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Darts are best activated at the end of the search when there are more than three items left in the task. Is the manor really haunted? Go to device settings -> General -> Restrictions. Make sure the sound is turned on quite loudly. In this search mode, the timer is accelerated, and it takes less time to search for items than usual.Do not hesitate and try to quickly pick up objects. Tools can: There are several types of tools in the game now. On the right, select Notifications -> turn off Allow notifications. What is a tool and what is it for? They left the door open for you… come on in! Play on a device with a charge level of at least 50%. Pay attention to the search task and collect primarily those items that are easy to find in order to leave more time searching for complex items. To contact tech support, follow these steps: System requirements. Even if the network indicator shows a good signal, this does not guarantee a stable connection in cases where the network is congested or there are any problems in its operation. Wait for the extra time to appear in the timer, and continue to search for items. Are you ready to step inside? Manor Matters is a free game, however some in-game items can be bought for real money. What rewards are available in the game? Als erfahrener Spieler werden Sie wahrscheinlich viele Tipps und Tricks für Manor Matters kennenlernen, mit denen Sie schnell Münzen verdienen können. The approximate time when the purchase was made. ‎Lies Rezensionen, vergleiche Kundenbewertungen, sieh dir Screenshots an und erfahre mehr über Manor Matters. You can see the current amount of energy in the upper left corner of the screen of the house. If you think that there is an error in the search scene, you should try the following: If after all the steps the problem in the search scene still persists, please contact technical support. If the connection was interrupted during or immediately after the purchase, reboot the device, re-enter the game and check if the purchase has arrived. It is especially useful in complex search modes. Manor Matters introduces you to Carl, as he recently inherits a mysterious mansion named Castlewood from his grandparent. To start the game again, you must delete all your data: In addition, you can install the game on another device and start a new game on it. How do I contact technical support? Hier gibt es die besten Tipps und Tricks zum Spiel (Update vom 26. MANOR MATTERS - Android game with release date 09/20/2019 from the company Playrix. Hier sind die Antworten zu CodyCross Mittelalter - Gruppe 236 - Rätsel 5. The item that the tool points to is highlighted. Easy, I love how Manor Matters game is created to be a solidly built strikingly game with awesome features.Playrix has successfully put efforts and engineered a sophisticated stars software. Select the number of coins you want to purchase. Select the "Privacy & Personal Information" category. In der Schachtel befindet sich ein Puzzle mit 368 geheimnisvollen Teilen, eine Anleitung und einen Umschlag welcher die Lösung beinhaltet. Reinstall the game and reconnect to Facebook and / or iCloud (only for iOS devices) if the game has already been connected to these services. Bereits zu Beginn Ihres Abenteuers werden Sie feststellen, dass dieses Haus vor langer Zeit verlassen wurde, aber es gibt viele Anzeichen dafür, dass dort bis heute sehr seltsame Phänomene auftreten. Hold them down for a few seconds and release. Indicate after what actions in the game you noticed a loss (installing updates, changing devices, etc. 1 Lösung. Delete the game from the device and download it again from the corresponding application store. You can change your cat name or name at any time: Why and how to get stars? Wenn Sie Hilfe bei einem bestimmten Rätsel benötigen, hinterlassen Sie hier Ihren Kommentar. It is recommended that you select a password that does not match the one used to unlock the device. Open the game and click on the coin icon in the upper left corner. Das Spiel an sich ist super gemacht, aber ohne bestimmte Booster etc zu kaufen. If you wish, you can purchase some virtual items through in-game purchases to facilitate the passage, but this is not required. Ab ins Bett: Husch, husch, ins __!. Und zu allem Überfluss ist die Grafik mit einigen wirklich auffälligen Illustrationen attraktiv. Doch mit diesem Programm kannst du Manor Matters bereits Heute an deinem PC spielen. Verify that the username and password are correct. Why does the connection drop all the time? Löse Rätsel und finde verlorene Gegenstände, die über das Anwesen verstreut sind. ‎Willkommen in Castlewood, einem alten Anwesen, voller Geheimnisse & Rätsel! Select Manage payment methods. First do these steps: If these methods do not help, it is recommended that you also try the following: The game crashes or freezes. What exactly is the problem and what exactly is happening in the game? Game progress