If Tuesday were a movie, it would be called "Monday Part 2" road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 18/01/2021 until 30/04/2021, between Prettingen and Hünsdorf road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 01/03/2021 until about 30/04/2021, Aarbechten um Schinnereseau zu Angelduerf an zu Dikrech, between Croix de Gasperich and Kirchberg Schedules and real-time bus departures; Get directions; Routes and maps; Free public transport and exceptions; School buses; By car . road maintenance operations, lane blocked, from 25/05/2021 09:00 until 28/05/2021 16:00, between Mensdorf and turn-off road leading to Niederanven in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 24/08/2020 until about 24/08/2021, road between Schuttrange and Uebersyren Covid incidence rate falls for all except 30-44 year olds . Most read. road maintenance operations, on 21/04/2021 from 08:00 until 09:30, A4 Autoroute d'Esch, Croisement Merl to Rond-Point Raemerich, between Échangeur Lankëlz and N31, roundabout Rond-Point Charles de Gaulle in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, detour in operation, until 31/07/2021, between N31B and Sanem 6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry L-1432 Luxembourg. in both directions road construction, lane blocked, temporary traffic lights, from 26/04/2021 09:00 until 28/06/2021 15:00, Canton Esch-sur-Alzette, N31 Route de Bascharage, between Niederkorn and roundabout Niedercorn - CR175A road maintenance operations, closed, from 12/04/2021 21:00 until 13/04/2021 05:00, between Rollingen and Schoos Deutsche Staatsangehörige dürfen nach Deutschland ausreisen. road maintenance operations, from 20/05/2021 09:00 until 22/05/2021 17:00, Canton Echternach and canton Grevenmacher, N14, between Reuland and Jeanharis road maintenance operations, on 16/04/2021 from 09:00 until 15:00, between entrance to the town and N7, Haaptstrooss The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Luxembourg due to COVID-19. in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 14/04/2021 until 16/04/2021, between turn-off road leading to Angelsberg and Larochette A1 Frontière Allemagne to Croix de Gasperich, between Cargo-Center and exit Senningerberg Trafic-Info; Map of ongoing works; Tips for getting around . in both directions road construction, road maintenance operations, closed, until 16/04/2021 18:00, between Mertert and Wasserbillig T. +352 42 82 82 1 F. +352 42 82 82 38 E. info@visitluxembourg.com Alle … in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, on 26/04/2021 from 09:30 until 20:00, A7 Autoroute du Nord, Jonction Grunewald - Schieren, between Grunewald and Schoenfels road construction, closed, until 16/04/2021, Luxembourg, Rue du Parc to Rue Pierre Krier, between Rue de Carignan and Rue Irmine road maintenance operations, until 09/04/2021 16:00, between Rue de Reckange and Rue de Neudorf You're here: Mobility & Tourism Traffic news and mobility services Traffic information. Copyright ©2021 ACL Automobile Club du Luxembourg, This site uses cookies to simplify and improve your usage and experience of this website. Destinations. Prenez contact directement avec notre régie publicitaire IPLuxembourg in both directions closed, road maintenance operations, from 14/04/2021 08:00 until 15/04/2021 17:00, Fermeture de la place de la Gare et du pont Jean-Pierre Buchler, du vendredi 26 mars 2021 (22h00) au lundi 29 mars 2021 (04h00), road between turn-off road leading to Luxembourg and Strassen road maintenance operations, closed, from 31/05/2021 21:00 until 01/06/2021 05:00, at Frisange Camion géint Auto. in both directions road construction, closed, from 09/02/2021 until 30/07/2021, between Lorentzweiler and Tunnel Grouft in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 26/05/2021 22:00 until 27/05/2021 05:00, at Merl Thus, from 29 January 2021, any person, regardless of nationality, aged 6 years or over, wishing to travel by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present a negative result at boarding. Webcam . closed, road construction, on 12/04/2021 from 09:00 until 17:00, N3 Luxembourg, Avenue de la Liberté to Place de la Gare, outbound, between Place de Paris and Rue du Commerce in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 06/04/2021 until 13/04/2021, between Larochette and turn-off road