VELTINS ARENA (Zugang Ober Treppenhaus 16) TH16 1.19m 1.19m = 2.09 m 2.20m Tragfähigkeit 2200 kg Aufzug FC Gelsenkirchen-Schalke 04 e.V. Veltins Arena facilities. The stadium comes with an impressive range of facilities which help it become a concert arena with little to no effort. Despite opening in the early 2000's, Veltins Arena has the potential to bring about a wow factor in your first visit. It was completed in August 2001 after almost three years of construction. It is the home ground of the German Bundesliga club FC Schalke 04. Germany’s longest 5km-long beer-line, connecting the catering areas, can supply about 52,000l of beer per match day. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Veltins-Arena je nogometni stadion u Gelsenkirchenu, Njemačka.Originalnog naziva Arena AufSchalke, otvoren je 2001. godine kao novi domaći teren Bundesligaškog kluba Schalke 04.Stadion je ugostio finale UEFA Lige prvaka 2004. godine, te pet utakmica na Svjetskom prvenstvu u nogometu 2006. godine, uključujući i četvrtfinale. El VELTINS-Arena, antes llamáu Sable auf Schalke, ye un estadiu de fútbol que s'alluga na ciudá de Gelsenkirchen, nel estáu federal de Renania del Norte-Westfalia al noroeste d'Alemaña.Nél apuesta los sos partíos como llocal el FC Schalke 04 de la Primer División de la Bundesliga Alemana.Foi sede de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2006 y ta catalogáu pola UEFA como estadiu de elite. A 2001-ben átadott létesítmény a világ legmodernebb labdarúgó stadionjai közé tartozik.Az UEFA-ranglistán 5 csillaggal kitüntetett pályán nem csak labdarúgó mérkőzések, de kézilabdameccsek és koncertek is zajlanak. The Veltins-Arena, originally and still Arena AufSchalke for UEFA competitions is a football stadium in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Gelsenkirchen. Built between 1998 and 2001 at a cost of €191 million the Veltins-Arena is famous for it’s retractable pitch and retractable roof, allowing it to host multiple sporting events without deteriorating the quality of the turf. The […] A Veltins-Arena (régebbi nevén Arena AufSchalke) a gelsenkircheni FC Schalke 04 labdarúgócsapat otthonául szolgáló stadion. The GelreDome in Arnhem served as a model. Please log in with your user data. It has several food and catering facilities, which include 50 grilling stations, 15 small restaurants and 35 cafés. Veltins-Arena originally named Arena AufSchalke is the home stadium of Bundesliga side, Schalke. Arena are 62.271 locuri în meciurile de Bundesliga și 54.740 locuri în meciuri internaționale. The VELTINS-Arena Tickets. VELTINS-Eisarena; VELTINS Arena; Mercedes-Benz Arena; Contact; VELTINS Range REFRESHING VARIETY. Areena avattiin 13. elokuuta 2001, ja sen kapasiteetti kansallisen sarjan otteluissa on 61 481. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Veltins-Arena, tunnettu myös nimellä Arena AufSchalke, on Saksan Gelsenkirchenissa sijaitseva monitoimiareena.Se toimii jalkapallojoukkue Schalken kotistadionina ja oli nimellä FIFA WM-Stadion Gelsenkirchen yksi vuoden 2006 jalkapallon MM-kisojen pelipaikoista. Ernst-Kuzorra-Weg 1 45891 Gelsenkirchen Telefon +49 180 622 1904 Fax +49 209 3618-599 [email protected] 0,20€ pro Anruf aus dem dt Festnetz, Mobilfunk pro TH16 Arena AufSchalke [aˌʁeːna ʔaʊfˈʃalkə] (currently known as Veltins-Arena (German pronunciation: [ˈfɛltɪnsʔaˌʁeːna]) for sponsorship reasons) is an indoor football stadium in Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.It opened on 13 August 2001, as the … Veltins Arena has 72 VIP lounges, business areas and a centrally suspended scoreboard. Fresh VELTINS Brewing techniques, ingredients & the German Purity Law. The Veltins Arena is a technologically advanced stadium with a capacity of more than 62,000 spectators. This page was last edited on 31 May 2018, at 16:39. Este al patrulea stadion din Germania și al doisprezecelea din Europa, dar și al șaptelea din topul stadioanelor de club (după Camp Nou, San Siro, Westfalenstadion, Santiago Bernabeu, Allianz Arena și Old Trafford.
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