CLEW can assist with research, provide background information and help find the right interviewees to speak with on a wide variety of topics. The EU Institutions and the Member States are bound to take the necessary measures at EU and national level to meet the target, taking into account the importance of promoting fairness and solidarity among Member States. All rights reserved. It also organises many conferences, public hearings and high-level debates related to its work. The EU's carbon border tax debate, What’s next in Europe? One of several official meetings of EU member state environment ministers. The proposal aims to complement the existing policy framework by setting the long-term direction of travel and enshrining the 2050 climate-neutrality objective in EU law, enhancing adaptation efforts, establishing a process to set out and update a trajectory until 2050, regular assessment and a process in case of insufficient progress or inconsistencies. But what the end up approving could look very different from … Procedure 2020/0036/COD. Please enable javascript to display the timeline. To walk its talk as a climate leader—with its pledge to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 reflected in the European Green Deal and the European Climate Law—the EU cannot afford to continue to sponsor the Energy Charter Treaty, which protects fossil fuel investors and investments. The Clean Energy Wire produces and enables first-class journalism about the energy transition in Germany and beyond. Researching a story? The EU has been a key driver of UK climate policy, so the Act will play an even more important role in keeping the UK on track. Trilogue on the EU climate law. Learn more about our policy areas and policy highlights at Read the latest EESC news and press releases Within its 6 months presidency, Portugal makes the deal on EU climate law ‘big priority’.The package, expected in June, will cover the whole range of EU climate and energy laws, including a reform of the … This is one of four regular meetings of EU heads of state and government as the European Council. The EU and its member states are the largest provider of public climate finance worldwide. It also organises several annual initiatives and events with a focus on civil society and citizens’ participation such as the Civil Society Prize, the Civil Society Days, the Your Europe, Your Say youth plenary and the ECI Day. This is one of four regular meetings of EU heads of state and government as the European Council, and thus also under the Portuguese EU Council presidency. Parliament wants each individual EU member state to become carbon neutral by 2050 ©Adobe Stock. CLEW covers all aspects of the energy transition – browse through our topic pages to find news and background on: All texts created by the Clean Energy Wire are available under a. The EESC brings together representatives from all areas of organised civil society, who give their independent advice on EU policies and legislation. European Union: Commission Proposes European Climate Law to Achieve Climate Neutrality by 2050. Due to COVID-19, the summit, European Commission holds Green Taxation Event, Leaders' Climate Summit by U.S. administration, European Commission presents draft legislation to increase 2030 target: ", European Commission presents policy plans and legislation drafts on biodiversity, European Commission presents sustainable finance legislation, European Commission presents proposals on sustainable and smart mobility, European Commission presents further draft legislation from ", European Commission presents draft legislation on circular economy, Many see the 2021 United Nations climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow as the most important COP (Conference of the Parties) since 2015, when the landmark. Drop CLEW a line or give us a call for background material and contacts. Raising the 2030 climate target requires a set of actions across all sectors of the economy. -55% CO2 is a huge challenge for companies in Europe. The Summit is the climax of the G20 process and the final stage, at Leaders’ level, of the intense work carried out within ministerial meetings, working groups and Engagement Groups throughout the year. 4 March 2020: There was a proposal for a European climate law to ensure a climate neutral European Union by 2050. Expert Q&A on European energy and climate policy, Emission reduction panacea or recipe for trade war? The European Climate Law aims to make the bloc's goal of reaching climate … The EESC's 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Diversity Europe. This Factsheet is part of the following Dossiers: We are available to support journalists in their work. Schengen means you can theoretically get on a train in Vilnius and get off in Valencia without having to show your passport. It can be assumed that the Commission will have worked out details for several options of how to introduce such a mechanism by this date, an EU official told Clean Energy Wire. Informal meeting of EU environment ministers. It is likely the last international climate meeting before the U.S. administration presents its new 2030 climate plans. Procedure 2020/0036/COD. The European Commission on Wednesday unveiled a plan to introduce its first law aimed at combating climate change.The proposal looks to make the European Union… European Commissioner Frans Timmermans said negotiations should be concluded by April to give the Commission time to work out its climate legislation with the 2030 target (to be presented by June), and to have an agreement in time for the US climate summit on 22 April. January 8, 2021 -. Despite the setback rega… The European Commission co-convenes with China and Canada the annual meeting attended by ministers and high-level representatives from over 30 countries, including ministers from the G20 and chairs of key party groupings in the UN climate