: Coupling high-rate infiltration trench technology with a plug-flow bioreactor (SMARTplus) for indirect potable reuse via groundwater recharge. Hermes, N.; Jewell, K.S. the whole article in a third party publication with the exception of reproduction ACS ES&T Water 1 (2), 2020, 300-308 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI) Zhiteneva, Veronika; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Removal of Trace … 16 / 19. landeszeitung.de vor 232 Tagen. Drewes, J.E., Hellauer, K., Regnery, J., Müller, J., Hübner, U.: Modifikationen der künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung zur verbesserten Entfernung von anthropogenen Spurenstoffen mit Hilfe von Metatranscriptomics. Was macht eigentlich Uwe Hübner? ; Hübner, U.: Quantitative exposure and risk assessments of a potable reuse treatment train. Evaluation Of The Persistence Of Transformation Products From Ozonation Of Trace Organic Compounds. Gut elf Jahre lang, zwischen 1990 und Ende 2000, war er das Gesicht der ZDF-Hitparade, danach wurde es, zumindest im Fernsehen, ruhiger um Uwe Hübner (56). ; Hübner, U.: Comparison of UV-AOPs (UV/H2O2, UV/PDS and UV/Chlorine) for TOrC removal from municipal wastewater effluent and optical surrogate model evaluation. Achermann, S.; Mansfeldt, C.B. Burke, V.; Greskowiak, J.; Sanz-Prat, A.; Rhode, C.; Schröter, I.; Drewes, J.E. Hellauer, K., Uhl, J., Lucio, M., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E. it in a third party non-RSC publication you must Go to our TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Design and Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Statistical-stochastic forecasts of the structural and operational status of drainage systems, Thermodynamics and Energy Technology Lecture, Thermodynamics and Energy TechnologyTutorial, Unit operations laboratory on Advanced Water Treatment, Post-Doc and Team Leader of Research Group „Engineered Natural Treatment Systems“ at the Chair of, Doctorate in Environmental Engineering (Ph.D.), Technical University of Berlin, Research Associate, Department of Water Quality Control, Technical University of Berlin, Research Associate, Adelphi Research gGmbH, Dipl. Sequentielle Biofiltration zur Entfernung anthropogener Spurenstoffe aus dem Ablauf kommunaler Kläranlagen. Evaluation of the persistence of transformation products from ozonation of trace organic compounds – A critical review. Hübner, U.; Seiwert, B.; Reemtsma, T.; Jekel, M.: Ozonation products of carbamazepine and their removal from secondary effluents by soil aquifer treatment – Indications from column experiments. October 9, 2020. Murgolo, S., Hübner, U. Helmreich, B., Drewes J.E., Mascolo, G.: Investigation of Electrochemical Process For Removal of emerging organic pollutants in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents by a Boron-doped Diamond Electrode. Zucker, I., Mamane, H., Cikurel, H., Jekel, M., Hübner, U., Avisar, D.: A hybrid process of biofiltration of secondary effluent followed by ozonation and short soil aquifer treatment for water reuse. UWE HÜBNER sucht mit muxx.tv und „hossa!“-Zeitschrift „Hoffnungsträger 2020 ... (Ostern 2020, damals 6,3 Mio. In particular, the average electric field intensity is increased in spectral regions where the reflectance is reduced. This may take some time to load. Vor 7 Minuten gepostet. Tackaert, R. Hübner, U., Müller, J., Drewes, J.E. Options and limitations of hydrogen peroxide addition to enhance radical formation during ozonation of secondary effluents. Müller, J., Villamayor, L., Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E. to reproduce figures, diagrams etc. BITTE TEILEN - BITTE TEILEN ! Drewes, J.E., Horstmeyer, N., Müller, J., Müller, E., Hübner, U.: Alternative energy-efficient treatment approaches to augment drinking water supplies with recycled water. Besonders erfreulich: 12,4 Prozent der 14- bis 49-Jährigen entschieden sich für das traditionelle Format – im Vorjahr waren es an Ostern 10,2 Prozent). Er unterstützt die Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe, die Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge ... Dezember 2020 um 01:02 Uhr bearbeitet. Back to tab navigation. : FRAME: A novel