is saved automatically if the device is connected to the Internet and is not lost even if you reinstall the game. The Magnifier tool can be obtained as a reward or purchased in the search process. However, if you are worried about heating the device, you can reduce it in several ways: If heating the device affects its proper operation, it is recommended that you contact the manufacturer for further instructions. Magnifier. Receive a gift for completing quests to restore the mansion. The versions of the game on both devices that you want to sync must be the same. To make a refund, you need to contact the support service of your application store. Check the game settings: sound effects and music may be muted. Jede richtige Antwort bringt euch einen Schritt näher zur Lösung des Rätsels, um am Ende das geheime Wort zu entschlüsseln, dass euch ein Level weiterbringt. If the game crashes or freezes, there are several ways to fix it: If after all the steps the problem persists, contact support. Connect both devices to the same iCloud account. Den Spieler verschlägt es wieder einmal in ein altes Gemäuer, in dem eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben und Rätsel … Manor matters. What are coins for and how to get them? Create and remember a password for the Restrictions function, and then confirm it. Download Manor Matters apk 2.3.0 for Android. Also, energy can be restored using energy. Energy is needed to run the search scene. The progress bar will tell you how many such triples are left. In: Manor Matters. If you download another game to the device, the original game progress may be completely lost without the possibility of recovery. Posted by: // Mobile Games // manor matters cheats , manor matters deutsch , manor matters münzen , manor matters tipps und tricks // September 16, 2020 Collect all items that are easy for you to find, and in difficult situations use tools. Besuchen Sie ein altes Herrenhaus, das eine Menge Geheimnisse verbirgt. Das Ziel des Spiels ist sehr einfach. Trotzdem ist diese Form der Rätsel noch immer ein top-down Ablauf. The scene of the search for the items you were on. Manor Matters tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. Enter the necessary information to make a payment. Continue Reading. Purchases are made through the app store of your device and are paid in one of the ways available in this store. Lade Manor Matters 2.3.0 für Android kostenlos und ohne Viren von Uptodown herunter. Top positive review. But if you select another search item, then activate a new pair. Welcome to Castlewood — an old manor full of mysteries! Press and hold the side button on the right side of the iPhone device. Erledige immer schwierigere Aufgaben, um neue Räume freizuschalten. Energy in Manor Matters is the resource needed to search hidden object scenes. Manor Matters ist ein superspaßiges Gelegenheitsspiel, das das Gameplay der "versteckten Objekte" perfekt mit der Dynamik eines Heimverschönerungsspiels verbindet. Ihre Aufgabe wird es sein, alle Geheimnisse dieses Ortes zu lüften. Samsara Game Infinite Galaxy Art Puzzle - Live Jigsaw Coloring Games If game content has not returned, contact support: As a gift or thanks from the heroes of the game; For successful completion of the search (when chest development is available); Click on the edit icon in the Your name line to change your name, and in the. In this search mode, you need to find any one of the three items specified in the taskbar in 20 seconds. Modify or delete existing information. For iOS devices (iPhone 8 or earlier, iPad and iPod touch): I can’t connect the game to Facebook. My purchase did not appear in the game. Falls ihr einmal nicht weiter wisst, hilft euch der kleine Außerirdische. Nachdem Sie erfolgreich verbunden wurden, geben Sie die Anzahl der Münzen ein, die Sie hinzufügen möchten, und klicken Sie auf “Start!”. Attention, the Wise Geek website is constantly updated, visit us more often. In the window that opens, in a free form, confirm the request for the complete deletion of data and send a letter. In the window that appears, click Download. How to play in the search scene? The game has several search modes that differ in essence and level of difficulty. For example, in the "Reflection" mode, the scene is shown as mirrored, and in the "Acceleration" time is faster than usual. Falls ihr einmal nicht weiter wisst, hilft euch der kleine Außerirdische. Schauen Sie sich Screenshots an, lesen Sie aktuelle Kundenrezensionen, und vergleichen Sie Bewertungen für Manor Matters. Reflection. A thumbnail will appear in the lower left corner of the iPhone device screen. How do I know if my game progress has been preserved? ). You can change the appearance of objects, but not their location in the room! 116,856 talking about this. Check for a system update for your device. