Professional at Vossloh AG. ( FH ) Dr. h.c. Hans M. Schabert as CEO , and Dipl.-Ing. * CEO Schabert will not extend his contract after expiry in March 2017, due to family related reasons Volker Schenk und Herrn Diplom-Betriebswirt ( FH) Oliver Schuster zu weiteren Mitgliedern des Vorstands bestellt . Vossloh at a glance; Corporate structure of Vossloh AG; Research & development; Certificates; Purchasing; History; Vossloh worldwide; Products & Solutions. Vossloh AG: Address of Hans M. Schabert, AGM, 20 May 2015 Page: 2 of 13 PART I: Dear Shareholders, Shareholder Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you - also on behalf of my Executive Board colleagues, Oliver Schuster and Volker Schenk - to this year's Annual General Meeting of Vossloh AG. Slide 2: (Board members talking to shareholders) We are delighted that once again so many of you have been able to attend the Vossloh Annual General Meeting. Relationship likelihood: Average . As successors , Vossloh AG s Supervisory Board has appointed Dipl.-Ing. Volker SCHENK est né le 4 février 1964. Volker SCHENK est administrateur de l'entreprise Vossloh Cogifer qui a été créée en 1956. 2 The employment contracts for Andreas Busemann and Volker Schenk expire on 3/31/2020 and 4/30/2020, respectively. Orders received in the 2018 fiscal year developed favorably. Volker Schenk. Relationship likelihood: Strong . Volker Schenk und Herrn Diplom-Betriebswirt ( FH) Oliver Schuster zu weiteren Mitgliedern des Vorstands bestellt . Russia, CEI and Baltics General Director, Managing Board member, and Vice President of GEFCO S.A. Phil Shankley and Managing Board member of Vossloh AG Volker Schenk signed a Memorandum of Collaboration between GEFCO and Vossloh AG. Relationship likelihood: Average. Relationship likelihood: Average. As successors , Vossloh AG s Supervisory Board has appointed Dipl.-Ing. Market Applications; Products and Services; InnoTrans; Fair and exhibition schedule; Product finder; Vossloh 360° Class 1; Transits; Industrial; Rail Fastening Systems; Signaling and Switch Control; Concrete Ties; Concrete crossing … Member-Administrative Board at Vossloh España. Contact: Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft Volker Schenk (member of the Executive Board) Andreas Busemann (CEO) Oliver Schuster (member of the Executive Board) Dear Shareholders, I have been in charge of the Vossloh Group (in other words, your company) as CEO together with my two Executive Board colle-agues since April 1, 2017. Volker Schenk und Herrn Diplom-Betriebswirt ( FH) Oliver Schuster zu weiteren Mitgliedern des Vorstands bestellt . Professional at Vossloh AG. of the Vossloh Group thus amounted to 6.3 percent, which falls within the forecast range for 2018 of 6.0 to 7.0 percent. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Volker Schenk und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. Schiedeck for their many years of service to the Group. Reveal deeper insights into your organization's relationships with RelSci Contact Aggregator. Norbert Schiedeck today mutually agreed that these Executive Board members will... | March 29, 2021 Press releases related to vossloh - PresseBox. Professional at Vossloh AG. Volker Schenk, Chief Technology Officer of Vossloh AG and President of the Board of the German Railway Industry (VDB): “Vossloh is now very well positioned to participate in this growth. This streamlining of the top management reflects Vossloh's concentration on its core business rail infrastructure. From 1992 to 2006 he worked at Siemens as an Engineer and Senior Manager, both in Germany and abroad. Om Vossloh Nordic; Det här är Vossloh; Vårt moderbolags styrelse; Ansvarsfullt företagande; Forskning och utveckling; Certifikat; Vår historia; Vossloh i världen; Ansvarsfullt företagande; Forskning och utveckling; Vår historia; Produkter och lösningar. ( FH ) Dr. h.c. Hans M. Schabert as CEO , and Dipl.-Ing. 2016-03-15T09:26:00Z. Volker Schenk. Tips & Tricks. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products The Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer Support Customer Support Volker SCHENK est également mandataire de 6 autres sociétés. Relationship likelihood: Average. Relationship likelihood: Strong. Executive Board: Andreas Busemann (CEO) • Volker Schenk • Oliver Schuster Press Release Vossloh's Annual General Meeting: Dividend payment approved for the 2017 fiscal year Dr.-Ing. Schiedeck for their many years of service to the Group. ( FH ) Dr. h.c. Hans M. Schabert as CEO , and Dipl.-Ing. The Golden Age of Video Games . Relationship likelihood: Average. Relationship likelihood: Average. Executive Board: Dr.h.c. Investment programs for the modernization, expansion and construction of rail tracks have been launched in many regions around the world. German industry association VDB has elected Vossloh Group Managing Director Volker Schenk as its next President, following the end of the tenure of Dr Martin Lange . Schuster and Volker Schenk, to this year’s Annual General Meeting of Vossloh AG in Düsseldorf. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Andreas Busemann and Mr. Volker Schenk for their work and contributions to the Vossloh Group. European Companies Search Engine Simple Search Power Search. Karl Martin Runge. Empower Your Business Applications with Industry-Leading Relationship Data from the RelSci API. As such, we are confident that we will soon find a good solution for the last remaining business unit of the Transportation division. 2016-03-16T09:36:00Z. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Andree and Dr.-Ing. 2016-03-16T09:36:00. Vossloh Fastening Systems GmbH (Nordrhein-Westfalen), a subsidiary of Vossloh AG, is a German company located in Werdohl that provides other administration and management services. Premium Services Data Services Login. DGAP-Ad-hoc: Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft / Key word: Personnel Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft: Replacement of the Executive Board of Vossloh Group - current Chief Financial Officer , Mr. Oliver... | … Relationship likelihood: Average. Disclaimer 2 Note: This presentation contains statements concerning the future business performance of the Vossloh Group that are based on assumptions and estimates from the company management. Hans M. Schabert. Michael Ulrich. News Stefano Siragusa. Please sign in or register for free to view this page . Vossloh AG, Werdohl, Germany, District Court of Iserlohn HRB 5292: Revenue, Taxes, Earnings, Employee number, Network, Financial information. Executive Board: Andreas Busemann (CEO) • Volker Schenk • Oliver Schuster Press release the new shares in the existing listings of the company's shares on 24 June 2019. Christian Renners is the current CEO of the company. Joh. Member-Administrative Board at Vossloh Australia Pty Ltd. Negotia-tions regarding the sale of Vossloh Locomotives are nearly com-plete. Developing potential. Hans M. Schabert. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Andree and Dr.-Ing. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Andree and Dr.-Ing. Vossloh at a glance; Corporate structure of Vossloh AG; Research & development; Certificates; Purchasing; History; Vossloh worldwide; Products & Solutions. This streamlining of the top management reflects Vossloh's concentration on its core business rail infrastructure. Volker Schenk, CSO Driving innovation. Im Profil von Volker Schenk sind 7 Jobs angegeben. Le chiffre d'affaires de la société en 2019 s'élève à 164 645 526 €. * The annual variable remuneration granted for 2019 includes extra bonus allocations for extraordinary performance of €120,000 for Oliver Schuster and €19,000 for Dr.-Ing. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Andreas Busemann and Mr. Volker Schenk for their work and contributions to the Vossloh Group. The delivery of the new shares is also scheduled for 24 June 2019. You have reached your limit of news stories for this week. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Volker Schenk im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Human Resources at Vossloh AG. Volker Schenk studied electrical engineering at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Andrea Lomberg. As successors , Vossloh AG s Supervisory Board has appointed Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kretschmann. As in previous years, we had the opportunity to speak to some of you in the lobby again. Employee Representative at Vossloh AG. Michael Ulrich. LonMark International and Members to Showcase Smart City Concept and Ecosystem at Light + Building 2018 Relationship likelihood: Average. Volker Schenk. Schiedeck for their many years of service to the Group. Chief Executive Officer at Vossloh AG. German industry association VDB has elected Vossloh Group Managing Director Volker Schenk as its next President, following the end of the tenure of Dr Martin Lange. North Data Home Premium Services Data Services Login. Vossloh AG will in future be managed by two Executive Board members. Volker Schenk (Member of the Executive Board) Dr. h.c. Hans M. Schabert (Chairman of the Executive Board) Oliver Schuster Dear Shareholders, Over the course of the past financial year, significant steps forward were taken in the transformation of our com-pany into a focused, leading international provider of products and services for rail infrastructure. Employee Representative at Vossloh AG . As successors , Vossloh AG s Supervisory Board has appointed Dipl.-Ing. Market Applications; Products and Services; InnoTrans; Fair and exhibition schedule; Product finder; Vossloh 360° Class 1; Transits; Industrial; Rail Fastening Systems; Signaling and Switch Control; Concrete Ties; Concrete crossing … Werner Andree. US Basketball. ( FH ) Dr. h.c. Hans M. Schabert as CEO , and Dipl.-Ing. Former Chief Executive Officer & Member-Executive Board at Vossloh AG. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Andree and Dr.-Ing. Technical Rankings Vossloh AG will in future be managed by two Executive Board members. Andreas Busemann. Our help pages Using the Simple Search and Power Search Overview explain … Werner Andree. Volker Schenk. Vossloh is subject to a lock-up period of 6 months, subject to market standard exemptions. Volker Schenk. From 2008 to 2010 Volker was General Manager of Vossloh Kiepe before moving to Thales Transportation Systems in 2011 as Executive Director. The firm was founded in 1989. Schiedeck for their many years of service to the Group. Volker Schenk und Herrn Diplom-Betriebswirt ( FH) Oliver Schuster zu weiteren Mitgliedern des Vorstands bestellt . 02/17/2014 The Supervisory Board as well as CEO Werner Andree and COO Dr.-Ing. Hans Martin Schabert (CEO) • Volker Schenk • Oliver Schuster Press release Vossloh AG's Annual General Meeting Agenda items approved by large majorities New member of the Supervisory Board, Ulrich M. Harnacke Executive Board explains Vossloh Group's repositioning to shareholders Werdohl, May 20, 2015.
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