Michael Csulich Abstract "Als Form der Macht ist die Subjektivation paradox." Gender-Studien in Bezug auf Literaturwissenschaft 3. Welche Begriffe wir verwenden, welche Normen wir als gegeben voraussetzen, welchen institutionellen Bedingungen wir gehorchen müssen, wie Theorien für politische Zwecke angeeignet werden – all das sind Voraussetzungen, die wir uns bewusst machen müssen. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our cookies policy. Seit Ende der 1980er Jahre finden Butlers Arbeiten zur feministischen Theorie internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Yesterday, Judith Butler was trending on Twitter, after she gave an email interview to the New Statesman focusing on her views on the ongoing controversy over trans rights and self-ID. I disagree with JK Rowling’s view on trans people, but I do not think she should suffer harassment and threats. Einer von Butlers signifikanten Beiträgen ist das performative Modell von Geschlecht. We welcome applications to contribute to UnHerd – please fill out the form below including examples of your previously published work. Telling JK Rowling to choke on a dick doesn’t stop trans people being harassed in Romania; and finding the former objectionable doesn’t green light the latter. “I think we are living in anti-intellectual times,” Butler remarks later in the interview. Phänomenologie und feministische Theorie“ stellt Judith Butler [5] klare gedankliche Figuren auf, mit deren Hilfe sie erklärt, wie Geschlechterzugehörigkeit, ihrer Meinung nach, konstituiert wird. So I find it worrisome that suddenly the trans-exclusionary radical feminist position is understood as commonly accepted or even mainstream. Gaslighting ad-hominems, wilful obtuseness, straw-manning, deflection and whataboutery: this is quite the catalogue of intellectual shabbiness coming from a philosopher of Prof Butler’s standing. London/New York: Verso 2020. Most, as I understand it, are happy with the term “gender-critical feminists”. Die Anwendung der Butlerschen Theorie auf Erzählungen von Judith Hermann 4.1. Please click here to submit your pitch. So if we are going to object to harassment and threats, as we surely should, we should also make sure we have a large picture of where that is happening, who is most profoundly affected, and whether it is tolerated by those who should be opposing it. Prof Butler might legitimately argue that these concerns are theoretical and/or exaggerated, as many advocates for self-ID do. If they understand themselves as belonging to that strain of radical feminism that opposes gender reassignment, why not call them radical feminists?”. Social media praise for the article seemed to suggest she had. This is an irrelevant false equivalence. I argue that a critique of cohesiveness enables a post-foundational account of the political, which can enable a rethinking of the role futurity plays for political thought. The interview began with her being asked about “how the trans rights debate has moved into mainstream culture and politics”. I don’t share the reflex sniggering at the opacity of some of her prose — sometimes complex ideas need a complex expression — and in this interview she was for the most part perfectly clear and conversational. Here is something close to the etymological fallacy. Ansätze der Gender-Theorie von Judith Butler 3.1. Improvisation im Rahmen des Zwangs. und eingel. Gendertheoretische Herausforderungen der Schriften Judith Butlers für pädagogische Theorie und Praxis. One writer I respect recently tweeted: “Honestly the best ‘argument’ I have in this is nothing to do with theoretical stances on the definition of gender (which we’re never going to all agree on anyway), it’s: ‘Ireland brought in gender self-ID in 2015 and the things you are afraid of have not happened’”. It brings together ideas of popular scholars such as Judith Butler, Jerome Bruner, Michael Foucault or Paul Baker. Our site uses cookies. Here is an argument not much more grown-up than the person who tells you that you misuse antisemitism because “Arabs are semites too, actually”, or rejoice in having noticed that the Nazis claimed to be socialists, or who might think that because something is derived from the Latin word for black it’s no more than a neutral descriptor. Frauen- und Männerbilder in Judith H… Rigorous critique and affirmative feminism, Thoughtful, reflective, theoretically and historically rich. You’d hope that someone who has thought as carefully about these issues as Judith Butler would have something cool and enlightening to say on the subject, wouldn’t you? ), Judith Butler: Pädagogische Lektüren (S. 149–178). You’d hope that someone who has thought as carefully about these issues as Judith Butler would have something cool and enlightening to say on the subject, wouldn’t you? If she wonders what they’d prefer to be called, why not ask them? A fairer representation of the case would have been to say: “The feminist who holds such a view presumes […] that someone with a penis could identify as a woman for the purposes of entering such changing rooms and posing a threat to the women inside.”