Künker: Schweiz, 2 x 1 Unze Silber 1994, 1995, siehe Fotos, PP + Erhaltung! Bestellungen werden ohne die im Shop-System enthaltene Kundenregistrierung bearbeitet durch Abgabe einer Bestellung im Warenkorbsystem oder mit einfacher eMail, postalisch und per Vorauskasse.. Überweisungen sind aufs Bankkonto (Postbank Stuttgart) möglich: [133] In his 1930 book The Myth of the 20th Century, Alfred Rosenberg denounced France for "contributing to the dehumanization of Europe by the means of blacks, just as had done by introducing Jewish emancipation 140 years ago". [124] The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom issued a statement condemning the "black horror on the Rhine" that was signed by all 25 of its white members of its central committee, and the only one who refused to sign was the lone African-American on the central committee, Mary Terrell, who refused to sign a statement that was a "direct appeal to race prejudice". Hallo, im Anhang sind 2 Münzen aus Kupfer. [85] The Auswärtige Amt in a report stated that Beveridge was harming the German side as she "outdoes the Notbund in her hysterical extremes". [49], In October 1920, a debate took place at a conference of Protestant clergymen at the World Ecumenical Conference in Geneva, when a Lutheran pastor from Germany asked the conference to condemn the "black horror". 19,62 g, Randpunze: BAYER. In the long term, no conqueror has ever been able to withstand such hatred and at this time in Germany the conqueror is not even there by virtue of his own power. [74] Nitti wrote the Senegalese were guilty of "any form of violence and crime" as their "yesterday the representatives of cannibalistic races" whom were now occupying the "country of the greatest thinkers in Europe". [52] A theme of much the "black horror" propaganda was that of a massive contempt for the French who had to use "colored" troops to fight their wars. An avowed white supremacist, Beveridge sought to impute the worse about black men, saying in one speech: "Victims of the promiscuous passions of the blacks are found half dead in meadows and ditches, their clothes in tatters, their delicate young bodies torn by the brutality of the attacks. [51] French Army doctors published statistics showing that there was not an abnormally high rate of syphilis among the Senegalese and the German claim that the Africans had brought sleeping sickness to the Rhineland could not be true as none of the Senegalese stationed in the Rhineland had sleeping sickness. The Black Horror on the Rhine refers to a moral panic which was aroused in Germany and elsewhere concerning allegations of widespread crimes, especially sexual crimes, said to be committed by Senegalese and other African soldiers serving in the French Army during the French occupation of the Rhineland between 1918-1930. Niemand außer ihm mochte dieses Lied, vor allem weil es den Mittelitalienern . Within the ideology of the republic, having Africans and Asians fighting in the French Army was proof of the universalism of French civilization which was open to all. [45] The African-American philosopher Alain LeRoy Locke visited the Rhineland to investigate Morel's claims and found them mostly baseless. Es ist nicht zu übersehen, daß sich auch hinter diesen Texten das bekannte Credo vom Menschen als dem werdenden Gott versteckt, wie es aus dem philosophisch-religiösen Umfeld des Thule-Reiches bekannt ist … Quelle: E. R. Carmin „Das schwarze Reich. [130], After 1921, the Reich government started to downplay the "Black Horror" propaganda, which had ruined tourism in the Rhineland, causing much resentment in a largely Catholic region that at very least wanted to break away from Protestant majority Prussia. When reports of this reached Wilhelm Groener, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Imperial German Army, he no longer supported Wilhelm II's plan to instigate a civil war, but rather joined the call of Friedrich Ebert, leader of the Majority Social Democratic Party of Germany (MSPD) for the Kaiser to abdicate. Schwarze GmbH Egbert Snoek Str. [15] Ray Beveridge, a German-American woman living in Germany had given a series of speeches in Hamburg and Munich in February–March 1920 warning of the dangers of miscegenation to "the purity of the German race" caused by the presence of the Senegalese in the Rhineland. They saw the colonised subjects as having to find their own path to civilisation and relied on local elites to manage the colonial system on the ground. If Negro troops had syphilis, they contracted it from the white and yellow races. '[32], Morel's article received much attention and 50,000 Swedish women signed a petition which was presented at the French Embassy in Stockholm asking the French to withdraw their "savage" Senegalese soldiers from the Rhineland. [104] Furthermore, all of the women raped by the Senegalese cease to be German the moment they are raped, and it is made clear that there is no place in the Volksgemeinschaft for them. [100] Reflecting his nationalistic views, Kreutzer has a French officer say: "The German Army was the moral victor. [108] Lampré vows to protect Marlene, saying she will not be "fair game for this nigger", saying his "conscience as a human being and a man" will not let do otherwise and thereby redeems himself for his "treason" for having fought for France in the Foreign Legion. [65], Morel was very anti-French not only because of his opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, but because of the nature of France's mission civilisatrice ("civilizing mission") in Africa whereby any African who was willing to embrace the French language and culture would become French and theoretically the equal of whites, which threatened to upend Morel's beliefs in the essential biological inferiority of blacks. Nevertheless, French officers repeatedly ignored orders, as they led the French Army on various campaigns in Africa. [116], At the end of the novel, Lampré marries Marlene and becomes a killing machine, saying no-one will ever threaten his "German sanctuary again", and his "soul is finally at peace" as he takes up the task of killing Senegalese and Moroccans with gusto. Grüße, KAM. Nutzungsbedingungen, Diskussionen rund um Medaillen, Medailleure, Jetons, Rechenpfennige, "Wenn Sie glauben, mich verstanden zu haben, dann habe ich mich falsch ausgedrückt" ( Alan