Framework to Assess and Manage Compounds of Emerging Concern (CECs) in Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR). Substantial refractive index mismatches between substrate and layers lead to undulating baselines, which are known as interference fringes. K., Karakurt, S., Zhiteneva, V., Müller, J., Hübner, U.: Introducing sequential managed aquifer recharge technology (SMART) for enhanced removal of trace organic chemicals and pathogens during water reclamation. S. Guo, T. Mayerhöfer, S. Pahlow, U. Hübner, J. Popp and T. Bocklitz, Analyst, 2020, 145, 5213 Februar weitergekommen sind, auf ihre Konkurrenten aus dem Norden, Osten und Süden. Uwe Hübner Recent studies revealed the benefits of oligotrophic and oxic conditions for the biological removal of many trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) during soil-aquifer treatment. ; Karakurt, S.; Zhiteneva, V.; Hellauer, K.; Hübner, U.: Innovative Concepts für Planned Water Reuse to Augment Drinking Water Supplies. Coole Sache wie immer Uwe Uwe Hübner shared a photo to the group: Gäste-Liste Jubiläums-Branchenfest 2018 dj-hitparade. Dazu gehört sein Management der Schlagersängerin Vivien Gold, die Hübner mit seiner Agentur uh-management und seinem Kollegen Frank Jarosch seit 2020 … Hybridsysteme: Optimierte Spurenstoffentfernung aus dem Ablauf kommunaler Kläranlagen durch Kombination von sequentieller Biofiltration mit adsorptiven und oxidativen Verfahren. ; Schulz, M.; Müller, J.; Hübner, U.; Wick, A.; Drewes, J.E. : New water treatment concepts to take advantage of functionally-modified microbial communities for enhanced biotransformation of trace organic chemicals. Zhiteneva, Veronika; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Removal of Trace Organic Chemicals during Long-Term Biofilter Operation. Evaluation of the prediction of trace organic compound removal during ozonation of secondary effluents using tracer substances and second order rate kinetics. Drewes, J.E., Hübner, U., Regnery, J., Hellauer, K., Karakurt, S., Zhiteneva, V.: Shifting biodiversity – a new concept for engineered natural water treatment systems. Karakurt, S., Sperlich, A., Hellauer, K., Hübner, U., Jekel, M., Drewes, J.E. Miklos, D. B., Hartl, R., Kletke, T., Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E. Miklos, D.B. Authors contributing to RSC publications (journal articles, books or book chapters) Introducing hybrid systems for enhanced removal of trace organic compounds during water reclamation. Uwe Hübner. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Hübner, U., Hellauer, K., Müller, J., Karakurt, S., Zhiteneva, V., Drewes, J.E. Opportunities to tackle the full potential of wastewater. Hübner, U.; Miklos, D.; Müller, J.; Fajnarova, S.; Herzog, B.; Drewes, J.E. Drewes, J.E. Hellauer, Karin; Karakurt, Sema; Sperlich, Alexander; Burke, Victoria; Massmann, Gudrun; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Establishing sequential managed aquifer recharge technology (SMART) for enhanced removal of trace organic chemicals: Experiences from field studies in Berlin, Germany. Hellauer, K., Mergel, D., Ruhl, A.S., Filter, J., Hübner, U., Jekel, M., Drewes, J.E. Karakurt, Sema; Schmid, Ludwig; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Dynamics of Wastewater Effluent Contributions in Streams and Impacts on Drinking Water Supply via Riverbank Filtration in Germany—A National Reconnaissance. Drewes, J.E., Hellauer, K., Karakurt, S., Zhiteneva, V., Regnery, J., Hübner, U.: Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART) For Enhanced Micropollutant Removal from Laboratory Studies to Full-scale Applications. Meine Leidenschaft. : Analysis of microbial community diversity and function responsible for transformation of micropollutants in MAR systems using next generation sequencing. Hellauer, Karin; Michel, Philipp; Holland, Sophie I.; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.; Lauro, Federico M.; Manefield, Michael J.: Inferring trophic conditions in managed aquifer recharge systems from metagenomic data. Diversity and function of microbial communities in charge of micropollutants degradation analyzed by shotgun and 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing. Deutschlands