Physiology and Behavior, O'Keefe J, Bouma H. Complex sensory properties of certain amaygdala units in the freely. their contribution in the HIV outpatient setting. Strian F, Klicpera C. Die Bedeutung psychoautonomische Reaktionen im Entstehung und. Intense emotions, Janet thought, cause memories of particular events to, be dissociated from consciousness, and to be stored, instead, as visceral sensations (anxiety and, panic), or as visual images (nightmares and flashbacks). Biol Psychiatry 1985; Krystal JH, Kosten TR, Southwick S, Mason JW, Perry BD, Giller EL. An estimated 140 000 refugees from Burma have resettled to the USA since 2009, comprising 21% of total resettlement in the USA over the last decade. biological sequelae. What are the consequences for the study of infant memory? While most studies on PTSD have been done on adults, particularly on war veterans, in recent, years a small prospective literature is emerging that documents the differential effects of trauma at, various age levels. capacity for symbolic processing and placement in space and time (figure 2). Grinker RR, Spiegel JJ. Although memory is ordinarily an active and constructive process, in PTSD failure of declarative memory may lead to organization of the trauma on a somatosensory level (as visual images or physical sensations) that is relatively impervious to change. Keep reading! Back in the The psychological processing of traumatic experience: Rorschach patterns in PTSD. autonomic reactions, such as heart rate, skin conductance and blood pressure (20,21,22,23, 24,25). Three months, later, a prior trauma history was taken, and the subjects were evaluated for the presence of, PTSD. In animals, high level stimulation of the amygdala interferes with hippocampal functioning (107, 109). The Big Takeaways: Emotional wounds are an ordinary part of society. In mature animals one-time intense stimulation of the amygdala will produce lasting, changes in neuronal excitability and enduring behavioral changes in the direction of either fight or, flight (118). Contemporary biological researchers have shown that medications that stimulate autonomic, arousal may precipitate visual images and affect states associated with prior traumatic experiences, in people with PTSD, but not in controls. Mammals seem, equipped with memory storage mechanisms that ordinarily modulate the strength of memory, consolidation according to the strength of the accompanying hormonal stimulation (95,96). (63). The tendency of traumatized organisms to, revert to irrelevant emergency behaviors in response to minor stress has been well documented in, animals, as well. Unfortunately, up until recently, only medications which seem to, be of limited therapeutic usefulness have beenthesubject of adequate scientific scrutiny. One study (48), found elevated 24h excretions of urinary NE and epinephrine in PTSD combat veterans, compared with patients with other psychiatric diagnoses. Disruption of conditioned taste aversion in the rat by stimulation of, Rawlins JNP. Livingston KE, Hornykiewicz O (eds): Limbic Mechanisms. Human aggression and its, Coccaro, E.F., Siever, L.J., Klar, H.M., Maurer, G. Serotonergic studies in patients with, Green AH. Harvard review of psychiatry, 1994. Objective Stress-induced, analgesia protects organisms against feeling pain while engaged in defensive activities. PTSD, by definition, is accompanied by memory, disturbances, consisting of both hypermnesias and amnesias (9,10). The Field Trials for DSM IV showed that these this conglomeration of symptoms tended to occur, together and that the severity of this syndrome was proportional to the age of onset of the trauma, One hundred years ago, Pierre Janet (1) suggested that the most fundamental of mental activities, is the storage and categorization of incoming sensations into memory, and the retrieval of those, Endogenous opioids, which inhibit pain and reduce panic, are secreted after prolonged exposure, to severe stress. The partus stress reaction: a neglected. and addiction to trauma: Towards a psychobiology of post traumatic stress. In traumatized organisms, the capacity to access, relevant memories appears to have gone awry: they become overconditioned to access memory, traces of the trauma and to "remember" the trauma whenever aroused. Such a positive feedback loop could cause, The limbic system is thought to be the part of the CNS that maintains and guides the emotions and, behavior necessary for self-preservation and survival of the species (101), and that is critically, involved in the storage and retrieval of memory. Psychobiologic predictors of suicide. Refugee children’s psychosocial needs and wellbeing are often overlooked, and post-migration support is of pivotal importance. We found that two decades after the original trauma, people with PTSD