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Khutbah of Friday in . As Mufti Taqi Usmani states, the best practice is to give a talk in the local language for the purpose of instruction, then give the adhan and the khutba in Arabic. The four classical Imaams (in my opinion) are people that we cannot compare people from these recent eras to. And the Prophet Mohammad ( ﷺ ) indicated that Allah the Exalted makes the path to Paradise easy for whoever seeks knowledge. Another way it is seen in the replacement of Arabic words of great importance with so called English alternatives. Some people misunderstood the position of Imam Abu Hanifah in this matter from two different angels: Firstly, some writers claim that this view represents the earlier position of Imam Abu Hanifah and he had, later on, withdrawn from it and had concurred to the view of his two pupils. Sheikh Mohamed Ewas has offered this collection of 80 khutbahs, exclusively to Khutbahbank. They were 101% dedicated to Islaam to such an accent that Imaam Abu Hanifah prayed Fajr salaah with the same wudhu of Isha. Arabic Khutbas & Rulings. Alhamdulilah ala kuli hal,that in itself to have this debate is a blessing from Allah.All this has opened up many thoughts in my mind. Jumu'ah: Salat al-jumu'ah, known as the 'Friday prayer' is a congregational prayer that Muslims hold every Friday, just after noon, in the place of dhuhr prayer. It beats me why a sane Muslim will use such a word with a heavy baggage of connotations that are anti aqidah when ‘Allah’ is clearly a word unique to Allah alone and not used by any one, Another sad example is form those Muslims who now make salah using the English translation of the Arabic words esp Fatiha. For complete Islamic enlightenment you can visit our Islamic affairs Awaqf website and read about recent fatwas, enhancing Khutbas and e-donations and endowment options available for the people. Nouman Khan warns of the evil of such questioning in his talk on questioning the Messenger,,, It is advisable it is better to read the Quran itself to see the examples Allah gives of things or issues being the best or better. We know this from a hadith related by Bukhari and Muslim. Shaykh Awadalla Youssef delivers the Jummah Khutbah at Cheadle Mosque. We all know that shaitan had knowledge but pride was his doing, made him a kaafir. 6.عن إبراهيم قال كانوا يصلون قبلها أربعا. I have an issue in this regard, the country I’m from is Bangladesh, where most of the people grew up reading the Quran in Arabic with understand most of it. A commonly used preferential line we may not take note of can be found in surah Fatiha we all read several times a day. And as for myself I don’t know Arabic so, when I took up Quran my view was to understand the Scripture therefore I started reading in English. The language of the people was not Arabic but they never had the Khutbah given in any language but Arabic. Prophet Muhammed sallahu-alayhi-wasallah is our guide, role-model and practical example. However, if no one from the community is able to deliver an Arabic Khutbah , then only in that case a non-Arabic Khutbah may fulfill the requirement based on the doctrine of necessity. It is thus evident that all the four recognized schools of Islamic Fiqh are unanimous on the point that the Khutbah must be delivered in Arabic. Rasool Allah Sal Allahu Alaihi Wassalaam said “…prolonging salah and shortening one’s khutbah is a sign of one’s understanding of the religion.”. Quick audio. The point I am trying to get across is that the respected Imaam use to stay up to study and learn about Islaam. 5.عن صافية ØŒ قالت : رأيت صفية بنت حيي رضي الله عنها ØŒ صلت أربع ركعات قبل خروج الإمام للجمعة ØŒ ثم صلت الجمعة مع الإمام ركعتين . It is a key component of Jumu'ah, and is considered a replacement for the two rak'ahs that are usually read for Zuhur (noon prayer). KHUTBAH . By Sheikh Mohamed Ewas. The Shafli jurists say that in this case the Muslims are under an obligation to appoint someone to learn as much Arabic words as may be sufficient to articulate a shortest possible Khutbah . The deeper your understanding to arabic the closer you are to Iman.Actualy like the Quraan arabic is our Uniting factor.Imagine if it was allowed to pray or call the adhan in different languages then maybe we can picture the great importance Arabic plays in Islam. 1) How to Begin – Have the intention that you are going to give a Khutbah and give Salam to the people – Let someone give the Adhan after you give Salam to the people 2) Opening Staement for the Khutbah after giving the adhan: (I’laaus Al-Sunan, vol 7, pg 13, Idaratul Al-Quran), 3.