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei einem bestimmten Rätsel benötigen, hinterlassen Sie hier Ihren Kommentar. Haiku Games hat aufgrund des großen Erfolgs von „Adventure Escape“ gleich mehrere Apps herausgebracht. Die Lösung ist nicht entscheidend, sondern die Geschichte dahinter und das, was die Spieler über den Dungeon erfahren haben. Wie in fast allen Puzzlespielen können Spieler auch in den Manor Matters Münzen sammeln, die auf viele sehr hilfreiche Arten verwendet werden können. To prevent only in-app purchases, turn off the In-app purchases option. Manor Matters® Herunterladen und Installieren für Ihren Computer - entweder Windows PC 10, 8 oder 7 und macOS 10 X, 32/64-Bit-Prozessor, wir haben Sie abgedeckt Und so funktioniert Manor Matters: In dem neuen Spiel geht es darum, ein altes Anwesen zu restaurieren, bis seine Räume im früheren Glanz erstrahlen. Can I start the game again? How to make a purchase in the game? by Playrix. Game Genre: Adventure. My device gets very hot during the game. Install the game from the application store on a new device. Check your device for minimum system requirements. Avoid Manor Matters hack cheats for your own safety, choose our tips and advices confirmed by pro players, testers and users like you. Are you ready to step inside? Darts. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. If possible, provide the following information: The game is slow. Bei der Teilnahme an den schwierigsten Missionen können Münzen nützlich sein, die jeder Spieler verdienen und sammeln kann. Die Murder Manor Lösung ist zwar nicht auf deutsch aber bei den Videos eh egal. 45 seconds are added to the time allotted for the search. If possible, use a Wi-Fi or at least 3G / 4G connection for the game, which provides a stable connection. Rätsel Hilfe für US-Metalband, sangen Nothing Else Matters If you have any problems with the game, first of all do the following: If none of these steps help you, contact the player support team and report: How to disable notifications? Manor Matters: Manor, decorations, and stars. All positive reviews › Katy P. 5.0 out of 5 stars Fun. Connect the downloaded game to the same Facebook account that you used during the game. Neben der schön umgesetzten Grafik überzeugt die gesamte Aufmachen in der jede App in eine schöne Geschichte verpackt wurde. Check if your device meets the minimum system requirements necessary for a correct game. They are needed to perform the tasks of restoring the mansion. Previous Post: Manor Matters: Manor, decorations, and stars. The check after some time is sent to the mail, which is tied to a payment service. Ab ins Bett: Husch, husch, ins __!. Um zu Ihrem Spiel Münzen hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie die Manor Matters Cheats auf dasselbe Mobilgerät herunterladen, auf dem Sie das Spiel Manor Matters bereits installiert haben. The Hourglass tool can be obtained as a reward or purchased in the search process. Find hidden objects & renovate In der Schachtel befindet sich ein Puzzle mit 368 geheimnisvollen Teilen, eine Anleitung und einen Umschlag welcher die Lösung beinhaltet. How can I change the payment method for purchases? In this search mode, the task is represented by a list of words. Enjoying Manor Matters? After what exactly did the progress disappear (reinstalling the game, changing the device, updating the system, etc.)? Wir erklären dir in einer einfachen Anleitung wie … Search time is limited, do not hesitate.Distracting from the game, be sure to use the "pause" button. To delete a payment method, click on it and on the Delete button. Manor Matters is a hidden object adventure game developed and published by Playrix, a company that has wowed fans with their family-friendly mobile games Gardenscapes and Homescapes. To activate the tool, click on the corresponding icon in the panel. Describe what exactly you have lost and in what quantity. Immediately press the volume up button on the left, and then release both buttons. Welcome to Castlewood — an old manor full of mysteries! When downloading, you'll get a adventure game, working like a charm on most of the latest Android powered devices. For iOS devices: If you do not want to completely turn off the shopping function, you can set up a password request before making a purchase in applications. Review Manor Matters release date, changelog and more. The progress bar will tell you how many words are left to find. One unit of energy is restored in 2 minutes. A list of items will be provided to you to discover items by navigating the scene, and if you stuck anywhere, making use of the hint system would be in your favor. Rätsel anwenden. At the same time you see 4-5 words of the task. However, in contrast to the room full of flowers and colors in Homescapes, Manor Matters owns a darker and more creepy scene. Bequem nach Hause bestellen oder in Ihr Manor-Warenhaus nach Wahl liefern lassen. In this mode, you see a mirror image of the search scene. At what point did you notice the problem for the first time (after updating the game, reinstalling the game, etc.)