Greenspan). Leben und Karriere. von Eva Blome » Di 21.06.05 10:42, Beitrag Einen Gesamtüberblick habe ich nicht, aber das Stück von 1921 mit Schrift auf dem zur Säule umgestalteten Penis existiert in Silber (36 mm, ca. [94] In his very popular 1921 novel Die Schwarze Schmach: Der Roman des geschändeten Deutschlands (The Black Shame A Novel of Disgraced Germany), Kreutzer portrayed the Senegalese and Moroccan soldiers as thuggish rapists who violate thousands upon thousands of innocent German girls in the Rhineland, who have all the stereotypical "Aryan" look with fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes; the hero of the novel repeatedly calls the Senegalese "nigger scum". [113] The novel repeatedly hammers home the point that only if the German people are united as one in the form of the Volksgemeinschaft can Germany recover from the defeat of 1918, and throughout the novel Germans are of all classes are seen as victimized by the French and their "colored" troops. In June 1919 Philipp Scheidemann, the first democratically elected Chancellor of Germany, resigned when faced with the Allied ultimatum that it should be signed with none of the changes the German government had requested. [126] For this reason, the Rhenish mayors asked the Reich government stop the "black horror" propaganda which had ruined the tourism in the Rhineland. [20][127], When Raymond Poincaré, a French conservative well known for his views about upholding the Treaty of Versailles, became the French premier in 1922, there was a revival of the "black horror on the Rhineland" stories both in Germany and abroad. Also ein "unpolitischer" Künstler, der alles zum Sujet nahm, wofür man ihn bezahlte oder ein deutschnationaler Völkischer, der zum Schluß geläutert wurde? [16] Morel, a pacifist and member of the Labour Party, genuinely believed that black men had an uncontrolled sexuality that made them want to rape white women with abandon, and throughout his writings on the subject he accused the Senegalese of raping German women on an industrial scale, claiming that thousands upon thousands of German women and girls were raped by the Senegalese on a daily basis. von mumde » Mo 23.05.05 13:23, Beitrag Armenien: P-30: 50 Rubel 1919 (Artikelnummer 2593). [129] Poincaré deliberately used only white troops in occupying the Ruhr to avoid more "black horror" stories, through the claim that a Senegalese regiment had been stationed in Essen was widely believed in both Germany and abroad. However, their presence which lasted until July 1919 did not cause great upset. [47] The Auswärtige Amt seeing that the stories about the "black horror on the Rhine" were effective in gaining international sympathy for the Reich greatly increased its propaganda with pamphlets detailing the alleged war crimes committed by the Senegalese being published in English, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Literatur. Hindenburg's view of the Senegalese was typical of German views of the Senegalese, and many German soldiers were reluctant to surrender to the Senegalese as they believed that they would be eaten by them, as racist propaganda portrayed the Senegalese as cannibals from "darkest Africa".[2]. [22] Morel wrote that "French militarists, whose schemes are a menace to the entire world" would use these "Negroes, Malagasies, Berbers and Arabs...in the interest of a capitalist and militant Order". Eichsfelder Münzhandel MA-Shop Kauf mit Garantie Angebot mit Münzen und Medaillen von der Antike bis zum Euro. [136] Unlike the alleged "black horror on the Rhine" which received much media coverage, the massacres of Senegalese POWs in June 1940 received little attention either at the time or afterwards, with most history books not even mentioning the massacres. French colonial soldiers played a significant role in defending the city of Reims which was under siege during the German attack. K•G in exergue. The terms of the treaty meant that the counter-revolutionary Freikorps which the Weimar government had created to crush the revolutionary movement faced being disbanded. [62] At the same time, Morel believed that Africans, lacking the self-discipline of whites, had an uncontrolled sexuality. [128] Otto Wiefeldt, the German ambassador in Washington asked that his superiors supply him with "current information preferably with sensational details" as he noted that the stories about the "black horror on the Rhine" were winning over American public opinion to a pro-German position. For Diagne it was important that his fellow Senegalese be deployed to the Rhineland as a way of showing that they were equal and enjoyed the same respect as white French citizens. [34] Thomson denounced France for training "these savages" who are "being taught to despise the European races". [25], In the United States, so many letters had been received by outraged citizens that President Wilson in June 1920 asked Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby, to have the American ambassador in Paris, Hugh Campbell Wallace, to investigate these stories. Though in practice, there was a color line in France, within the context of the times France was a nation that was relatively open to non-white people with for example the African-American singer Josephine Baker finding a degree of acceptance in France that she never found in her own country. Thus politicians such as Georges Clemenceau, of the Radical Republicans, opposed participation in the scramble for Africa as they were concern it would divert the Republic from objectives related to regaining Alsace-Lorraine. [124], The Francophile Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge had received leaked copies of the reports by Allen and Dresel, which he read out on the Senate floor "as act of justice and comity to a friendly nation [France]". [91] At the time of the Munich Beerhall putsch, Beveridge came out in support for the National Socialists, declaring it “an enormous honor” to mobilise, together with her German husband, “the Chiemgau for Adolf Hitler”. [10], The first non-European troops to arrive in Germany were soldiers from the Siamese Expeditionary Forces who arrived in Neustadt, in the Palatinate in December 1918. Sammlermünzen in der Qualität Polierte Platte, oder Gold- und Silbermünzen in der Variante im Etui.
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