The main stakeholders are the partners i.e. We will get back to you soonest. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ICMPD and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. As diaspora definitions vary widely, we have chosen to use comparable data on emigration. Luxembourg joined the Partnership in 2013 with a €10 million contribution, and Ireland joined in 2017, providing an additional €3.2 million. A second wave of research will add another 50 countries in autumn 2020 and the EUDiF team will regularly update the country information throughout the project. Crucial to the UHC Partnership is the close collaboration between the EU and WHO. Development policy. 1 The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), the Financing Instrument for Development Cooperation (DCI), the financial instrument for the promotion of … Project 53 is implemented by the ISTC and the EU Team of Experts (consisting of SCJS, VERTIC, PHE and RIVM) in close cooperation with the National Teams of Experts of the Partner Countries and the CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat and country’s CBRN CoE National Focal Points, as well as the respective EU delegations to the Partner Countries. The idea of a health system that provides services and financial protection to all citizens has emerged shortly after the Second World War, through the development of the welfare state. DG DEVCO and the EEAS have in fact encouraged more partner countries to join the Initiative. Since the transition, UHC2030 has expanded its membership, bringing together 60 countries, 11 multilateral agencies and global health initiatives, three philanthropic institutions and five civil society organisations, all of which have signed the UHC2030 Global Compact and committed to working together towards common goals. While UHC2030 promotes a shared global vision around UHC, the UHC Partnership serves as its country-level resource. There is no doubt that effective health policies have to be grounded in sound evidence, locally generated data and a design process that responds to country needs. As a thematic fund, it focuses on strengthening the dialogue on national health policies, strategies and plans related to Universal Health Coverage; it involves 28 partner countries around the world, with 17 more having requested to join. More specifically, SPHIP’s purpose is to enhance expertise, knowledge and resources of institutions in eight countries, and to establish and strengthen their partnerships with similar institutes in other low- and middle-income countries, as well as with European partners. One of the projects focusing on UHC is SPEED, or “Supporting Policy Engagement for Evidence-Based Decision Making,” led by the Makerere University School of Public Health in Uganda, in partnership with the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp, Belgium, and the Human Science Research Council in South Africa. Yet beyond the technical differences, the DGs work on similar issues, and are often side by side in partner countries. Under Agenda 2030, the European Commission has committed... Depression affects over 300 million people around the world... Development projects and programmes aim to change lives... An official website of the European Union, European Central Bank|European Court of Auditors, fragile and challenging operating environments, sustainability and transition from external financing, Uganda National Health Consumers’ Organisation. In 2013 DEVCO - Unit B3 - decided to take stock of the Commission's support for TVET and Skills development in partner countries in preparation for reformulating strategy in this increasingly important field. “UHC2030 corresponds to the EDC principles laid out in the EU’s Agenda for Change and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness,” he said. The Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is responsible for Germany's official development policy. DevCo is a long-term oriented active owner and development partner dedicated to building and developing world leading companies in selected niche markets DevCo provides its companies with hands-on operational resources, strategic support and significant financial resources to support step changes in performance According to Reinicke, assistance from the EU Delegations to partner countries has resulted in significant improvements in monitoring, visibility and the ability of the EU and WHO to address emerging issues in a timely manner. The results of the research are included in the interactive map and available for download in the Library. Watch this video for a brief introduction to the UHC Partnership: The UHC Partnership is led by local actors, with WHO serving as the main convener and broker of the policy dialogue. Home; EU Team of Implementers; DEVCO; DEVCO-DEVCO Project 53 … DevCo Partners Oy Tel: +358 50 346 3487 Email: DG Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid was reformed into current form on 1 January 2015. “The EU Delegations, meanwhile, focus on mobilising political support, but they also help to monitor progress in identifying what can be improved.”