. Politische Essays, Frankfurt/M 2005) dies., Undoing Gender, London-New York 2004b (dt. I wonder what name self-declared feminists who wish to exclude trans women from women’s spaces would be called? Publikationen. und abonnieren Sie unseren alle zwei Monate erscheinenden Newsletter! It assumes that the penis is the threat, or that any person who has a penis who identifies as a woman is engaging in a base, deceitful, and harmful form of disguise. Contents. The feminist who holds such a view presumes that the penis does define the person, and that anyone with a penis would identify as a woman for the purposes of entering such changing rooms and posing a threat to the women inside. London: Routledge. Die Kategorien Mann und Frau – Anmerkungen zu kulturellen Geschlechter-Normen und Zwangsheterosexualität 3.3. You said it, sister. Temporality has played a central role in poststructuralist thought, where the human experience of living in time has been understood as having profound ethical and political consequences. 1.0.2 Anna Babka / Gerald Posselt: Gender und Dekonstruktion. This seems to me to be nothing more sophisticated than garden-variety whataboutery. As Prof Butler will surely know, given her famously subtle engagement with the eddies and currents of power in discourse, you can’t reliably nail the connotations of a term by appeal to its literal meaning. In ihrem Aufsatz „Performative Akte und Geschlechterkonstitution. If you are right to identify the one with the other, then a feminist position opposing transphobia is a marginal position. The Ethics and Politics of Temporality: Judith Butler, Embodiment, and Narrativity. What she had to offer was intellectually threadbare. It won’t do to say that threats against some people are tolerable but against others are intolerable.”. It’s practically a snowclone of the formulation Jeremy Corbyn used to use when asked to make a full-throated condemnation of antisemitism: namely that he condemns all kinds of racism. Kelz, R. (2021). Kulturwissenschaftliche Handlungsfähigkeit ›nach‹ Judith Butler. Well, good. Judith Butler fasziniert und verstört, ihr Werk ist gleichermaßen prägend, irritierend und herausfordernd. ), Historical traces and future pathways of poststructuralism: aesthetics, ethics, politics. Im Amerikanischen bezeichnet der Terminus hate speech jede verletzende Rede wie Beleidigung, Drohung, Schimpfnamen.Unter Rückgriff auf die Sprechakttheorie von J.L. In closing, I seek to point towards possible connections and disconnections between 'personal' temporality and 'historical' time. Hartmann, J. “Rigorous critique and affirmative feminism,” said one tweet. Einleitung 2. Gefährdetes Leben. Ihre Themen bewegen sich zwischen Filmen, Fernsehen, Fleisch und Feminismus, zwischen Judith Butler und Reality-Formaten wie dem Bachelor. 1. Dieses Erklärvideo bespricht das von Judith Butler in den 1990ern entwickelte Konzept der “Heterosexuellen Matrix”. Kelz, R. (2021). Leaving aside the uninterrogated and question-begging use of loaded terms such as “transphobia” and “trans rights”, the arguments at issue should stand or fall on their merits, not on their relation to the mainstream. • Purtschert, Patricia: Diversity Management: Mehr Gewinn durch weniger Diskriminierung? Wien: facultas/UTB 2016. Sie gilt als Mitbegründerin der Queer Theorie in Deutschland. Well, good. Judith Butler, American academic whose theories of the performative nature of gender and sex were influential within Francocentric philosophy, cultural theory, queer theory, and some schools of philosophical feminism from the late 20th century. Judith Butler dans le monde germanophone, Sociétés Contemporaines 71(3) (2008), 29-47. I think this may be wrong. Heute: Judith Butler. Projektbeschreibung Selbstoptimierung als Subjektivierungsfigur in deutschsprachiger Literatur von 1970 bis heute (Arbeitstitel) . Publikationsjahr 2021 Publikationstyp Monographien und Sammelwerke Zitation. But it would require the hard work of arguing against it on material evidence, rather than dismissing it as hysteria or fantasy. Butler kritisiert damit, wie Geschlecht und … Butler, Judith, The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection, Stanford/CA 