developed opioid-mediated analgesia in response to a stimulus resembling the, traumatic stressor, which we correlated with a secretion of endogenous opioids equivalent to 8, mg of morphine. A proposed mechanism of emotion. . Our objective was to describe patterns of longitudinal health outcomes in a cohort of Karen refugees resettled in the USA for 5 years, and to translate these findings to a primary healthcare context. Psychopharm Bull 1989;25:422-425. McGaugh JL, Weinberger NM, Lynch G, Granger RH. Arch Neurol and Psychiat 1937;38:725-, Saxe GN, Vasile RG, Hill TC, Bloomingdale K, van der Kolk BA. Green A. “The Body Keeps the Score eloquently articulates how overwhelming experiences affect the development of brain, mind, and body awareness, all of which are closely intertwined. Psychopharmacological, relationship to cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxy-indolacetic acid, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenyl-, glycol, and homovannilic acid. Science 1984;224:452-, Dunn AJ, Berridge CW. Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. . In a series of experiments, LeDoux has utilized repeated electrical stimulation of the amygdala to, produce conditioned fear responses. This anatomical distribution of damage, and the cellular features of the damage agree with that observed in instances of GC-induced toxicity in the rodent hippocampus, and of stress-induced toxicity in the primate hippocampus. However, studies of impulsive, aggressive and suicidal patients seem to find at least as robust an, association between those behaviors and histories of childhood trauma (e.g. The concept of indelible, subcortical emotional responses, held in check to varying degrees by cortical and septo-, hippocampal activity, has led to the speculation that delayed onset PTSD may be the expression. In patients with PTSD the injection of drugs such as, lactate (93) and yohimbine (52) tends to precipitate panic attacks, flashbacks (exact reliving, experiences) of earlier trauma, or both. Further audit data will be presented. Once bitten twice shy: beyond the conditioning model of PTSD. Davidson JRT, Nemeroff CB. Intense stress is accompanied by the release of endogenous, stress-responsive, neurohormones, such as cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine (NE), vasopressin, oxytocin and, endogenous opioids. Book Summary. Even newer, research has suggested abnormalities of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor and of, glutamate in PTSD (134), opening up potential new avenues for the psychopharmacological. two-stage, online modified Delphi study. Israeli patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Nurse prescribing training was completed and training for facial lipoatrophy treatment is underway. Plenum Press New York- London, 1984. Biol Psychiat 1988; 23:237- 242. of Adaptive networks. Cole PM, Putnam FW. 3) measuring pre-post ERPs Developing Advanced Assessment Skills; patients with long term conditions. READ PAPER. J Ment Nerv Dis 1993; In press. Victims with a prior history of sexual abuse were significantly more likely to have. Research into the nature of, traumatic memories (3) indicates that trauma interferes with delarative memory, i.e. J Clin Psychiatry 1987; 48:39-43. affective and personality disorders. In many people who have undergone severe stress, the post-traumatic response fades, over time, while it persists in others. Univariable multinomial logistic regression analyses showed that higher sensory sensitivity was associated with increased risk of being in the nonviolent trauma group compared to the no trauma group. serotonin re-uptake blockers are effective pharmacological agents in the treatment of PTSD, justify a brief consideration of the potential role of this neurotransmitter in PTSD. Recently, music as part of dental practice has been widely used in America and Europe. Telemetered recording of hormone effects on hippocampal, LeDoux JE, Romanski L, Xagoraris A. Indelibility of subcortical emotional memories. Thus, animals who have been, locked in a box in which they were exposed to electric shocks and then released return to those, ------- FIGURE 1 (DIFFERENT FORMS OF MEMORY) SOMEWHERE HERE -----, In the beginning of this century Janet already noted that: "certain happenings ... leave indelible and, distressing memories-- memories to which the sufferer continually returns, and by which he is, tormented by day and by night" (81). of phenylzine treatment. In. Habituation of the ASR in normals occurs after 3 to 5 presentations (30). Am J Psychiatry 1991d; 148:499-504. Physiological evidence of exaggerated startle response in a, Ross RJ, Ball WA, Cohen ME. Nevertheless, while trauma presents a number of challenges, there are ways to heal. Twenty-four hour urinary cortisol and cathecholamine excretion in. With maturation, there is an increasing ability to categorize experience, and link it. Israeli patients with post- traumatic stress disorder. show failure of habituation of the ASR (van der Kolk et al, unpublished data; Pitman et al, unpublished data), which raises the question whether abnormal habituation to acoustic startle is a. marker of, or a vulnerability factor for developing PTSD. An open question is whether GCs have similar deleterious effects in the primate hippocampus. victims. Jenike MA, Baer L, Summergrad P, Minichiello WE, Holland A, Seymour K. Sertroline in. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Lerer B, Bleich A, Kotler M. Post traumatic stress disorder in Israeli combat veterans: Effect. of subcortically mediated emotional responses that escape cortical, and possibly hippocampal, ----- FIGURE 2 (effects of emotional arousal) ABOUT HERE --------, Decreased inhibitory control may occur under a variety of circumstances: under the influence of, drugs and alcohol, during sleep (as nightmares), with aging, and after exposure to strong, reminders of the traumatic past. Since anxiety has a significant role to the perception of pain, many attempts to make the patients, Background: In-house research demonstrated a need to develop a new model of HIV outpatient care that would reflect the management of long-term conditions seen in other areas of primary care. Hogben GL, Cornfield RB. Click Get Books and find your favorite books in the online library. "taxon" memory) matures earlier and is less subject to disruption by stress (112). The Body Keeps The Score Summary will help you overcome your traumatic past by showing the psychology of trauma and how therapy can help. Methods © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Specifically, Nijenhuis (2001) distinguishes these somatic symptoms in negative dissociative symptoms (like anesthesia, analgesia, and motor inhibitions), and positive dissociative symptoms (like localized pain, and alternation of taste and smell preferences/aversions), emphasizing a clear similarity with the 19th century symptoms of hysteria. J Cons Clin Psychology 1991; 60:174-184. genesis of the trauma response. The clinical implications and limits of this single‐case study are also discussed. This review summarizes findings of HPA axis dysfunction in both PTSD and major depressive disorder, and shows distinct patterns of HPA changes, which are probably due to db~'erent mechanisms of action for cortisol and its regulatory factors. . This Study investigated the prevalence of traumatic events, with a particular attention to the whole life span, and both psychoform and somatoform dissociation in patients with FM, compared with healthy controls (HC). Furthermore , in studies showing parallel findings in PTSD and major depressive disorder there is controversy regarding whether the HPA alterations suggest a specific pathophysiolog'y of PTSD, or, rather, reflect comorbid major depressive disorder. memory storage. Factors predicting psychological distress in rape. Bremner JD, Seibyl JP, Scott TM. The highly elevated physiological responses that accompany the recall of traumatic, experiences that happened years, and sometimes decades before, illustrate the intensity and, timelessness with which traumatic memories continue to affect current experience (3,16). In severely stressed animals, opiate withdrawal symptoms can be, produced both by termination of the stressful stimulus or by naloxone injections. Science 1991; Gray J. mental images does not necessarily generalize to recollections of other traumatic events, as well. Stimulated by the, findings that fear activates the secretion of endogenous opioid peptides, and that SIA can become, conditioned to subsequent stressors and to previously neutral events associated with the noxious, stimulus, we tested the hypothesis that in people with PTSD, re-exposure to a stimulus resembling, the original trauma will cause an endogenous opioid response that can be indirectly measured as. Arch Gen, Papez J.W. Decreased hippocampal functioning causes behavioral disinhibition, possibly by stimulating, incoming stimuli to be interpreted in the direction of "emergency" (fight/flight) responses. Am J Psychiatry 1987; 144:1317-1319. of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. responses to ASR in 93% of the PTSD group, compared with 22% of the control subjects. In an apparent attempt to compensate for chronic hyperarousal, traumatized people seem to shut, down: on a behavioral level, by avoiding stimuli reminiscent of the trauma; on a psychobiological, level, by emotional numbing, which extends to both trauma-related, and everyday experience, (15). Posted by Cam Woodsum. SPECT imaging and. Conclusion Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th, Malloy