Thomas Anders’s age is 58. Thomas Anders; Musiker, Saenger, Schlager, Popmusik; D, mit seiner Mutter Helga Weidung Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images CREATIVE Collections NEW W latach 80-tych, przystojny, długowłosy Thomas Anders uchodził za ideał mężczyzny. Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Zatím zákazníci čekali v krámku než naně přišla řada,tak Thomas je mezi tím bavil hudbou. Bernd Weidung is part of the Baby boomers generation. Anders was the lead singer of Germany's popular pop-duo Modern Talking in … (GERMANY OUT) Thomas Anders; Musiker, Saenger, Schlager, Popmusik; D, mit seiner Mutter Helga Weidung (Photo by Peter Timm\ullstein bild via Getty Images) Thomas Anders’s mother’s name is Helga Weidung and his father’s name is Peter Weidung. var height = window.innerHeight || (window.document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.document.body.clientHeight); Thomas Anders (born Bernd Weidung, 1 March 1963) is a German singer, composer, and record producer. Thomas Anders (born Bernd Weidung, 1 March 1963) is a German singer, composer, and record producer. Back the early 2,000 B.C. The greatest overall compatibility with Pieces is Virgo and Taurus. d.write(' src="">'); He is German by natinoanliy. They are associated with a rejection of traditional values. Thomas se začal velmi brzy zajímat o hudbu. Relation. if (width>=639 && height>=468 || top.location.href == window.location.href) { – Who’s the richest Pop Singer in the world? He performed for the first time at age 7 and studied musicology for five semesters at Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany. Discography Studio albums When Thomas was born... and his name was Bernd and his mother, Helga Weidung, had a little restaurant with food shop in Munstermeinfild when on Thursday evening on the 1.03.1963, a little bit later than 6 o’clock the second baby appeared, owing to this, his father had to treat to all people in the restaurant and one more inhabitant was added to 175 souls of little town. Thomas Anders was born on March 1, 1963 on a Friday. Majority of Thomas’s money comes from being a pop singer. Jeho pravé jméno je Bernd Weidung. Édesanyja egy fűszerboltot és egy kávézót vezetett, édesapja pedig adóhivatalnok és a település polgármestere volt. Znany przede wszystkim jako członek duetu Modern Talking, wykonującego piosenki w języku angielskim.Wokalista od najmłodszych lat interesował się muzyką - w wieku 10 lat pobierał lekcje gry na fortepianie. Anders was the lead singer of Germany's popular pop-duo Modern Talking in 1984–1987 and in 1998–2003. Álneve: Chain Reaction, Chris Copperfield, Headliner, Phantomas Zodiac Sign: Thomas Anders is a Pisces. Mar 1 1963. Who’s the richest Pop Singer in the world. … Relatives. In 2006, he and Vicky Leandros represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest. Note: sign means that these photos have been being on the site not longer than one week. Zasugerowano mu także zmianę nazwiska, gdyż Bernd Weidung byłby ciężko wymawiany. The 1960s were an era of protests. 1 marca 1963 w Münstermaifeld [4] ) – niemiecki piosenkarz, kompozytor i producent muzyczny. Wtedy to narodził się Thomas Anders. He is best known for being a Pop Singer. He is Music (Singer) by profession. This page is updated often with fresh details about Thomas Anders. Fanki uwielbiały Thomasa, jednocześnie nienawidząc imienia NORA. Family. Anders was the lead singer of Germany's popular pop-duo Modern Talking in … He was born on March 1, 1963 at Koblenz, West Germany. d.write('
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