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It was demonstrated that when rats were subjected to the sound healing frequency of 528 Hz that this reduced the total concentration of ‘Reactive Oxygen Species’ in brain tissue. See more ideas about sound healing, energy healing, spirituality. Nov 12, 2019 - Explore Laura Young's board "528 hz", followed by 244 people on Pinterest. The Golden Path of the Soul The 528Hz frequency is everywhere we look in the material world. From all the frequencies in the world, the 528Hz frequency is the most special of all Solfeggio frequencies, so much so it’s commonly known as the 528 Hz miracle tone and is used by many as a form of sound healing and sound therapy. Each one is comprised of a specific sound healing frequency needed to balance your energy and keep your mind, body, and spirit in a state of harmony. The 528 Hz tone is the Miracle frequency of the Solfeggio music range. Musician Scott Huckabay performs and records all of his music with A tuned to 444 Hz, which coincides with C at 528 Hz.. Not only this, by applying Pythagorean theorem, all these give multiples of digits 3,6 and … All numbers divisible by 3 and the Pythagorean relationship between the sum of the numbers 9 + 12 + 15 = 36 and 3 + 6 = 9 yet again. It is the regularity of love. Both 432Hz and the 528Hz Love frequency are proven … Solfeggio Music 528 Self Love & Miracles $ 7.99 $ 4.99 One Hour of blissful meditation music with embedded binaural beats at 528Hz. Music Education . 432 Hz is the Universal Frequency of Sacred Geometry. Tesla was greatly interested in this trio, but he also knew that he could not understand it himself: ... Sumerians or Egyptians, Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Debussy or Vivaldi were tuned to Nature. On a deeper spiritual note, what could we potentially experience when our minds, hearts and whole beings are resonating with the frequencies of nature and the Universe? The “Mi” tone is characterized as: 1. an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause, esp. Can you imagine how beautiful the world would be with the Love vibration permeating the air? The National Institutes of Health published a scientific study done into the effects of 528 Hz sound waves in the production of testosterone in the brains of rats and analyzed their behavioural changes. Categories Free Solfeggio Frequencies Tags 528 hertz, 528 hertz music, 528 hz benefits, 528 hz frequency, 528 hz science, 528 hz solfeggio, 528 hz tesla, 528 hz wiki, 528 hz wikipedia Post navigation. Our music is designed for restful sleep, mental clarity, focus, transformation, manifesting miracles in your life, energy cleanse, full body healing & emotional balance. 528Hz is the sound of Love however, there are many conspiracy theorists out there that believe that modern day music, TV commercials and the like are programmed at a lower and unnatural 440Hz frequency which is designed to stimulate fear, sickness and oppression. However such knowledge was lost by the 16th century, according to church officials, though the exact reason is unknown. 528 hz is love frequency. Many others use both 432Hz tuning and the 528Hz music to resonate with the divine energy every day. From all the frequencies in the world, the 528Hz frequency is the most special of all Solfeggio frequencies, so much so it’s commonly known as the 528 Hz miracle tone and is used by many as a … In 2010, John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, helped purify poisoned water off the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill. - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327439522_Effect_of_528_Hz_Music_on_the_Endocrine_System_and_Autonomic_Nervous_System, “Tension-anxiety and Total Mood Disturbance scores were significantly reduced after exposure to 528 Hz music, while there was no significant difference following 440 Hz music. As described in his book, ‘Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse’, those tones are 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852, which are the exact same notes used in Gregorian chants and by the healers, priests, and monks of the ancient past. Increases positive energy. 