angesagter DJ-Pool ist zum Hot Spot der Szene geworden und … Lutze, H.V., Alexander, J., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Happel, O., Hübner, U., Miehe, U., Prasse, C., Tekle-Röttering, A., Türk, J., Wenk, J., Wieland A.: Hauptausschuss "Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Anwendungen" - Fachausschuss „Oxidative Verfahren“. The interference effects were successfully removed and correct baselines, in good agreement with the calculated spectra, were obtained. Fetching data from CrossRef. Hübner, U.; Hellauer, K.; Müller, J.; Karakurt, S.; Drewes, J.E. : Role of adaptation of the microbial community to transform trace organic chemicals during managed aquifer recharge. Hübner, U., Müller, J., Karakurt, S., Zhiteneva, V., Hellauer, K., Drewes, J.E. Miklos, D., Hartl, R., Linden, K.G., Drewes, J.E., Hübner, U.: UV/H2O2 pilot-scale process validation and process reliability evaluation for TOrC removal from WWTP effluents. * : The status of de factor potable water reuse – A national reconnaissance of Germany. E-mail: Zhiteneva, Veronika; Carvajal, Guido; Shehata, Omar; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Quantitative microbial risk assessment of a non-membrane based indirect potable water reuse system using Bayesian networks. Drewes, J.E. ; Wang, W.-L.; Linden, K.G. www.Muxx.TV spielt Eure Schlager-Videos. Hellauer, Karin; Mergel, Dorothea; Ruhl, Aki S.; Filter, Josefine; Hübner, Uwe; Jekel, Martin; Drewes, Jörg E.: Advancing Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART) Using Different Intermediate Oxidation Processes. Dies spiegeln besonders die Charts und Events von www.dj-hitparade.com wieder. Environmental Engineering (M.S. BITTE TEILEN - BITTE TEILEN ! : Antibiotic microbial resistance (AMR) removal efficiencies by conventional and advanced wastewater treatment processes: A review. Zhiteneva, Veronika; Ziemendorf, Éric; Sperlich, Alexander; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Differentiating between adsorption and biodegradation mechanisms while removing trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) in biological activated carbon (BAC) filters. : Removal of micropollutants in wastewater effluent during UV/H2O2 and UV/PDS. 17.11.2020. Anfang 2020 wurde Produzent Bernhard Kurz für seine Show „Thank you for the music – Die ABBA-STORY“ als „Best Producer“ bei der Verleihung der Reel Awards in Las Vegas ausgezeichnet. These fringes can be attributed to multiple reflections inside the layers. ; Karakurt, S.; Zhiteneva, V.; Hellauer, K.; Müller, J.; Hübner, U.: Development of a Resilient, energy-efficient novel biofiltration treatment concept of water recycling applications. Eignung von Verfahren zur weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung – Ein Vergleich. Zuschauer und 17,5 % Marktanteil) nochmal deutlich verbessert werden. Uwe Hübner engagiert sich seit vielen Jahren sozial. If you are the author of this article you still need to obtain permission to reproduce Meine Geschichte. Information about reproducing material from RSC articles with different licences We applied our approach for correcting transmittance spectra of Poly(methyl methacrylate) layers on silicon substrates. Hübner, Uwe; Gunten, Urs von; Jekel, Martin: Zucker, I., Lester, Y., Avisar, D., Hübner, U., Jekel, M., Weinberger, Y., Mamane, H.: Influence of Wastewater Particles on Ozone Degradation of Trace Organic Contaminants. Was wird dort passieren? article provided that the correct acknowledgement is given with the reproduced material. Hiller, C.X. Tertiary treatment of Berlin WWTP effluents with ferrate (Fe(VI)). Erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Martina Hübner und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen. Untersuchungen alternativer Verfahren zur Entfernung von organischen Spurenstoffen aus Abwasser. Hübner, U.; Hellauer, K.; Müller, J.; Drewes, J.E. : Abschätzung der Relevanz einer ungeplanten Wasserwiederverwendung und deren Einfluss auf die Trinkwasserversorgung in Deutschland. Zhiteneva, Veronika; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Removal of Trace Organic Chemicals during Long-Term Biofilter Operation. : Sequential