leading to Angelsberg Luxembourg travel guide. in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, until about 31/07/2021, Fermeture complète du tunnel Markusberg de l’autoroute A13, From 24.10.2020 around 20:00 bis 25.10.2020 around 20:00, From 24.10.2020 at 22:00 to 25.10.2020 at 6:00, Travaux au boulevard Royal et au pont Adolphe dans le cadre du chantier Luxtram, Adaptations en matière de circulation et de transports en commun du 20 au 24 octobre 2020, Prochaine phase du chantier de réaménagement du pont Buchler, Fermeture de la Pénétrante Sud en raison de travaux d’infrastructure et de démolition de l’ancien pont du vendredi 16 au lundi 19 octobre 2020, Réalisation de la couche de roulement au boulevard Pierre Werner, du samedi 17 octobre au dimanche 18 octobre 2020, Fermeture du parking souterrain Saint-Esprit au grand public, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement des rues Auguste Laval, Munchen-Tesch et de Stavelot, du dimanche 18 octobre 2020 au lundi 19 octobre 2020, Chantier sur l’autoroute A13 entre l’échangeur Differdange et le rond-point Biff, du vendredi 16 octobre 2020 vers 20 heures au lundi 19 octobre 2020 vers 6 heures, du jeudi 15 octobre 2020, 7h00 au vendredi 16 octobre 2020, 21h00, Chantier sur l’autoroute A13 entre le rond-point Biff et l’échangeur Sanem, du vendredi 9 octobre 2020 vers 20 heures au lundi 12 octobre 2020 vers 6 heures, Chantier sur l’autoroute A6 entre l'échangeur Bridel et l’échangeur Mamer, Le dimanche 11.10.2020 vers 8 heures jusqu’à environ 13 heures, Canton Esch-sur-Alzette, Route de Peppange, between Peppange and Bettembourg in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 06/05/2021 20:00 until 07/05/2021 03:00, between Croix de Gasperich and Hamm road maintenance operations, on 15/04/2021 from 08:30 until 15:00, between Colmar-Berg and Schieren All countries have some reported advisories: France (4), Belgium with 3.9 and Germany with 3.9 (of 5). in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, until 21/05/2021, between N35 and Rue de Strassen road construction, on 21/04/2021 from 12:00 until 13:30, between Mamer and Kopstal L'application Info Trafic Luxembourg vous permet de voir en live les conditions de circulation sur les autoroutes luxembourgeoises. Questions about AstraZeneca jab linger. Postfach 1001 L-1010 Luxembourg. in both directions road maintenance operations, on 29/04/2021 from 09:30 until 20:00, between Mondorf and Schengen road construction, observe speed limit of 70 km/h, from 04/12/2020 until 30/04/2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A7 entre l’échangeur Schoenfels et l’échangeur Waldhof, B3 Pénétrante Süd, Luxembourg - Boulevard d'Avranches to Pont Jean-Pierre Buchler, Luxembourg - Pont Jean-Pierre Buchler connecting road to N3 to Luxembourg in both directions road maintenance operations, lane blocked, until 23/04/2021 17:00, between Rue des Jardins and Rue Pietert in both directions closed, road construction, from 18/01/2021 until about 19/04/2021, between turn-off road leading to Niederkorn and N31, roundabout Niedercorn - CR175A closed, road repair, from 16/04/2021 21:00 until 17/04/2021 08:00, between Bollendorf-Pont and Dillingen Undermining confidence Questions about AstraZeneca jab linger. closed, road maintenance operations, from 03/05/2021 19:00 until 04/05/2021 06:00, A7 Autoroute du Nord, Schieren to Jonction Grunewald, between Schoenfels and Waldhof road construction, lane blocked, until 30/04/2021 18:00, between Bei der Millen and Duchscherstrooss road maintenance operations, closed, on 10/05/2021 from 09:00 until 12:00, Between exit Belval-Gare and entrance Belval-Gare, road maintenance operations, closed, from 18/05/2021 20:00 until 19/05/2021 05:00, road between Belvaux - N31 and Belval-Université road maintenance operations, on 18/04/2021 from 09:00 until 19:00, between Rue Neimillen and Cité Beaulieu road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 06/04/2021 08:30 until 16/04/2021 midnight, between Rue des Sports and Rue des Champs in both directions road maintenance operations, on 15/04/2021 from 09:30 until 15:00, between A13, Burange and Dudelange in both directions road construction, lane closed, possible stopped traffic, from 02/05/2021 until 05/05/2021, between entrance to the town and Gonderange You have your own vehicle? in both