. In addition to presenting its research and results at key international public health conferences, the project has also held two symposiums, in 2015 and 2017, that brought together key stakeholders from Uganda and the wider Eastern Africa region to examine how low-and middle-income countries can strengthen their health-financing systems and policies for UHC and health systems development. The aim of the transition was to better respond to the newly agreed SDGs, defining a way forward for continued support to countries in their HSS efforts, with a view to achieve UHC. “In particular the principle of ownership – letting the developing countries set their own strategies for poverty reduction, improve their institutions and tackle corruption.”. 8. With a budget of €23 million, the programme runs eight projects in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. According to Matthias Reinicke, Health Policy Officer at DG DEVCO, the EU has fully supported IHP+’s transformation into UHC2030. This e-learning course provides concrete and practical guidance on what the instrument can deliver as an effective short- and long-term response. “Firstly, while the government does have some well-developed health policies, it faces substantial challenges in implementing them.”, The other challenge lies in the coordination of all the stakeholders who are supposed to contribute to improving health and well-being of the population. The new framework builds on experiences under the previous guidance, LRRD, or ‘linking relief, rehabilitation and development’. work together with partner countries across the world to achieve sustainable development design the EU’s international partnership and development policy We are responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the ultimate goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world. Strengthening national ownership and leadership is critical for achieving SDG 3.”, At the moment, Ssengooba and his team are also working on a book that looks back at the health policies implemented in Uganda over the years, to see which of them have worked and why, and which haven’t. To what extent has DEVCO funding of R&I enabled research communities in partner countries to build up and develop their own R&I capacity, including the ability to actively engage in research networks (regional and international)? Swiss Devco provides value added Aerospace supply chain, logistics, forward deployment and fulfillment technology, IT integration services, consulting and advisory services, advanced network architecture, and managed services to government and commercial enterprise customers. Because it is the last year of the current MFF, the 2020 budget cannot be increased, so the EC’s contribution to this package will be financed through funds reallocated from the current budget. DG DEVCO works together with partner countries across the world to achieve sustainable development and designs the EU’s international partnership and development policy with the aim to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law across the world. “We’ve invited others to work with us, but many of them are not yet aware of what Universal Health Coverage actually entails, or what roles they need to play, individually but also collaboratively.”, Another issue is the capacity for policy analysis. As of 16 January 2021, the DG International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) became DG International Partnerships (INTPA). This reference document was commissioned by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) Migration, Employment, Inequalities Unit. Asia Central Asia DevCo Partners is an investment company founded by Teemu Alahuhta, Lauri Stadigh and Otto Kukkonen. DG Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid was reformed into current form on 1 January 2015. To ensure the most coherent and effective work, DG INTPA cooperates and coordinates with: Joint Analysis Bangladesh (2012) Burundi (2012) Ghana (2012) Laos (2012) Moldova (2016) Rwanda (2013) “The UHC Partnership has been an increasing success over the past years, given that it is a challenging initiative,” Reinicke said. The report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission. We provide companies with full-time hands-on resources, strategic support, tailored ownership solutions and significant capital for growth ... DevCo Partners Oy. The first step in this process is a global mapping exercise of DG DEVCO partner countries. The UHC Partnership assists countries in defining health policies, strategies and plans that lead to increased coverage of quality health services, financial protection, and health equity. “The UHC Partnership has helped governments to engage both national and international actors in policy dialogue, and improve their alignment with national health planning.”. As a multi-stakeholder initiative, it also helps with monitoring of accountability and progress towards UHC at global and country levels. These translations are computer generated using the plug-in GTranslate and cannot be guaranteed for accuracy by EUDiF. The study was commissioned by The European Commission, DEVCO A2, with the aim of analysing trends in the use of country systems by EU Member States (MS) and the European Commission in the decade from 2006 to 2017and formulating recommendations to increase of the use of partner countries’ systems in the delivery of development cooperation in support of activities managed by the public … Matti Alahuhta Chairman, Partner. The Ugandan government is currently working on health insurance, for instance, and we’re providing them with evidence basis.”, By 2020, when the project finishes, Ssengooba added, “we’ll leave Makerere University with a track record of policy analysis, so it can continue influencing health policy in the country. Otto Kukkonen Investment Professional, Partner “Meanwhile, in countries such as Togo, South Sudan, and Tunisia,” Reinicke added, “the participatory approach of the UHC Partnership has brought together all the stakeholders in both the monitoring and decision‐making of the development of specific policies.”