The most obvious difference that DirectX 12 requires Windows 10, while DirectX 11 requires Windows 7 or later. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to enjoy the experience as some people are getting issues that keep crashing their game. At its most basic level, DirectX acts as an interface for a Windows machine to allow it to play games, and other forms of media. Fortnite If you play Warzone, FIFA, Overwatch, or League of Legends and think you’re one of the best, you could be earning a lot of money for playing them. If you're also running RTSS or any similar programs, it's worth shutting them down before you start playing Call of Duty: Warzone. We've recently moved from Disqus to Spot.IM. I tried everything before that: - Reinstalling the game - -d3d11 - Changing every graphics setting in COD: Warzone (FPS, Refresh rate, Particles quality, etc.) Assuming the Scan and Repair function does not allow you to launch the game, it’s time to start checking over your GPU and related software. Sollten uns noch weitere Problemlösungen bekannt werden, dann werden wir diese natürlich hier ergänzen. The free-to-play Battle Royale is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Versuchen Sie auf Ihre C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ Steamapps \ common \ Call of Duty Erweiterte Warfare \ _CommonRedist Ordner und installieren Sie DirectX von dort statt. But with all the good there comes some bad, the game has been plagued … DirectX 12 also requires that your video card driver supports it as well. 27.10.2019 10:48:56 - 23 Kommentare zu Call of Duty Modern Warfare startet nicht: Irreparabler DirectX Fehler Wenn das neue Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) nicht startet oder direkt abstürzt, dann kann das an verschiedenen Ursachen liegen. That being said, other players bumping into crashes and the "DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error" message are not using the RivaTuner Statistics Server program or any of its peers. Bonjour, a tout le monde voila je vous exposse mon probléme.. j'ai depuis peut achetter le nouveau call of duty moderne warfare 2 donc je l'installe, installation fini je redémarre histoire qu'il n'y et pas de bug avant de lancer le jeu, puis j'arrive sur le jeu premiere mission tout se passe bien puis au 2em chargement pour la seconde mission une erreur irrécuperable directX … Regards,-Rick. COD Warzone cannot start because GPU "Microsoft Basic Render Driver" is not supported Jump to solution. View solution in original post. For our forum users - in order to reclaim your history in the new system please click here Wer auch Probleme mit dem schwerwiegender DirectX Fehler in Call of Duty Warzone hat und noch weitere Ursachen kennt, der kann seine Lösungsansätze gerne in den Kommentarbereich posten. Call of Duty: Warzone has had a pretty solid release thus far and players have really been enjoying Activision’s newest take on the Battle Royale genre. Auch intall sowohl die 2010 und 2012-Versionen von vcredist. E-sports are a relatively new competitive market, and it’s growing fast, year-on-year the prizes get bigger and the challenge gets harder Guter Gott, Google übersetzt ist horrend! However, Fusion 11.5.x supports the DirectX in Windows guest up to version 10.1, so it does not meet the minimum requirements of this game unfortunately. This caused me days of headaches before i figured it out I hope this helps! Update your graphics card drivers. Call of Duty: Warzone gained a lot of traction this past week with its launch on March 10th, 2020. Once I change the XMP Profile in the BIOS to 3200 MHz COD: Warzone has been running flawlessly. This means you need to have a relatively recent AMD, NVIDIA or Intel video card with updated drivers.
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