PF, Fairbank JA, Keane TM. The most important responsibilities for the nursing home nurse were: promoting dignity, personhood and wellbeing, ensuring resident safety and enhancing quality of life. A short summary of this paper. While numerous articles have been written about the drug treatment of PTSD, to date, only, 134 people with PTSD have been enrolledin published double blind studies. Frank Putnam's prospective, but as yet unpublished, studies (personal, communications, 1991,1992,1993) are showing major neuroendocrine disturbances in sexually, abused girls compared with normals. Oxford University Press 1982. a panel (n = 352) of individuals with experience, expertise or interest in care home nursing: (i) care home nurses and managers; (ii) community healthcare professionals (including general, The people generally tend to associate a dental practice with a strange clinical atmosphere and a range of strange looking instruments, and furthermore pain during dental treatments. In Moscovitch M. (ed), Infant Memory. Trauma, neurohormones and memory consolidation. (2) The intervention’s facilitator fidelity ranged from moderate to adequate—exhibiting a need for specific fidelity and capacity strengthening—while facilitator competencies were high. It is more the process of reflection and reintegration of sensory-affective and semantic aspects of memories that matters for the overall psychological functioning and well-being. In the subsequent 6-months, over 700 episodes of patient care were managed by the specialists nurses. Krystal J. Neurobiological mechanisms of dissociation. The precise interrelation between Hypothalamic-Pituitary-. When hyperaroused, it, will seek whatever is familiar, regardless of the intrinsic rewards. Beecher HK. People with PTSD, like chronically and inescapbly shocked animals, seem to, suffer from a persistent activation of the biological stress response upon exposure to stimuli. serotonergic agents in the treatment of PTSD. Methods imipramine in PTSD. Under ordinary, circumstances, an animal will choose the most pleasant of two alternatives. assimilated without resistance (i.e. These observations suggest that sustained GC exposure (whether due to stress, Cushings syndrome or exogenous administration) might damage the human hippocampus. The effectiveness of this inhibition depends, in part, on physiological arousal and neurohormonal activity. specific manner in the brain. Neuroendocrinology 1989;50:597-604. In Gabriel M, Morre J (eds) Learning Computational Neuroscience: Foundations. Few would deny that it is possible to use the term memory in the foregoing manners. and epinephrine elevation in PTSD. Elevated norepinephrine/ cortisol ratio in PTSD. While the subjects improved clinically, their startle habituation got worse (van der Kolk et al, unpublished). It is likely that the frequent re-living, of a traumatic event in flashbacks or nightmares cause a re-release of stress hormones which, further kindle the strength of the memory trace (46). In a state of low. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Men Under Stress. & Goodwin, F.K. Orlando, FL: van der Kolk BA, Blitz R, Burr W, Hartmann E. Nightmares and trauma. Neurosurgery, Davidson J, Kudler H, Smith R. Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder with. Krystal, H. Trauma & Affects. physical symptoms of soldiers in acute posttraumatic states: flexor changes in posture, hyperkinesis, "violently propulsive gait", tremor at rest, masklike facies, cogwheel rigidity, gastric, distress, urinary incontinence, mutism, and a violent startle reflex. Am J Psychiatry 1978; 135:579-, Lewis DO. The ASR consists of a characteristic sequence of muscular and autonomic, responses elicited by sudden and intense stimuli (30,31). As the external world is solely represented by images, it is. Sapolsky RM, Uno Hideo, Rebert CS, Finch CE. However, as Pitman has pointed out (16), in PTSD, the stimuli that precipitate emergency, Abnormal psychophysiological responses in PTSD have been demonstrated on two different, levels: 1) in response to specific reminders of the trauma and 2) in response to intense, but neutral, stimuli, such as acoustic startle. The Body Keeps the Score summarizes several decades of research into the nature of trauma. Paper presented at the. New York: Bantam, 1990. 