negotiations. European Commissioner Frans Timmermans said negotiations should be concluded by April to give the Commission time to work out its climate legislation with the 2030 target (to be presented by June), and to have an agreement in time for the US climate summit on 22 April. Right before COP26, co-organised by Italy, the G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will be held in Rome on October 30th and 31st 2021, with the participation of the G20 Heads of State and Government, of their counterparts from invited countries, and of the representatives of some of the main international and regional organizations. An important consideration in this context will be how revenues from carbon pricing are distributed between member states and the EU as own resources. Our daily news articles and newsletters offer comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in Germany’s energy transition. "The European Council will return to the matter and adopt additional guidance in time before the Commission puts forward its proposals. Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. Later, planned for the fourth quarter, it will present plans to revise the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation. also the carbon border tax plans. The Portuguese EU Council presidency invites EU energy ministers for an informal meeting. direction of travel and enshrining the 2050 climate-neutrality objective in EU law, enhancing adaptation efforts, establishing a process to set out and review a trajectory until 2050, regular assessment and a process in case of insufficient progress or inconsistencies. The EESC has six sections, specialising in concrete topics of relevance to the citizens of the European Union, ranging from social to economic affairs, energy, environment, external relations or the internal market. Basically, all major energy and climate legislation will have to be amended and the Commission plans to present most of its proposals by June 2021. As host of the UN climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow, the UK government has said it aims to address the issue also at the G7 summit it hosts in June. As the holder of the EU Council’s rotating presidency, Portugal will represent the EU’s 27 member states until end of June 2021. Operator TenneT expects test runs to finish within the coming weeks and plans an official opening ceremony for the end of May. Portugal to make EU climate law ‘big priority’. It also tasks the Some proposals, however, will be put forth in the fourth quarter: a revision of the energy performance of Buildings Directive, and a revision of the Third Energy Package for gas to regulate competitive decarbonised gas markets. Raising the 2030 climate target requires a set of actions across all sectors of the economy. CLEW's Dossiers and Factsheets provide in-depth information, figures and background on key energy transition topics. On climate, the EU has proposed language purporting to safeguard States’ right to regulate to combat climate change. This includes a sustainable products policy initiative, including a revision of the Ecodesign Directive, and a proposal on circular electronics. All member states must become climate neutral by 2050, says Parliament in a vote on the EU climate law, calling for ambitious 2030 and 2040 emissions reduction targets. Find out more about our Members and groups at EU leaders welcomed on Monday (26 October) the new Japanese prime minister Yoshihide Suga's pledge to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 - a move that puts Tokyo's plans on the same timeline as Europe and a decade ahead of China. The CLEW Journalism Network brings together international reporters covering the global energy transition story. Demonstrators … EU leaders have also agreed an interim emissions reduction target of 55 percent by 2030 as a checkpoint to the 2050 target. The EESC holds nine plenary sessions per year. The climate law, which needs the approval of the European Parliament and member states, would commit the 27-nation EU to reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. It has also proposed adding to the treaty’s definition of “Energy Materials and Products” a timeline to phase out the protection of certain fossil fuel investments under the treaty by 2030 or 2040, based on the EU’s current climate ambitions. The climate law will include the EU’s target to reach net zero emissions by 2050, which EU countries say is a joint effort, but the European Parliament wants it to be binding on every EU state. The negotiations about key issues of the EU climate law - such as the 2030 target, an emissions budget to be considered for a 2040 climate target, and a climate change council - are ongoing and it is unclear whether they can be finalised any time soon. With the European Climate Law the Commission proposes a legally binding target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 11 December 2019: The European Green Deal was presented. The EU also created the Schengen Area, a zone of passport-free, borderless travel that covers over 400 million people.Most EU members are part of Schengen, along with some non-EU countries - namely, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. However, there was disagreement in the Community on the need for and content of a CO2/energy tax and a group of Member States (MS) led by the United Kingdom prevented an introduction2. 