directions road construction, lane closed, from 06/04/2021 until 16/04/2021, at Frisange Scheduled traffic disruptions across our bus network, by street and district, in real time. If you ignore this message and continue without changing your browser settings, we will assume that you are consenting to our use of cookies. in both directions road construction, closed, from 12/04/2021 08:00 until 17/04/2021 17:00, between turn-off road leading to Medingen and Moutfort in both directions road construction, possible stopped traffic, until 31/12/2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A13 entre la jonction d'Esch-sur-Alzette et la Croix de Bettembourg, Chantier sur l'échangeur Sanem sur l’autoroute A13 et le CR 175, We are open from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm. road maintenance operations, closed, from 21/04/2021 22:00 until 22/04/2021 05:00, entrance Schieren road repair, closed, from 12/04/2021 20:00 until 13/04/2021 05:30, between Mamer and CR103 road maintenance operations, closed, on 20/04/2021 from 08:00 until 17:00, between Roodt-Syre and Flaxweiler road construction, closed, until 28/05/2021, between Berg and Colmar road construction, closed, from 18/01/2021 until 31/12/2022, Canton Esch-sur-Alzette, Rue de Bettembourg, between Bivange and Berchem Lors d’un accident, chaque minute, chaque seconde compte et peut décider de la vie ou de la mort. "D'Elektrogefierer representéieren 32,4% vum Marché, d'Bensinner 37,4% an d'Gefierer mat Diesel 30,3%" sou d'Febiac an engem Communiqué. road construction, closed, from 12/04/2021 09:00 until 16/04/2021 16:00, A6 Autoroute d'Arlon, Croix de Gasperich to Frontière Belgique, at Croix de Cessange in both directions road construction, temporary traffic lights, lane blocked, from 17/05/2021 00:00 until 19/06/2021 23:59, between Avenue Prince Henri and N10, roundabout Grevenmacher Est Deutsche, die einen triftigen Reisegrund haben (z… in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 12/10/2020 until 31/07/2022, in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, on 18/04/2021 from 09:00 until 21:00, from 18.09.2020 at 22:00 to 21.09.2020 at 04:00, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement aux boulevards Jean Ulveling et Victor Thorn, Barrage des CR125 et CR126 entre Walferdange et le lieu-dit Stafelter, Du lundi 10 août à la fin du mois d'octobre 2020, Transformation provisoire de la rue du Fossé et du tronçon étroit de la côte d'Eich en Zone Objet Piétonne, du vendredi 31.07.2020 06h00 jusqu'au lundi 31.08.2020 18h00, du vendredi 24 juillet 2020 vers 20 heures au lundi 27 juillet 2020 vers 15 heures, Réaménagement du boulevard Franklin D. Roosevelt, du samedi 25 juillet 2020 au lundi 27 juillet 2020, Chantier sur l’autoroute A4 entre la croix de Cessange et l’échangeur Foetz, Chantier sur l’autoroute A1 à hauteur de la frontière germano-luxembourgeoise, du vendredi 17 juillet 2020 vers 11 heures au lundi 20 juillet 2020 vers 5 heures, Chantier sur le pont Buchler et la tranchée couverte entre la gare centrale et la route de Thionville à Luxembourg-Ville, à partir du dimanche 19 juillet 2020 et jusqu’au printemps 2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A4 entre l’échangeur Leudelange-Sud et l’échangeur Leudelange-Nord, Chantier sur le CR231 (boulevard Raiffeisen) entre le rond-point Howald et le carrefour boulevard Raiffeisen/boulevard Kockelscheuer, Prochaine phase du chantier Luxtram à l’avenue de la Liberté, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement sur la N5 à Bertrange, Chantier sur l’autoroute A7 entre l’échangeur Lorentzweiler et l’échangeur Mersch dans les deux sens, Chantier sur l’échangeur Burange de l’autoroute A13, Chantier sur l’autoroute A1 entre l’échangeur Senningerberg et l’échangeur Potaschberg, between Am Peesch and Rue de Canach road maintenance operations, closed, from 22/05/2021 06:00 until 24/05/2021 18:00, between Goetzingen and Olm road maintenance operations, on 12/04/2021 from 07:00 until 15:00, between Schieren and Colmar-Berg road construction, traffic restricted to one direction, from 08/04/2021 05:00 until 17/04/2021 18:00, between entrance to the town and Rue Gouschteng Incidents. road construction, lane blocked, until 21/05/2021 17:00, between Avenue Prince Henri and Kurzacht For further information on our use of cookies, please