432 Hz 528 Hz are both intrinsically linked to nature, as is all music. Repairs DNA* Assists all healing. Another significant interaction we can see is with the 528Hz tone and water. Mar 22, 2019 - 432 Hz is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Listen to 432 music and stay in balance. Benefits of listening to 528hz Solfeggio Frequency Music … What This Frequency Is: 528 Hz is a Solfeggio frequency associated with healing and miracles. Register a new .COM for just $9.99 for the first year and get everything you need to make your mark online — website builder, hosting, email, and more. According to Professor Willi Apel, the origin of the ancient Solfeggio scale can be traced back to a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327439522_Effect_of_528_Hz_Music_on_the_Endocrine_System_and_Autonomic_Nervous_System. For example, the 528Hz vibrations are harnessed by chlorophyll which allows plants to draw energy from natural sunlight. He then tested to see what effects the different sounds had upon how much UV light the DNA absorbed. "This peer-reviewed, double-blind scientific study was published by nerve cell researchers who found that 528Hz waves in music could boost human immunity by 100% by enhancing antioxidant activity within the body." Sound Waves. Check out Tesla (528hz) by GlockyCashOnly on Amazon Music. Solfeggio-Frequenzen werden, durch deren Schwingungen und Klänge, in der Esoterik eine heilende Wirkung zugesprochen. What are the Solfeggio frequencies? We have several Pyramid Energy Generators from PyraHealth.com And the tuner works in harmony with them. Dies entspricht einer mittleren A Note von 444Hz. He wrote that this 4 Hz higher pitch is more generally pleasing for musicians worldwide. By reducing the three-digit numbers of each Solfeggio tone mentioned above, or adding the numbers together in other words, you find each one is reduced to the number 3, 6 or 9. 639 Hz 5. The ‘Ut’ tone releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. He called 528 Hz the love frequency because, more than any other frequency or sound, 528Hz can be … People were playing and chanting in 528Hz, praying for all polluted water to be blessed worldwide. Energy electrons vibrate at precise frequencies accommodating your every move, spirituality, and healing. 528hz Solfeggio Frequency. Miracle Tones - Cleanse negative influence from the past - DNA healing | Solfeggio 417 hz & 528 hz If you´re interested in solfeggio frequencies like we are, then this is an absolute MUST listen! Your heart is connected to God’s heart resonating in waves of LOVE, at 528 cycles-per-second. This video shows bees certainly appear to demonstrate more intelligence than humans in their selection of food, music, and aerospace technologies. Meditation music created to help you relax & heal. The 528 Hz frequency has been known since ancient times and these frequencies were known to have been used by the early Catholic Church in Hymns and Gregorian Chants. He and his research partner, Nancy Hutchinson (formerly Nancy Lazaryan), used the 528 Hz frequency and other Solfeggio tones to reduce the oil and grease in polluted waters. Everything in the material world consists of vibrating particles at the atomic level. Oppositely, when human consciousness is exposed to visual imagery that relates to feelings of peace, calm, kindness and love, the DNA helix unwinds and expands. 1 talking about this. It was like my inner being, my core opened up…. Every cell in your body has it’s own electromagnetic field. 528 Hz 4. Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York performed an experiment where in-vitro DNA was exposed to different frequencies of sound. 528Hz- This frequency is believed to be capable of repairing DNA, attracting love and even attracting miracles in one’s life. 22-abr-2020 - Nikola Tesla 369 code music that uses 432 Hz tuning instead of 440 Hz. Balances the Solar Plexus Chakra. Another scientific study, published by ResearchGate, aimed to show the ‘Effect of 528 Hz Music on the Endocrine System and Autonomic Nervous System’. Vic Showell and John Stuart Reid (a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurements) have proven that 528 is essential to the sacred geometry of circles and spirals consistent with DNA structuring and hydrosonic restructuring. The constant tone you're hearing is 528Hz pure sine wave. This music is designed to help you relax. Using this site means you're okay with this. It connects your heart, your spiritual … MI 528 Hz Transformation and miracles (DNA repair) FA 639 Hz Connecting relationships SOL 741 Hz Awakening intuition LA 852 Hz Returning to spiritual order ! 528 is known as the ‘Miracle’ tone which brings remarkable and extraordinary changes. The 528 Hz miracle tone can be found throughout nature everywhere we look. We can also see the 528Hz tone reflected in the buzzing wings of a bee, who buzz at a 528Hz frequency while they pollinate flowers. Electrons are the universal energy carriers, each sourcing originally from the univ… 6. Consider first a bar magnet’s magnetic field featuring North and South poles where electrons flow like water through the heart of the magnet and our planet. I pray that this music leads you to peace and rest in the Lord. The hymn has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. This is also something we can see in the science of Epigenetics. During times of environmental stress, ‘ROS’ levels can increase dramatically which can result in significant damage to cell structures within the body. The flights coming into Melbourne are bringing the covfefe magnets for the 5G Tesla towers. We can also see the 528Hz frequency vibrating at the same frequency as the Sun and even in rainbows. 