managed aquifer recharge (SMART): Results of demonstration-scale operation in Berlin, Germany. is available on our Permission Requests page. Hübner, U., Muntau, M., Müller, J., Schulz, M., Jewell, K., Ternes, T.A., Drewes, J.E. Hübner, U., Miklos, D., Müller, J., Fajnarova, S., Herzog, B., Drewes, J.E. Karakurt-Fischer, Sema; Sanz-Prat, Alicia; Greskowiak, Janek; Ergh, Martin; Gerdes, Heiko; Massmann, Gudrun; Ederer, Jürgen; Regnery, Julia; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Developing a novel biofiltration treatment system by coupling high-rate infiltration trench technology with a plug-flow porous-media bioreactor. ; Drewes, J.E. Uwe Hübner wurde am 13. Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Albert-Einstein-Str. : Charakterisierung der Redoxbedingungen in biologischen Filtrationssystemen mithilfe bekannter Iopromid-Transformationsprodukte. Am 25. Eignung von Verfahren zur weitergehenden Abwasserbehandlung – Ein Vergleich. Fajnorová, Soňa; Sprenger, Christoph; Hermes, Nina; Ternes, Thomas A.; Sala, Lluís; Miehe, Ulf; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Assessment of Full-Scale Indirect Potable Water Reuse in El Port de la Selva, Spain. Fetching data from CrossRef. Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: Bein, Emil; Zucker, Ines; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Ozone membrane contactors for water and wastewater treatment: A critical review on materials selection, mass transfer and process design. : Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART) – Principles, Performance and Optimization Strategies. Wer weiß denn sowas? Trends in conducting quantitative microbial risk assessments for water reuse systems: A review. Alidina, K., Li, D., Regnery, J., Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E. Filter, Josefine; Zhiteneva, Veronika; Vick, Carsten; Ruhl, Aki Sebastian; Jekel, Martin; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Varying attenuation of trace organic chemicals in natural treatment systems – A review of key influential factors. Fringe removal is consequently synonymous with correcting deviations from the Beer–Lambert law in the spectra. Inklusive Versand 4,50€ ... UWE HÜBNER'S DER STIMMUNGS HITMIX & DER DEUTSCHE HITMIX Best of Top Zustand Versand incl. Zhiteneva, V.; Rodriguez, J.; Ehre, M.; Drewes, J.E. April 1961 im badischen Pforzheim geboren. T. G. Mayerhöfer, S. Pahlow, U. Hübner and J. Popp, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Albert-Einstein-Str. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an. Uwe Hübner - der deutsche Hitmix CD. contained in this article in third party publications Drewes, J.E. 9, 07745 Jena, Germany, Friedrich Schiller University, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center of Photonics, Helmholtzweg 4, 07743 Jena, Germany, Instructions for using Copyright Clearance Center page. Der tanzbare deutsche Schlager ist mehr denn je in und erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit bei Millionen von Menschen. Due to its sound theoretical foundation, our formalism can be used as benchmark to test the performance of other methods for interference fringe removal. - Der tägliche Abreißkalender 2021: https://amzn.to/3cQ1R5F Wer weiß denn sowas? Geburtstag am 13. Stattdessen will er aus Spanien heraus mehr hinter den Kulissen tätig sein. Der Podcast zum Ranking erscheint ab sofort immer in der ersten Woche des Monats. Und das innerhalb unserer Aktion "Mach die Musik ganz laut" ! Zhiteneva, Veronika; Hübner, Uwe; Medema, Gertjan J.; Drewes, Jörg E.: Trends in conducting quantitative microbial risk assessments for water reuse systems: a review. The Combination Of Ozonation And Managed Aquifer Recharge: Fate Of The Oxidation By-product Bromate. Oktober treffen die Künstler, die am 29. Back to tab navigation. ; Karakurt, S.; Zhiteneva, V.; Hübner, U.: BMBF-Verbundprojekt TrinkWave zur Stützung der städtischen Trinkwasserversorgung durch indirekte Wasserwiederverwendung. ; Wanner J.: Fate of antibiotic resistance during advanced wastewater treatment. October 9, 2020. "Reproduced from" can be substituted with "Adapted from".
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