see our. in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 14/04/2021 20:00 until 15/04/2021 06:00, between Waldhof and Tunnel Stafelter Chantiers. Infos trafic. in both directions road construction, closed, from 11/01/2021 until 01/08/2021, between turn-off road leading to Bascharage and roundabout Niedercorn - CR175A Quoi de mieux que d'avoir les 6 flux vidéos de l'autoroute A1, A3, A4, A6, A7 et A13 en une seule vue? in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 19/04/2021 20:00 until 20/04/2021 06:00, between Grunewald and Schoenfels in both directions traffic problem, lane blocked, on 14/04/2021 from 09:00 until 14:00, du vendredi 9 avril 2021 (22h00) au lundi 12 avril 2021 (05h00), Chantier entre l'échangeur Hellange et l’échangeur Mondorf de l’autoroute A13, Dimanche, le 11 avril 2021 vers 10 heures jusqu’à environ 20 heures, between Wechen and Rue de l'École road maintenance operations, on 16/04/2021 from 06:00 until 15:00, between Potaschberg and Flaxweiler Go back. There is no current traffic information right now. Vous souhaitez faire de la publicité sur RTL.lu ? in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 06/04/2021 08:00 until 09/04/2021 18:00, N6 Mamer, Rue Henri Kirpach to Route d'Arlon, between Rue du Commerce and Wieweschgaass in both directions closed, road maintenance operations, from 12/04/2021 09:00 until 16/04/2021 17:00, between Rosport and Steinheim road maintenance operations, on 23/04/2021 from 09:00 until 15:00, A1 Autoroute de Trèves, Frontière Allemagne to Croix de Gasperich, between Flaxweiler and Munsbach in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, on 14/04/2021 from 07:00 until 22:00, between Angelsberg and Schoos road returned to normal, B4, A4 Route d'Esch to Rond-Point Raemerich, between Merl and Croix de Cessange road construction, lane blocked, traffic problem, on 29/04/2021 from 08:00 until 18:00, between CR132 and Roeser road construction, traffic restricted to one direction, from 11/01/2021 until about 09/04/2021, between Op der Breck and Op der Baach in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 15/04/2021 20:00 until 16/04/2021 06:00, between Grunewald and Schoenfels in both directions road construction, closed, until 16/04/2021, between Um Eer and An der Hiel Follow the latest ACL News on Social Media. Luxembourg shares a land border with 3 neighbouring states. road maintenance operations, closed, from 25/05/2021 00:00 until 26/05/2021 05:30, Tunnel René Konen UK to announce new international travel rules . road maintenance operations, closed, from 10/05/2021 07:00 until 12/05/2021 00:00, between N7, Marbourg and N10 in Marnach road maintenance operations, lane blocked, from 17/03/2021 08:00 until 30/04/2021 18:00, between A3, Hesperange and Howald road maintenance operations, closed, from 22/04/2021 22:00 until 23/04/2021 05:00, through road Gosseldange, Route de Mersch, in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, until about 30/04/2021, between Rue Adolphe Diederich and village exit Luxembourg for Tourism. Anyone committing a traffic offence is liable for: either a standard fine; or a penalty notice. road construction, closed, from 11/02/2021 until 23/06/2021, between Rue de la Forêt and Am Peesch in both directions road construction, lane blocked, temporary traffic lights, from 19/04/2021 08:00 until 16/07/2021 17:00, between entrance to the town and Rue François Dostert Consult the compulsory formalities for your personal vehicle. Visit the Embassy's COVID-19 page for more information on COVID-19 in Luxembourg. road maintenance operations, closed, from 19/04/2021 07:00 until 31/05/2021 17:00, between turn-off road leading to Schoos and Angelsberg road construction, until 31/12/2021, between Place de la Gare and N7a, Avenue J-F Kennedy Luxembourg for Tourism. in both directions road construction, closed, until 28/05/2021 17:00, between entrance to the town and Rue du Village in both directions road construction, lane blocked, temporary traffic lights, until 16/04/2021 17:00, between Bollendorf-Pont and Dillingen Search Lonely Planet. road construction, lane closed, until 20/07/2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A6 entre l’échangeur Helfenterbruck et l’échangeur Strassen, Prise en service du boulevard de Kockelscheuer, Adaptations en matière de circulation