4) measuring pre-post EEG connectivity patterns, describe causes, condition, and psychosocial issues. activation of cerebral catecholamine systems. An inquiry into the functions of the septo-. A bio-informational theory of emotional imagery. Highest prevalence health conditions documented at any point in the 5-year period included diagnoses or symptoms associated with pain (52%); gastrointestinal disturbance (41%); metabolic disorder (41%); infectious process (34%); mental health condition (31%) and central nervous system disorder (24%). the rat. Decreased. The failure to habituate to acoustic startle suggests that traumatized people have difficulty, evaluating sensory stimuli, and mobilizing appropriate levels of physiological arousal(30). suggested limbic system abnormalities in brain imaging studies of traumatized patients (103,104), a review of the psychobiology of trauma would be incomplete without considering the role of the, limbic system in PTSD (also see 105). They suggest access and reprocessing of painful events during each session, especially when the clinician uses bilateral stimulation. Dupue RA, Spoont MR. Conceptualizing a serotonin trait: a behavioral model of constraint. A. variety of external and internal stimuli, such as stress induced corticosterone production (117), decreases hippocampal activity. endogenous opoids. Charney DS: Abnormal Noradrenergic function in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. However, Shalev et al (28) have shown that desensitization to specific trauma-related. International Conference on Multiple Personality Disorder, Chicago, Ill, 1991. New York: Brunner Mazel, 1990. The hippocampus and behavioral maturation. Thus, people with PTSD suffer both from, generalized hyperarousal and from physiological emergency reactions to specific reminders(9,10), The loss of affective modulation that is so central in PTSD mayhelp explain the observation that, traumatized people lose the capacity to utilize affect states as signals (18). Download full-text PDF. Hippocampal damage associated with. Indicators such as significant increases in body mass index (BMI), the overall prevalence of dyslipidaemia and others suggested that the cohort may be exhibiting an early trajectory towards the development of these conditions. 5.99$ Description. Am J Psychiat 1990; 1308-1312. Keeping in mind the clinical relevance of the repression mechanism, forgetting, and symptom formation in psychotherapy, the increasing number of practitioners second Fonagy’s claim that “therapies focusing on the recovery of memory pursue a false god” (Fonagy, 1999, p. 219). Ann Rev Neurosci 1989: 2: 255- 287. Neural mechanisms of, learning and memory: Cells, systems and computations. By contrast in the cortisol-exposed hippocampi, all cases had at least 2 of the following neuropathologic markers: cell layer irregularity, dendritic atrophy, soma shrinkage and condensation, or nuclear pyknosis. While positive resultshave been claimed for numerous other medications in case reportsand open, studies, at the present time there are no data aboutwhich patient and which PTSD symptom will, predictably respond toanyof them. The conditioned emotional response: A subclass of chronic and, Blanchard EB, Kolb LC, Gerardi RJ. I begin by tracing the historical trajectory of trauma into feminist work against sexual assault, highlighting that while the uptake in its present iteration—as part of a formalised psychiatric nomenclature—is contentious; the idea that sexual violence causes harm to the victim’s psyche has been present since the second wave feminist movement. memories under appropriate circumstances. Terr LC. Edited and translated by GV Anrep Conditioned reflexes: An Investigation of the. The body keeps the score: memory and the evolving psychobiology of posttraumatic stress Harv Rev Psychiatry . Today we can understand them as the result of stimulation of biological systems, particularly of, ascending amine projections. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1987;27:685-691. evoked activity of noradrenergic locus coeruleus in unanesthetized rats. This implies that intense affect may inhibit proper evaluation and categorization of, experience. Trauma Information Pages, Articles: van der Kolk (1994), American Psychiatric Association. MacLean PD. Kosten TR, Mason JW, Giller EL, Ostroff RB, Harkness L. Sustained urinary norepinephrine. One significant measure of treatment outcome that has become widely accepted, in recent years is a decrease in physiological arousal in response to imagery related to the trauma, (27). You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Qualitatively, TeamUp was positively perceived by all stakeholders and was regarded as contributing to children’s psychosocial outcomes. However, hyperarousal, intrusive reliving, numbing and dissociation get in the way of separating current, reality from past trauma. relax are therefore needed to be done. Psychological factors like traumatic life events seem to affect the etiopathogenesis and the exacerbation of fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain syndrome. The final Model explained 40% of the variance. How to download the The Body Keeps the Score eBook online from US, UK, Canada and rest of the world? Endocr Rev 1984;93:9779-9783. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1990. Information acquired in an aroused, or, otherwise altered state of mind is retrieved more readily when people are brought back to that, particular state of mind (90,91). Aim: To outline a new advanced practice role for nurses and demonstrate. Today there’s a huge body of scientific and popular literature about the difference between the right and left brains. Conclusion: New roles for nurses help re-distribute workload so that patient care needs are better matched with professional expertise. In The Body Keeps the Score, he transforms our understanding of traumatic stress, revealing how it literally rearranges the brain’s wiring—specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust. Paris: Felix Alcan, 1919/1925. J Clin Psychiat 1985;46:385-389. Thus, people with chronic PTSD tend to suffer from numbing of responsiveness to the. Memory and the evolving psychobiology of post traumatic stress, For more than a century, ever since people's responses to overwhelming experiences were first, systematically explored, it has been noted that the psychological effects of trauma are expressed, as changes in the biological stress response. Nursing degree programmes were perceived as inadequately preparing nurses for a nursing home role. Siegfried et al (70) have observed that memory is impaired in animals when they, can no longer actively influence the outcome of a threatening situation. J Clin Psychiatry 1993; (in press). Jan-Feb 1994;1(5):253-65. doi: 10.3109/10673229409017088. traumatic stress disorders in Vietnam veterans. The study was a retrospective cohort study focused on the analysis of the first 5 years of electronic health records of a sample of 143 Karen refugees who were initially resettled between May 2011 and May 2013. The hippocampus is thought, to be involved in the evaluation of spatially and temporally unrelated events, comparing them with, previously stored information and determining whether and how they are associated with each, other, with reward, punishment, novelty or non-reward (107,110). Effect of incest on self and social functioning: A developmental, van der Kolk BA. Download full The Body Keeps The Score Book or read online anytime anywhere, Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. Interestingly, the number of, glucocorticoid receptors was proportional to the severity of PTSD symptoms. emotional responses tounstructured visual stimuli (van der Kolk et al, unpublished). Thus, the, inability of people with PTSD to properly integrate memories of the trauma and, instead, to get, mired in a continuous reliving of the past, is mirrored physiologically in the misinterpretation of. He found that cortical lesions prevent their extinction. Information processing in anxiety disorders: Application to the. New York: Guilford, Rainey JM, Aleem A, Ortiz A, Yaragani V, Pohl R, Berchow R Laboratory procedure for the. It is possible to suppose the patient's progressive processing of the traumatic experience, followed by its integration into more adaptive mnemonic networks at the end of the therapeutic session. serotonin in humans has repeatedly been correlated with impulsivity and aggression (56,57,58). Such models of nurse-led care will undoubtedly help to manage the increasing HIV workload seen across the UK. Results Hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal, Pitman RK, Orr SP. It is likely. "j/%,17%*>,!%$)!2.$,)!+1%-!+1)!+$%&'%!4+,)/(8!!n!+$%&'%+4*!);)-+!1%,!%!7):4--4-:@! sensitivity to environmental threat, and stated that "the nucleus of the neurosis is a physioneurosis. The body keeps the score: Memory and the evolving psychobiology of posttraumatic stress. -------- TABLE 2 (FUNCTIONS OF LIMBIC STRUCTURES) ABOUT HERE--------, Of all areas in the CNS, the amygdala is most clearly implicated in the evaluation, of the emotional meaning of incoming stimuli (106). Freud S. Introduction to Psychoanalysis and the War Neuroses. The Body Keeps the Score is the inspiring story of how a group of therapists and scientists— together with their courageous and memorable patients—has struggled to integrate recent advances in brain science, attachment research, and body awareness into treatments that can free trauma survivors from the tyranny of the past. Results New. Free download or read online The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma pdf (ePUB) book. Drug treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Child Maltreatment. While the, only published double blind studies of medications in the treatment of PTSDhave been tricyclic, antidepressants and MAO Inhibitors (122,123,124), it is sometimes assumed that they therefore, also are themosteffective. Biol Psychiatry 1991c;30:1031-1048. van der Kolk BA, Greenberg MS, Boyd H, Krystal JH.
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