? Das Rätsel wird zum Hinweis. März 2021). Fügen Sie neue Möbel hinzu und wählen Sie Dekorationen, die Ihrem Stil entsprechen. Reset the advertising ID (Settings -> Privacy -> Advertising -> Reset Advertising ID). If there are connection problems in the game, first of all: If after all the steps the problem persists, check the connection in other applications. Any additional information about the purchase (order number, purchase time or check) that you can provide to the support service will significantly speed up the process of returning. Probiere die neueste Version von Manor Matters 2021 für Android aus Manor Matters. Sound effects disappeared in the game. Coins are the currency inside the game. How are ratings calculated? Hourglass. Das Migros-Magazin ist die Wochenzeitung der Migros. 2020-05-06. Coins are issued: A set of rewards (coins, tools, energy) is awarded for completing quests to restore the mansion. Here are some general tips: Why play search scenes? Why is it abandoned? Press on an object (armchair, cupboard, lamp, etc.) Transferring progress to another device is also possible only using Facebook. More information on purchase history can be found in the user support section of the Apple website. Open the Settings in the game and click the "Help and Feedback" button. When was the problem first noticed (after updating the game, reinstalling the game, etc.)? Lade Manor Matters und genieße die App auf deinem iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Sie sind ein Unternehmen oder eine Institution und auf dem deutsch-französischen Markt aktiv? Bis jetzt gibt es das erfolgreiche Manor Matters von Playrix nur für mobile Geräte und noch nicht für herkömmliche Computer. Escape Puzzle das Labor, 368 Teile Multicolor für 17.90 bei Manor. Do not constantly touch the screen in the hope of accidentally finding an item. For each successfully completed search you get from 5 to 13 stars, depending on the size of the chest with the award. Download Manor Matters old versions Android APK or update to Manor Matters latest version. In this search mode, you see only one word in the taskbar, and until you find this item, a new task word will not appear. Open a browser -> go to your page on Facebook -> sign in to your account. Sign out of the Facebook application on your device (or uninstall and then reinstall this application). Welcome to Castlewood — an old manor full of mysteries! Delete the Facebook account from the device settings (tap your name -> select Delete account). In the article, we summarized pumping tips from TOP players, developers "answers to gamers" questions, guides for beginners from the official site and our secrets for passing the game. In the search scene, you need to find all the items that are listed on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. The silhouettes on the panel are in the same position as on the stage. For the correct game, it is recommended to use a device that meets these requirements. This tool is especially useful in complex search modes, in conditions of a limited number of times. I think there is a mistake in this search scene. Manor Matters: How to get more energy for free? Schauen Sie sich Screenshots an, lesen Sie aktuelle Kundenrezensionen, und vergleichen Sie Bewertungen für Manor Matters. The choice. Kreuzworträtsel Lösungen mit 9 Buchstaben für US-Metalband, sangen Nothing Else Matters. Find Manor Matters in the list of apps and click on it. Manor Matters ist ein Handyspiel in der Kategorie für Geräte mit Android- und iOS-Betriebssystemen. Ziehen Sie in eine abgelegene Stadt namens Castlewood und beginnen Sie Ihr Abenteuer als einer der besten Detektive der Welt. Otherwise, you may encounter problems in the game. Bequem nach Hause bestellen oder in Ihr Manor-Warenhaus nach Wahl liefern lassen. Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2021. Select the section that corresponds to your problem, describe your situation and click the "Submit" button. For iOS devices: How to take a screenshot? Manor Matters ist ein Handyspiel in der Kategorie für Geräte mit Android- und iOS-Betriebssystemen. Both of your devices must meet the minimum system requirements. Required fields are marked * Comment. For the App Store: Available payment methods may vary by country. Can you help Carl unravel the many secrets of the … Bequem nach Hause bestellen oder in Ihr Manor-Warenhaus nach Wahl liefern lassen. Royal Match Manor Matters Travel Town Stickman War Legend of Stick The Battle Cats Manor Cafe Merge Matters: Home renovation game with a twist Merge Mansion - The Mansion Full of Mysteries Spacelanders: Hero Survival - arcade shooter Stellar Hunter. If you miss at this moment, the backlight from the first subject will not disappear. Inspect and renovate rooms, find curious artifacts from all over the world, and unravel the secrets of this thrilling location together with Carl, your charming assistant! Lade Manor Matters und genieße die App auf deinem iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Adventure Escape Mysteries Painted Worlds Lösung und Walkthrough findet man in diesem Beitrag. She said hard but still fun. Reboot the device and try to enter the game again. Starten Sie die Cheats und klicken Sie auf “Verbinden”, um eine Verbindung zwischen Ihrem Spiel und dem Programm herzustellen. Außerdem bringen Sie die Geschichte voran und lösen einige der Rätsel im Spiel. Copy of receipt or screenshot of purchase history. If the game has lost sound, first of all do the following: After these actions, the sound usually returns. Sign out of your Facebook account in installed browsers (Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.). In the game there are many ways to get coins, tools, additional energy as a reward - both individually and as a set. It should work and be stable enough. Acceleration. In der Schachtel befindet sich ein Puzzle mit 368 geheimnisvollen Teilen, eine Anleitung und einen Umschlag welcher die Lösung beinhaltet. In addition, for each successful search, you get coins that you can spend on the purchase of energy or gaming instruments. Ask a question or add answers, watch video tutorials & submit own opinion about this game/app. For an item to be marked as found, it must be touched. View all 6 questions in Manor, decorations, and stars → Try it for yourself, I am pretty sure that you will like it too. Um die Lösung eines Kapitels von Murder Manor sehen zu können einfach auf den entsprechenden Titel klicken. Darin finden Sie das Neuste aus der Migros-Welt, Tipps für den Alltag und was die Gesellschaft bewegt. The Darts tool can be obtained as a reward or purchased in the search process. Manor Matters takes you to a beautiful mansion containing a lot of rooms, and each one brings something special for you to discover. If the problem persists, try a few more ways: If the problem persists, check if there is sound in other installed applications. Context matters „Aller Rätsel Lösung liegt im Kontext.“ Andreas Tenzer, Philosoph und Pädagoge. ‎Willkommen in Castlewood, einem alten Anwesen, voller Geheimnisse & Rätsel! In the window that opens, enter a new variant of the name and click OK. How to recover energy? Connect the downloaded game to the same Facebook page that you used during the game. The hood ornament: This is available if you go on the Lindsey's New York story by pressing the Calendar in the top left corner merge things especially the hotel carts as they give you green stars that help you level up to gain more prizes these prizes merge into an item that gives you the items you need to reach the hood ornament. Sie können beispielsweise spezielle Booster freischalten, wenn Sie schwierige Levels abgeschlossen müssen. « Cross-platform synchronization is possible only on Facebook between devices on iOS (for example, you cannot synchronize the game between iPad and Facebook). If the Family Access feature is used, only the family access organizer can update billing information. Whenever possible, include the following information in your message: What if I can’t get through the search scene? Game Genre: Adventure. Provide additional purchase information in the request: How to cancel a purchase and make a refund? How do I change the way objects look in the manor? Manor Matters ist ein Spiel, das sich perfekt für Liebhaber von Filmen und Detektivserien eignet. Wenn Sie möchten, dass dieser Ort einer wunderschönen Villa ähnelt, erwartet Sie viel Arbeit. After selecting the "Enable restrictions" option, you will see a list of allowed objects on your device. At the same time, you can buy any amount of energy, there are no restrictions on this subject. Manor Matters: How to get more energy for free? Hier sind die Antworten zu CodyCross Mittelalter - Gruppe 236 - Rätsel 5. What rewards can I get in the game? Ich finde auch, dass die verschiedenen Aufgaben … Check out the Apple support pages. Check your internet connection. Step by step. Weitere Ideen zu lustige rätsel mit lösung, lustige rätsel, rätsel mit lösung. Progress can also be linked to a Facebook page. In this search mode, the task is presented in the form of an object silhouette. Escape Puzzle Spielzeugfabrik, 368 Teile Multicolor für 17.90 bei Manor. What’s hidden behind the tapestry? Add to Wish List. Click the "Contact us" button in the upper right corner of the window that appears. Couples. What exactly is the problem and what is happening in the game? Each time you activate the search scene, you are wasting energy. 