. Of the top 10 recipients of the DCI, eight are middle-income countries (MICs), two are lower-income countries (LICs). We’ll also leave behind a set of stakeholders who share a common vision and understanding of what UHC is about.”. In the second part of our series on Universal Health Coverage, we look at how the EU is supporting partner countries to achieve UHC, through mechanisms like the IHP for UHC 2030, the UHC Partnership, and the SPHIP programme. Tuula Tanskanen Office Manager and Executive Assistant. DG DEVCO finds itself working in difficult environments, which can have an impact on its operations. countries and regions, the EU contributed de-cisively to internationalisation and to “South-South” co-operation in higher education. Bringing these principles into practice, IHP+ has also developed tools to guide sector dialogue and planning at country level, including the Joint Assessment of a National Health Strategy (JANS) and the Joint Annual Health Sector Reviews (JAR). Sari Baldauf Senior Advisor. This document is addressed to EU staff working at Headquarters and in Delegations, and to national partners and donors engaged in promoting reforms in the vocational education and training (VET) and skills development sector. The UHC Partnership is separate from, but complementary to the EU’s bilateral health cooperation in partner countries. At the start of 2020, we mapped the first 50 countries with a team of regional experts. This is achieved through sector policy dialogue that brings together key national and international stakeholders to agree ways in which national objectives can be achieved. DG DEVCO works together with partner countries across the world to achieve sustainable development and designs the EU’s international partnership and development policy with the aim to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law across the world. Improve coordination of HSS efforts for UHC at global level, including synergies with related technical networks. DevCo focuses on individual investments into medium-sized companies, which have considerable growth potential. EUDiF is exploring practices, policies and trends in diaspora engagement around the world through research and dialogue activities in order to build an open access knowledge hub on diaspora engagement. Universal Health Coverage: Strengthening systems to provide health for all, No Health, or Inclusive Development, Without Mental Health, The Higher Education AIDs Programme in South Africa: A Real Force for Transformation, Call 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11. During this phase, the Ministry of Health (MOH) convenes with WHO support key health stakeholders to align on a country road map with activities which support the current needs of the country in areas linked to policy dialogue on national plans, health financing and/or effective development cooperation. The BMZ's task is to determine the objectives of German development policy, to negotiate with about 80 partner countries worldwide regarding bilateral cooperation, and to play a part in shaping multilateral cooperation. This encompasses cooperation with developing countries at different stages of development, including with countries … “The Health Ministry is not the only actor working on UHC,” Ssengooba said. Luxembourg joined the Partnership in 2013 with a €10 million contribution, and Ireland joined in 2017, providing an additional €3.2 million. Since the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the 2011 Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, the principles of effective development cooperation (EDC) have been at the core of the development work done by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO). Investment Professional, Partner DevCo provides advisory services to governments in the poorer (DAC I and II) countries to help them structure transactions that facilitate private sector participation in infrastructure projects. DG International Partnerships formulates the European Union's development policy abroad. DevCo in brief. In 2015, DG DEVCO launched the Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme , a five-year, multi-country initiative that aims to strengthen public health schools and institutes in partner countries, supporting them in their function of evidence generation, brokering and … Strengthen multi-stakeholder policy dialogue and coordination of HSS efforts in countries, including adherence to IHP+ principles and behaviours in countries receiving external assistance. This is accomplished through the support of EU Delegations, who manage the projects, with technical assistance and institutional strengthening provided by European academic institutions and the SPHIP Support Team based in the Netherlands and Spain. “It was a very successful meeting, and it’s still being talked about, both in the media and among the main decision-makers in Uganda.”, According to Couffignal, the European Commission sees compelling value in supporting projects like SPEED. DG DEVCO plays a leading role in supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and its Sustainable Development Goals
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