic reputation, for thirty years. He was often described as one of the "most brooding, German thinkers about history". 36–41 from, Muller, Jerry "German Historians At War" pp. After Furet's death, their correspondence was published as a book in France in 1998, Fascisme et Communisme: échange épistolaire avec l'historien allemand Ernst Nolte prolongeant la Historikerstreit (Fascism and Communism: Epistolary Exchanges with the German Historian Ernst Nolte Extending the Historikerstreit). On 6 June 1986 Nolte published a feuilleton opinion piece entitled "Vergangenheit, die nicht vergehen will: Eine Rede, die geschrieben, aber nicht mehr gehalten werden konnte" ("The Past That Will Not Pass: A Speech That Could Be Written but Not Delivered") in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. [62] Jäckel later described Nolte's methods as a "game of confusion", comprising dressing hypotheses up as questions and then attacking critics demanding evidence for his assertions as seeking to block one from asking questions. [70], The German political scientist Richard Löwenthal noted that news of the Soviet kulak expulsions and the Holodomor did not reach Germany until 1941, so that Soviet atrocities could not possibly have influenced the Germans as Nolte claimed.
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