06.09.2020 - Erkunde Dieter Fleischmanns Pinnwand „Lustige rätsel mit lösung“ auf Pinterest. Ersetzen Sie den beschädigten Boden, entfernen Sie Staub, Glas und andere Abfälle, die diesen Ort schlecht aussehen lassen. The timer in this mode is located at the bottom left. With a full reset of the device to the factory settings, you can only restore progress yourself if the game was connected to a social network. Devices (especially high-performance ones) really often heat up while running resource-intensive games and applications - this is normal. ‎Lies Rezensionen, vergleiche Kundenbewertungen, sieh dir Screenshots an und erfahre mehr über Mystery Manor: Ein Suchspiel. In this search mode, the task is encrypted. Adventure Valley Forgotten Manor ist eine Mischung aus Abenteuer- und Knobel-Spiel. Manor, decorations, and stars » Daily Bonus How do I unlock new areas in the manor? Click your Apple ID and select View Apple ID. For the App Store: When you change the payment method for a payment card, the iTunes Store temporarily blocks a small amount on it for authorization to check for updated account information. If you have previously made purchases in the game or other applications, the reasons may be as follows: If you have not made a purchase in the game or other applications, the following reasons are possible: If the purchase still cannot be completed, we recommend that you contact the support service of your application store. Yes, sure. You may need to log in. Write a review. They allow you to purchase tools, buy extra search time and restore energy. If not, most likely something is wrong with your device, not with the game. Close other applications before starting the game. Some scenes are really difficult to go through, but in reality it is absolutely real. When you find the item, the next three items will appear. Braucht es ewig bis man voran kommt. Nachdem Sie alle Gegenstände erfolgreich gefunden haben, können Sie Ihr Abenteuer in Castlewood fortsetzen. Auf den ersten Blick mag es wie eine sehr einfache Aufgabe erscheinen, aber denken Sie daran, dass jedes nachfolgende Level immer schwieriger wird. Das Abschließen von Levels bedeutet auch, dass Sie Sterne sammeln, mit denen Sie Ihre Spielergebnisse verbessern können. To change the settings, go to the device settings -> App Store, iTunes Store -> Password Settings. You can get stars only by playing in the search for items. All scenes of Manor Matters search can be completed without spending real money. You need to compare the shape of the subject and the silhouette on the panel and mark this subject. Follow these steps: I can not make a purchase in the game. What’s hidden behind the tapestry? If your current game is connected to Facebook, it is important not to connect the game to the same account in order to avoid synchronizing game progress between the two devices. How to change your name or pet name in the game? Uninstall the Facebook application from the device. Shows one random item from the task. Reboot your device and try connecting the game to Facebook again. How to change the appearance of objects in the house? Sie können Manor Matters Cheats verwenden, wenn Sie zu Ihrem Spiel mehr Münzen hinzufügen möchten. Connect to Facebook in the game settings or on the start screen. Stars is a special game resource. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen mit unseren Übersetzungs-, Dolmetsch- und Kommunikationskompetenzen zu Seite. In this search mode, you need to find the pair of items indicated in the taskbar. Install the game from the App Store on the second device. Der Spielleiter stellt eine … The words. It is especially useful in complex search modes. Laden Sie dieses Spiel für Windows 10 aus dem Microsoft Store herunter. Do not worry if the device is connected to the Internet, your game progress will continue! Reboot the device and enter the game again. Sie werden in diesem aufregenden Abenteuer nicht allein sein. You can transfer game progress from the old device to the new one if you connect the new game to the same Facebook page that was used on the old device: Game progress will be rescheduled and you can continue playing on the new device. If your game progress has been lost, try: If, after these steps, progress has not been restored, please contact support with the following information: Can I install the game on one device twice? How to avoid random purchases in the game? Try restarting the device and re-entering the game. Is the manor really haunted? Click on the "Contact Us" button in the upper right corner. Außerdem hat der Spieler eine bestimmte Zeit, in der er die am unteren Bildschirmrand aufgelisteten Gegenstände finden muss. See All Buying Options. I encountered a technical problem in the game. Inspect and renovate rooms, find curious artifacts from all over the world, and unravel the secrets of this thrilling location together with Carl, your charming assistant! If you are using mobile Internet, try switching to Wi-Fi. Uninstall and reinstall the game. Try plugging in and unplugging your headphones. You can disable notifications from the game in the settings of your device. How can I pay for the purchase? What actions cause crashes or freezes of the game? After that, three random items will disappear from the search. Now in the game there are three types of tools: Magnifier, Darts, Hourglass.

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