عن أبي عبد الرحمن السلمي قال : كان عبد الله يأمرنا أن نصلي قبل الجمعة أربعا ØŒ وبعدها أربعا, Abu Abdir Rahman Al-Sulami reports: “Abdullah (bin Mas’ood) used to command us to perform four rakaats salaah before jummah and after the jummah salaah” (Musannaf Abdir Al-Razaaq, vol 3, pg 247, Idaratul Quran), The chain of narrators in the above Hadith is authentic. The established position of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal is also that the khutbahs of Jumuah must be done in the Arabic language. Moreover, knowing the answer is crucial to setting your life’s priorities. What is interesting – may be not to the avid salafis- is that even the Sufis do not change Allah to God in their halqahs and what have you. To properly understand his position, one must recall that the Khutbah is a condition precedent to the validity of Jumuah prayer. Friday Khutbahs New articles for Khutbahs. He knows what is good for us, what is better for us and what is best for us. In this manner, both the desire for education and the requirement of an Arabic khutba will be fulfilled. The above is their Friday Khutbah playlist. Some of the narrations are below: Layla bint Malik and Abdur Rahman bin Khallad Al-Ansari narrate on the authority of Umm Waraqah that after the Prophet fought in Battle of Badr she said, I said, “Oh Prophet of Allah ! Description. This lovely mosque offers their Friday sermon in English and really has a … 2 pg 1307 from Mughni Al Muhtaj). 1310 from Al Mughni). Weekly Khutbas Online. Friday Khutbah (Sermons) : The Virtues of Ramadan – Yasir Qadhi. Khutbah Jumuah Arabic (Friday Sermon) خطبه جمعه Khutbah Eid-ul-Fitr and Adha (Arabic) خطبه عيد الفطر و الأضحى The Family of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Throughout the ages, Allah sent Prophets to teach people how to worship him. (Al Fiqhul Islami wa Adilatihi vol.2 pg. Allow me to join you in battle so that I can nurse the sick, an… English Friday Prayer Khutbahs and Islamic Materials. (Tarhut Al-Tathreeb, vol 3, pg 36, Ilmiyya), 2.كان رسول الله يركع قبل الجمعة أربعا وبعدها أربعا, “Ibn Abbas (radiyallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to perform four rakaats of salaah before and after the jummah salaah” (I’laaus Al-Sunan, vol 7, pg 13, Idaratul Al-Quran), The above hadith with the chain of narrators that appear in Tabrani is good. The titles of kutbah coverage different subjects like (purity , Trust , Wisdom, supplication , Family , prayer…). The scholarly reader is encouraged to refer to the original Arabic script if there is any doubt. English Friday Khutbah, خطبة الجمعة , Friday sermon,khotbah. Due care has been taken to remove all spelling mistakes and errors in eraab. How can we reject these Imaam’s (ra)- they spent all thier life for us. The Language of the Friday Khutbah By Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Preface In substantial number of mosques in different parts of USA and some other western countries the Khutbah of Friday is delivered in English or other local languages. Its being reposted]. Abu Yousuf and Imam Muhammad who are of the view that the Khutbah in a non-Arabic language is not at all acceptable, and no Jumu’ah prayer is valid after such a Khutbah, while Imam Abu Hanifah says that, despite being Makrooh, a non-Arabic Khutbah is recognized to the extent that it validates the Jumuah prayer performed after it. As have been mentioned, some do this out of feeling inferior or wanting to please the created. English Friday Khutbah. Short Friday Khutbah was taken from Islamic affairs in Dubai, The titles cover different subjects like (purity, Trust, Wisdom, supplication. Some of the scholars said that it is not permitted to translate the khutbah given from the minbar on Friday and the two Eids into foreign (non-Arabic) languages. Yes, indeed the hadith proves the point that the Prophet (sallahu-alayhi-wasallam) did discourage going to extreme lengths in ibaadah. But guess what, Tiger woods called a God (yes G capital). оп. The Speech of Allah that we have is the Qur’an, and it is in Arabic. Here, Allah jalla shanu, makes some of us to be better than others, material wise, as a trial. Friday Khutbah designed to engage a wide audience. This lovely mosque offers their Friday sermon in English and really has a … The Khutbah should not last more than 10-15 minutes. More importantly it can help. Khutbahs can be read at any time and not just on friday. а. part of the . There are many narrations that mention some