432Hz, 528Hz and other Solfeggio tones have more in common that you can dream. The 528hz frequency has a healing and health-promoting effect on our body, mind, and soul. Dr. Joseph Puleo analyzed the meaning of the tone using Latin dictionaries and hidden entries from Webster’s Dictionary. The number 432 is reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon and in the procession of the equinoxes. Our brainwave music includes binaural tones & solfeggio frequencies. The 3, 6 and 9 he was referring to are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies that have recently been found encoded into the Old Testament of the Christian Bible in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83. John’s method of using sound and radio frequencies nearly eliminates the oil and toxins completely, and has no known dangerous side effects. Why are these frequencies so important, however? Its most deep rooted and loves encouraging frequency to naturally develop relationships with … Dr. Leonard Horowitz is a leading pioneer in the field of Solfeggio frequencies who has sought to apply the 528Hz sound healing frequency to health, science, therapy, and music. Today's modern twelve-tone musical scale, it can be said, is for sure out of sync with the natural world. There’s more. The answer is simple: use the one that works best for you. You can use this knowledge, and the exercises and products I recommend, to prompt natural healing and faster recoveries.” - http://drlenhorowitz.com/. Even the oxygen we breathe from the air is a carrier of 528Hz resonating electrons. Because the music held mathematic resonance, the original frequencies were capable of spiritually inspiring mankin… 528Hz solves to 5 +2 +8= 15 which in turn equals to 6, as well as shows the entryway of improvement and miracles in your life. The famous genius of Nikola Tesla, and the father of electromagnetic engineering, previously said: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the Universe.”. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com. This is a perfect accompaniment to our QSB relaxation/healing device and adds another level to the experience. More and more music healers are choosing the tune with 528 Hz for awakening spirituality. It develops Unity as opposed to splitting up. As you can see, the amount of oil and grease “before” the frequency treatment was 7 ppm (parts per million, or milligrams per liter); while the samples that had undergone the frequency exposure measured less than 1 ppm. Welcome to the 432hz Player App that enables you to play all your music in 432hz. Activate your spiritual heart, enhance awareness and expand your consciousness today! 417 Hz 3. Talk about good vibrations! 528hz Solfeggio Frequency. The endocrine system is a system of glands that produce hormones that are used to allow your cells to communicate with each other and are responsible for almost every cell, organ, and function in your body. Rather than going into critics and wars, I really encourage you to try to tune yourself to both of these types of music. This music is designed to help you relax. - https://www.masaru-emoto.net/en/science-of-messages-from-water/. Renowned doctors, professors, scientists, and researchers have documented evidence of the 528Hz frequency at work! 528Hz is the sound of Love however, there are many conspiracy theorists out there that believe that modern day music, TV commercials and the like are programmed at a lower and unnatural 440Hz frequency which is designed to stimulate fear, sickness and oppression. In 1978 Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and musicologist discovered the links between music, the cosmos and the natural world, comparing the frequencies of planetary orbits, in architectural works, in ancient and modern measuring systems, the human body, music and medicine. JoreJj Z. ElprehzleinnPersonal Development Consultant It was like my inner being, my core opened up… Desla EpisonActress Whoever produced these tracks is a genius. This same tone was used to bless others and used as a form of sound therapy to perform seemingly miraculous feats of healing.

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