1997 (dt. An Ethico-Political Bind. von Sergej Seitz, Gerald Posselt, Julian Eidenberger, Isabella Grandl, Christian Haddad, Georgios Kolias, Nikolaus Lehner, Maria Schörgenhumer, Christina Schraml und Max Zirngast . As a feminist I find Butler and q***r theory to be about promoting paraphilias as a human rights issue instead of something better suited to the DSM-V. (Englische Ausgabe) Autor/innen. If the cap fits, wear it” will not do. Butler, Judith/Laclau, Ernesto/Žižek, Slavoj: Kontingenz - Hegemonie - Universalität: Aktuelle Dialoge zur Linken. “Theoretically and historically rich?” Not on the strength of this interview. I think Prof Butler deserves our attention. Butler kritisiert damit, wie Geschlecht und … But instead there are two things going on here rhetorically, neither of which redound to Prof Butler’s credit. Wien: Turia&Kant 2019. von Gerald Posselt unter Mitarbeit von Sergej Seitz. Hg. Dieses Erklärvideo bespricht das von Judith Butler in den 1990ern entwickelte Konzept der “Heterosexuellen Matrix”. When challenged on the idea that “terf” might be understood as a slur, she responds with a high-handed run of rhetorical questions, or what sometimes gets called epiplexis. I draw on Thomas Fuchs's discussion of the role of time experience in psychological pathologies, and also explore Denise Riley's description of mourning as a form of altered time experience. If they do favour exclusion, why not call them exclusionary? Feministische und queere Theorien sind mit ganz besonderen Figuren ausgestaltet: die »Sister« der zweiten Frauenbewegung, die »Cyborg« von Donna Haraway, das »Nomadic Subject« von Rosi Braidotti, die »New Mestiza« von Gloria Anzaldúa und die »Drag« von Judith Butler. Frames of Critique. 1.0.1 Anna Babka: Postcolonial-Queer. This is a rich fantasy, and one that comes from powerful fears, but it does not describe a social reality. Her best-known book is Gender Trouble (1990). To say words to the effect of “well, they’re trying to exclude trans women from their toilets so why not call them exclusionary? Von einem Zitat ausgehend zeigen wir dir, warum uns diese Person inspiriert. Diese Spannung findet sich auch deutlich in der Theologie: Für die einen ist ihre Gendertheorie ebenso bedeutsam wie ihre Öffentlichkeitstheorie, ihre Einlassungen zur Verkörperung der Versammlung, ihr Subjektdenken und ihre Reflexionen über Anerkennung. Für Judith Butler stellt das Entwickeln von Theorie eine Form politischer Praxis dar. This would be a good-faith representation of the gender-critical position on single-sex spaces. While agreeing with Butler's argument that one's relationship to one's own past does not need to take the form of a cohesive narrative, I argue that her account could benefit from a closer engagement with phenomenological notions of time-experience. Wiesbaden: Springer. ): Handbuch der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung. In: Becker, Ruth/ Kortendiek, Beate (Hg. Für uns in der Lesegruppe war „Gender Trouble“ mit seinen vielen philosophischen Bezügen nur schwer zu verstehen, ein richtiger Brocken, aber total faszinierend. Verso, 2020. The Future of Difference Beyond the Toxic Entanglement of Racism, Sexism and Feminism.Sabine Hark, Paula-Irene Villa. It therefore analyses normativity as a technique of power in a socio-cultural sense; and it further analyses the ideological construction of social groups through newspapers in a linguistic approach. Psyche der Macht. And she is straw-manning their position. Google Scholar Austin diskutiert Judith Butler einerseits die gegenwärtige Debatte der hate speech, um andererseits zu einer allgemeinen Theorie der Performativität des politischen Diskurses zu gelangen. Sabine Hark (* 7.August 1962 in Otzenhausen im Saarland) ist eine deutsche Soziologin mit Schwerpunkten in Geschlechterforschung, feministischer Erkenntnistheorie und -kritik und Queer Theorie.Sie lehrt als Professorin an der TU Berlin an dem von ihr geleiteten Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung. Yesterday, Judith Butler was trending on Twitter, after she gave an email interview to the New Statesman focusing on her views on the ongoing controversy over trans rights and self-ID. 2. Queere Politik bzw. In G. Rae, & E. Ingala (Eds. queerer Aktivismus suchen nach kritischen gesellschaftlichen Praktiken, die, wie Judith Butler formuliert, die gesellschaftliche „heterosexuelle Matrix“ in Frage stellen und gleiche Rechte einfordern. Grundthesen aus dem gendertheoretischen Konzept von Judith Butler. Trans women are often discriminated against in men’s bathrooms, and their modes of self-identification are ways of