7, 2020) On March 4, 2020, the European Commission (Commission) published a proposal for a regulation (European Climate Law). The Commission aims to present a proposal to revise the Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems, including a multimodal ticketing initiative and the Regulation on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T), an EU 2021 Rail Corridor Initiative, and it wants to develop post-Euro 6/VI emission standards for cars, vans, lorries and buses. Find out more about our upcoming events at But this will not be easy! We organise tours, meetings and online events to help you with frontline reporting of the energy transition. The climate and energy policy is a choice between democracy and autocracy.The choice is one between patronage-based oil-and-gas oligarchies on the one hand, and adaptive and innovative low-carbon economy on the other.. The Commission aims to establish a green bond standard. Their total contributions, amounting to €23.2 billion in 2019, were successfully channelled into climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives in developing countries. Find the latest EESC opinions and publications at and respectively. Climate and energy think tank E3G has published a timeline for the EU for 2021. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is the voice of organised civil society in Europe. Here you can find news and information about the EESC's work, including its social media accounts, the EESC Info newsletter, photo galleries and videos. Brussels, 4. Alexandra Carreira, Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The fifth round of negotiations between the EU Council and members of parliament achieved little progress on agreeing a climate law. Testing of the interconnector will continue until December 2020, before NordLink is put into full trial operation. All direct and indirect fossil fuel subsidies should be phased out by 2025 at the latest. The United States has announced that it will convene a Leaders' Climate Summit on Earth Day to bring together leaders of major economies. – Timeline of European climate and energy policy, What a higher EU 2030 climate target means for member states like Germany, Every three years, the AU-EU summit brings together EU and African leaders to define the future direction for cooperation between the two continents. A cornerstone of the EU Green Deal 13 is the target of achieving climate neutrality for EU member states as a whole by 2050. The EU is committed to the Paris Agreement and wants to play a leading role in climate action.. The meeting is seen as an important stepping stone for climate diplomacy in the run up to COP26 in November. 210178 Berlin, Germany. The EU’s legislature is expected to give its approval to the proposed climate law by the Autumn. The Climate Law includes measures to keep track of progress and adjust our actions accordingly, based on existing systems such as the governance proces… © 2018 Clean Energy Wire. At their meeting in December 2020, EU leaders agreed to return to details of how to implement a new 2030 target before the Commission publishes the bulk of its "Fit for 55 package" by June. The future of the Effort Sharing Regulation will be tackled on this occasion," read the conclusions. Timeline. The high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) is the core United Nations platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The proposal would codify the European Union’s (EU’s) goal to become climate neutral by 2050 in accordance with the European Green Deal of December 2019. Subject. Pieces of legislation the Commission will review to implement this increased ambition include: the EU Emissions Trading System; the Effort Sharing Regulation; the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation; the Energy Efficiency Directive; the Renewable Energy Directive; and the CO2 Emissions Performance Standards for Cars and Vans Regulation, as well as the planned carbon border adjustment mechanism Find more details here. To be environmentally sustainable, an activity must satisfy four tests under the proposed Regulation8: 1. it must substantially contribute to the one or more of the specified environmental objectives outlined in the Proposed Taxonomy Regulation, being climate change mitigation; climate change adaptation; sustainable use and protection of water and mari… The HLPF in 2021 will discuss Sustainable Development Goals 1 on no poverty, 2 on zero hunger, 3 on good health and well-being, 8 on decent work and economic growth, 10 on reduced inequalities, 12 on responsible consumption and production, 13 on climate action, 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions, and 17 on partnerships in depth. Additionally, the EC launched public consultations on the future European Climate Pact, as well as on the impact assessments on the future Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Directive and the review of the … So, leaders could debate it at this meeting. Barendt Leyts, European Council, Alexandra Carreira, Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 14 January 2020: The European Green Deal Investment Plan as well as the Just Transition Mechanism were presented. The Portuguese EU Council presidency invites EU environment ministers for an informal meeting. The summit will be held on 22 April 2021, which is the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Paris Agreement on climate change for signature. The Ministers of Economics and Finance traditionally also take part in the event. The German government hosts the governments of key countries for the international Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin every year. Conversely, there is a real danger that, after Brexit, without that external driving force there will be less political pressure on the UK government to implement the requirements of the Act. This objective is proposed to be implemented via a proposed European Climate Law 14. Published on 30/03/2021, 3:44pm. The Portuguese EU Council presidency invites EU leaders to Porto for an informal meeting. The EC published its landmark proposal for a Regulation establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality, also known as the European Climate Law. The European Commission unveiled plans Wednesday for its first ever climate law, the lynchpin of … The negotiations about key issues of the EU climate law - such as the 2030 target, an emissions budget to be considered for a 2040 climate target, and a climate change council - are ongoing and it is unclear whether they can be finalised any time soon. The EU and the Paris Agreement. Adopted on 15/07/2020 - Bureau decision date: 21/01/2020, Priorities during the European Presidencies, Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct of the Members of the EESC, Follow-up to EESC opinions (European Commission), Agriculture, Rural Development & Fisheries, The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO), Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT), Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society (TEN), Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC), Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (NAT), Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI), Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market (DSMO), Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO), Ad hoc Group on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law, Environment, consumers and health protection, Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy, National parliaments ; Council of the European Union ; European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee ; European Committee of the Regions,,,,,,,, EESC in cooperation with other institutions, Economic, Social and Environmental Council (France). National governments, led by the Portuguese presidency, have watered down provisions that MEPs are trying to introduce to raise the bar of the first-ever EU climate law. COM (2020) 80: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law) Ongoing. The Commission aims to present an action plan for the development of organis production, a zero pollution action plan for water, air and soil, and a legislation draft on minimising the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products placed on the EU market. The European Parliament calls for a more ambitious 2030 target than the "at least 55% net target" member state leaders agreed last year. You can find more information on European climate and energy events and developments in the European Parliament’s European Green Deal legislative train schedule, in the event calendar of the German Council presidency, and in the Council’s press calendar. The European Commission will invite stakeholders to talk about green taxation, i.e. How an Ambitious Climate Bill Becomes a Landmark Climate Law Europe’s Green Deal would stimulate around 500 billion euros of government spending with the goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. The European Commission is set to present legislation for its circular economy package. The 5 fights facing the Commission in the wake of legislating for climate neutrality by 2050. LEAK: EU's draft climate law leaves 2030 target up in the air The European Commission’s Climate Law will confirm on Wednesday (4 March) that EU countries will need to become climate neutral by 2050. The EESC issues between 160 and 190 opinions and information reports a year. The meetings provide a space for discussions on the implementation of the Paris Agreement through the promotion of ambitious climate action and the successful adoption of technical rules under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). EU commission unveils climate law amid criticism. European Green Deal legislative train schedule, event calendar of the German Council presidency, Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation, CO2 Emissions Performance Standards for Cars and Vans Regulation, UN high-level political forum on sustainable development, “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0)”, Energy transition in EU takes centre stage in quest for climate neutrality, Preview 2021: 'Climate election' set to dominate Germany's energy transition agenda, Cooperation vs competition: How EU-China relations shape fight against climate change, Energy industry calls on govt to facilitate EU state aid approval of renewables support, EU environmental requirements for cars must be “feasible” – German transport minister, EU should aim for international “climate club”, not unilateral carbon border tax – govt advisors, EU needs to determine rules, measures to ensure CO2 uptake of natural sinks – report, German industry favours emission trading over carbon border tax, EU’s Farm to Fork strategy impacts climate, productivity, and trade, Who sets the targets? The NordLink project is owned 50 percent by Norwegian TSO Statnett and 50 percent by German partners TenneT and KfW. The EESC is active in a wide range of areas, from social affairs to economy, energy and sustainability. EU member states and lawmakers at loggerheads over 2030 climate target. Find out more at, COM (2020) 80: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law). Mar, 07:05. Find out more about its role and structure at The German MEP had tweeted: “With the climate law, Europe is leading the battle against climate change. EU climate law sparks political battles. As part of this process, the Commission will review impacts at the level of member states and consider distribution-related issues. The taxonomy is a classification framework according to which activities can be assessed in order to determine whether they are environmentally sustainable. We can help you find interviewees, background info, research locations and reporting opportunities. Stephan Gabriel Haufe, German environment ministry, Informal meeting of heads of state or government. COM (2020) 80: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law) You can find it for download here. To tackle GHG emissions a proposal on a European CO2 and energy tax was discussed in 1992. Basically, all major energy and climate legislation will have to be amended and the Commission plans to present its proposals by June 2021.
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