Sahabiyyat, notably Aisha , Umm Salamah , and Umm Waraqah led women in prayer, both obligatory prayers and voluntary. It is with regard to this issue that Imam Abu Hanifah had an earlier view which accepted the recitation even in a non-Arab language, but later on, he recalled this view and concurred with the view of his two pupils and all other jurists who do not hold any recitation of Qur’aan during Salah as valid unless it is in the original Arabic language. Purpose of The editors have not verified the accuracy of the English translation. َانِ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُحَادُّونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ أُوْلَئِكَ فِي الأَذَلِّينَ كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَأَغْلِبَنَّ أَنَا وَرُسُلِي إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ ï»»ÙŽ تَجِدُ قَوْمًا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ يُوَادُّونَ مَنْ حَادَّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَلَوْ كَانُوا آبَاءهُمْ أَوْ أَبْنَاءهُمْ أَوْ إِخْوَانَهُمْ أَوْ عَشِيرَتَهُمْ أُوْلَئِكَ كَتَبَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الْإِيمَانَ وَأَيَّدَهُم بِرُوحٍ مِّنْهُ وَيُدْخِلُهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوا عَنْهُ أُوْلَئِكَ حِزْبُ اللَّهِ أﻻَ إِنَّ حِزْبَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ. “Ibrahim (Al-Nakh’ee) reports that the Sahaba used to perform four rakaats of salaah before the jummah salaah” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, vol 4, pg 114, Al-Majlis al-Ilmi), 7. The issue of four rakaats salaah before the jummah salaat is well substantiated and proven from the books of Hadith. Religion is all about practice and if one doesn’t understand what it is all about what he or she will practice or preach. While much has been done to answer some of Mezda’s positions, I think it is good to sincerely re-evaluate at what might have informed or generated such positions. If we endorse the notion that the vast majority of people are incapable of learning in their lifetimes at least enough Arabic to understand the basics of their religion – what they are saying in their salaah, the meaning of du’as they make, the frequently repeated ayaat from Qur’an and enough to at least recognize key themes when Qur’an is being recited in taraweh, some key ahadith, the Arabic portions of the khutbah — that is elitist. Allah created proofs of His existence within our own selves and all around us. From among these is that the both khutbahs should be in the Arabic language even though it is for the non-Arabs’. The Friday Khutbahs are published to enhance your knowledge of Islam. I would like to be able to understand this in English and also learn how to say it myself. February 19. It was in the present century for the first time that the idea of delivering the Khutbah in other languages emerged insome Muslim societies . Consider the following Ahadith: 1.كان يصلي قبل الجمعة أربعا وبعدها أربعا, “Ali (radiyallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to perform four rakaats salaah before the jummah salaah and after the jummah salaah” (I’laaus Al-Sunan, vol 7, pg 13, Idaratul Al-Quran), The chain of narrators in the above narration is good. The Sahabah Radhi Allah Anhum came as far east as Afghanistan. My respected brother Dr. Muhammad Ismail Madani asked me to explain the correct Shari'ah position about However, there is a slight difference of opinion about some details of this principle. At least not that I know of, Finally while accepting some of these realities may have to do with matters of the heart like egos, listening to talks like Nouman Khan’s lecture on egos may come in handy,, You CANNOT be guilty of being passionate about what Allah liked or preferred, We need to constantly pray not to be misguided after having been guided to Islam. Friday Sermons (Khutbahs) / Friday Sermons (Khutab) in Arabic & English (Mohamed Ewas) 13174. Finally, they can be delivered in around ten minutes. The original article is shoddily researched at best. But the expert knowledge of Islaam led to the opinions they have. Not that I agree with them. He says that admittedly, a non-Arabic Khutbah is Makrooh or impermissible, yet the non-Arabic language does not render it as void. Imarn Abu Yousuf and Imarn Muhammad, the two pupils of Imam Abu Hanifah are of the view that a non-Arabic Khutbah is not acceptable in the sense that it cannot fulfill the requirement of Jumuah prayer, therefore, no Jumuah prayer can be offered after it.

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