describing a lived reality, one that cannot be captured or regulated by the fantasies brought to bear upon them. Mit ihrer Schrift Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter stieß sie 1990 die Diskussionen um die Queer-Theorie an. This preoccupation with what’s mainstream and what’s marginal is just eccentric — especially coming from a theorist who has spent a lot of time, quite rightly, considering the stifling effects of normativity. Als „Gender Trouble“ in Deutschland einschlug, war ich 21 Jahre alt und studierte gerade Philosophie in Berlin. Rather than bringing some analytical clarity, she did no more than cloak crude rhetorical strategies in academic grandiloquence. To appeal to the mainstream is to fall into the fallacy called “argumentum ad populum”, and it’s something philosophers usually try not to do. But then again, as q***r Theory is entirely predicated on advocating for eradicating the age of consent and encouraging children to be sexual, it’s not surprising that Butler would stand by that. Unterscheidung von „sex“ und „gender“ 3.2. If Prof Butler is interested in attending to what we now like to call “lived experience”, she might attend to the lived experience of those who — being on the receiving end of it — very much consider “terf” to be a slur. Judith Pamela Butler (born February 24, 1956) is an American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophy, ethics, and the fields of third-wave feminist, queer, and literary theory. In der Kategorie #wesensagendingewollen wir dir Personen näher bringen, die wir für ihre kreativen Arbeiten, ihren Aktivismus und ihr Engagement bewundern und lieben. Prof. Dr. Lars Distelhorst, Dozent Sozialwissenschaft Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung Email-Adresse: l.distelhorst@fhchp.de She’s then asked about JK Rowling’s stated concern that Self-ID could “throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman’, potentially putting women at risk of violence”: “If we look closely at the example that you characterise as ‘mainstream’ we can see that a domain of fantasy is at work, one which reflects more about the feminist who has such a fear than any actually existing situation in trans life. Judith Butler 240044-1 UE Guided Reading (2019W) GR: Judith Butler, Anmerkungen zu einer performativen Theorie der Versammlung Montag 07.10.2019 18:00 - 21:00 Seminarraum SG1 Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1 EG.01 : Vorbesprechung - Perspektiven auf J. Butler … Judith Butler führt in der Einleitung der Aufsatzsammlung Die Macht der Geschlechternormen und die Grenzen des Menschlichen Geschlecht als „eine Praxis der Improvisation im Rahmen des Zwangs“ (Butler 2009: S. 9) ein. I confess to being perplexed by the fact that you point out the abuse levelled against JK Rowling, but you do not cite the abuse against trans people and their allies that happens online and in person. I would wager that Judith Butler’s original intellectual “shabbiness” might have started at the point she took up being a pedophile apologist. (aus: »Undoing Gender«, 2004; freie Übersetzung: »Sehr männliche und weibliche Rollen sind nicht biologisch fest, sondern sozial konstruiert.«) By way of a disclaimer, I don’t say this because I’m a member of some terf-cult, and I don’t mean it as a motivated intervention in the trans wars. Queer Studies üben Kritik an festen Identitätszuschreibungen im Bereich der Sexualität und des Geschlechts. She is pathologising or gaslighting those on the other side of the argument (using “fantasy” or its cognates four times in a paragraph). The Ethics and Politics of Temporality: Judith Butler, Embodiment, and Narrativity. Besprechung von: Judith Butler: The Force of Nonviolence. Erkundungen in Theorie und Literatur. Publikationen von Anna Babka und Co-Autor_innen oder Co_Herausgeber_innen im Faltershop ; 1 Monographien. So she is beyond intellectually shabby, she is traitorous to women’s rights and no sane person should respect her views. But “magisterial”? At the end of the day she has sold out women, especially lesbians. I compare Butler's understanding of selfhood, where the past constitutes the self but remains only partially knowable and aporetic, with approaches by 'narrativity' theorists, who argue that a cohesive narrative of the past is central to the notion of agency. Demnach werden die Kategorien männlich und weiblich als Wiederholung von Sprechakten verstanden, und nicht als natü… Theorie, Methoden, Empirie. Immediately Prof Butler pivots from the question asked to bring up the street harassment of trans people in Poland or Romania.
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