depuis le 3 novembre 2019, Barrage de la bretelle de sortie de l’échangeur Strassen en provenance de l’échangeur Helfenterbruck jusqu’à fin 2020, Fermeture des bretelles d’accès et de sortie de l’échangeur Helfenterbruck de l’autoroute A6, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement de la bretelle de sortie N°7 de l’échangeur Hamm, N3 Luxembourg, Place de la Gare to Route de Thionville, between N56, Rue de Hollerich and Dernier Sol — ACL Trafic Info (@ACL_Info_FR) September 30, 2019. This applies to all departures to Luxembourg, including those from European Union Member States or the Schengen area. road construction in the intersection, closed, detour in operation, from 06/04/2021 until 17/04/2021, A3 Autoroute de Thionville, Frontière France to Rond-point Gluck, between frontier crossing Frontière France and Dudelange in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, until 16/04/2021, between Rue Mechtem and village exit road maintenance operations, closed, from 13/04/2021 20:00 until 14/04/2021 06:00, between Waldhof and Tunnel Stafelter Current informationen on Covid-19 in Luxembourg Search. Download our travel programme here (French version), Coronavirus : what travellers from Luxembourg need to know, Car and motorcycle tours powered by We love to travel. Verkehrsinfos zu Ihrer regelmäßigen Strecke - HERE WeGo Luxembourg is one of Europe's smaller countries and although it's easily one that's overlooked when planning any European travel, it's one of the most - 11 Things To Know About Visiting Luxembourg - Travel, Travel Advice - Europe, Luxembourg, Luxembourg city - Travel, Food and Home Inspiration Blog with door-to-door Travel Planner! Traffic information. road maintenance operations, closed, from 22/04/2021 22:00 until 23/04/2021 05:30, entrance Kirchberg - Rond Point Serra road construction, lane closed, observe signals, from 19/04/2021, entrance Burange road maintenance operations, closed, from 03/06/2021 21:00 until 04/06/2021 05:00, A13 Autoroute de la Sarre/Collectrice du Sud, Pétange - Frontière Allemagne, between Mondorf and Schengen As the wealthiest nation in Europe and one of the founding fathers of the EU, it’s safe to say little Luxembourg is punching well above its weight. road maintenance operations, lane blocked, from 12/04/2021 09:00 until 13/04/2021 16:00, A3, A6 Frontière France to Frontière Belgique, between service area Aire de Berchem and Croix de Cessange Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel. Coronavirus Luxembourg to continue using AstraZeneca vaccine for all age groups. Traffic information Traffic information. View all ongoing works in Luxembourg City on an interactive map. in both directions road construction, closed, until 01/07/2021 17:00, Tunnel René Konen Tentative travel date UK to announce new international travel rules. road maintenance operations, closed, from 01/06/2021 21:00 until 02/06/2021 05:00, between Mondorf and Frisange In this way, the TCPs can suggest, via the vehicular network, individual routes avoiding traffic jams, and thus shorten the travel time. Latest travel advice for Luxembourg, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 14/04/2021 until 15/04/2021, at turn-off road leading to Rodershausen in both directions road maintenance operations, on 30/04/2021 from 09:30 until 20:00, between Mondorf and Schengen road maintenance operations, on 14/04/2021 from 07:30 until 15:00, between Schieren and Colmar-Berg L’Administration des ponts et chaussées procédera à des tests de scénarios incendie dans les tunnels Frisange et Mondorf sur l’autoroute A13 le dimanche 11 avril 2021 vers 10 heures jusqu’à environ 20 heures. road maintenance operations, on 13/04/2021 from 08:30 until 15:00, between Colmar-Berg and Mersch 08/04/2021 16:35. This information will help to predict how the traffic will evolve in the near future. T. +352 42 82 82 1 F. +352 42 82 82 38 E. info@visitluxembourg.com Show all contacts For more information on controls and traffic on Luxembourg roads, visit the Cita.lu website. road repair, closed, from 13/04/2021 20:45 until 14/04/2021 05:30, between Val du Scheid and Contern road repair, closed, from 15/04/2021 19:00 until 16/04/2021 05:30, A1 Croix de Gasperich to Frontière Allemagne, between Croix de Gasperich and Kirchberg
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