Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá (Spanish pronunciation: [anˈtonjo xoˈse ðe ˈsukɾe j alkaˈla] (); February 3, 1795 – June 4, 1830), known as the "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho" (English: "Grand Marshal of Ayacucho"), was a Venezuelan independence leader. La misión de Sucre era compleja por la diversidad d… Resumen de la vida del Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre. Nach ihm wurden die nominelle Hauptstadt Boliviens, ein Bundesstaat Venezuelas, eine Verwaltungseinheit Kolumbiens, ein Stadtviertel (Mariscal Sucre), der Flughafen und die westliche Umgehungsstraße von Quito sowie die ehemalige Währung Ecuadors benannt. Alfonso Rumazo González, Sucre, Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho (1963). ZIP Code Avenida Antonio Jose de Sucre in Quito Distrito Metropolitano - Ecuador. Quintero Montiel, Inés Mercedes. José Tamayo y Mariscal Foch. La Paz: s.n., 1995. On his way back to Quito, Sucre was killed at Berruecos, near Pasto. The negative reaction toward this radical reform effort and toward the continued presence in Bolivia of large numbers of Colombian troops, along with growing hostility from Peru, eventually provoked Sucre's downfall. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. El Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá fue un modelo de esculturas y prócer de la independencia venezolana que vivió rápido y murió joven. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für 5 sucres 1943 Ecuador, Antonio Jose`de Sucre 1795 - 1830 Silber, *ss+* bei eBay. Sinopsis: también conocido como "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho", Antonio José de Sucre fue uno de los protagonistas de la emancipación hispanoamericana, principal héroe de Ecuador.Fue presidente de Bolivia, Gobernador del Perú y General en Jefe del Ejército de la Gran Colombia.Nació en el seno de una familia acomodada de tradición militar. Antonio Jose de Sucre, 19th century South American independence leader, . After Bolívar's arrival in Lima, Sucre took charge of the military campaign in the Andean highlands, achieving a crucial victory at the battle of Junín (6 August 1824) and final victory at Ayacucho in December. Inicio; Transparencia. William Lofstrom, La presidencia de Sucre en Bolivia (1987). Sucre Gral. He was simultaneously president of Gran Colombia (present-day Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador), Peru, and Bolivia, but soon after, his second-in-command, Antonio José de Sucre, was appointed president of Bolivia. Juni 1830, vermutlich von politischen Gegnern, ermordet. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. He tried to revive silver mining, the traditional mainstay of the Upper Peruvian economy, by attracting European investment, employing new technology, and reforming colonial institutions. The encounter, fought in the context of the Spanish American wars of independence, pitted a Patriot army under Sucre against a Royalist army commanded by Field Marshal Melchor Aymerich. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! With 1,345,010 inhabitants (2006), the department has 41 percent of Uruguay's total population, a…, Pedro de Valdivia Ecuador, 20th century. Era hijo de una fa… Different places (and a former currency) across Latin America are named after Antonio José de Sucre, among them: Sucre, Bolivia, the judicial capital of Bolivia. Don Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá también nacido en Cumaná, el 3 de febrero de 1795. Fue un político, mariscal y militar de origen venezolano, prócer de la independencia americana y principal héroe de la República del Ecuador. Antonio José de Sucre, named the “Liberator of Ecuador and Peru,” was a chief lieutenant of Simon Bolívar during the wars of independence against Spain. Sucre's parents were descended from well-to-do Europeans established in the coastal town of Cumaná. Sucre's presidency ended when he was seriously wounded in a barracks revolt in the Bolivian capital and was forced to delegate his powers (April 1828). Er ist benannt nach Marschall Antonio José de Sucre, ein Mitstreiter Bolivars während der südamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskämpfe. Sucre blev senere Bolivias anden præsident, og fungerede i en kort periode som Perus guvernør. 1830 wurde er zum Präsidenten des Kongresses gewählt, der in Bogotá mit dem Ziel zusammentrat, die Einheit Großkolumbiens zu sichern. Dieser Artikel oder nachfolgende Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit, Literatur von und über Antonio José de Sucre,é_de_Sucre&oldid=205568339, Person in den Südamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriegen, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Sucre y Alcalá, Antonio José de (vollständiger Name). Sucre, without explicit authorization from Bolívar (who had returned to Lima after the victory at Junín) pledged to respect the wishes of the Upper Peruvian delegates. November 2020 um 19:59 Uhr bearbeitet. Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá (Spanish pronunciation: [anˈtonjo xoˈse ðe ˈsukɾe j alkaˈla] (); February 3, 1795 – June 4, 1830), known as the "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho" (English: "Grand Marshal of Ayacucho"), was a Venezuelan independence leader. Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá, stormarskal af Ayacucho (3. februar 1795 - 4. juni 1830) var en sydamerikansk selvstændighedsleder. He gained more notoriety after his success in Ecuador and continued to aid the independence efforts in Peru. Sucre var tæt knyttet til Simón Bolívar som personlig ven og opnåede position som general i Bolívars sydamerikanske befrielseshær. He joined the revolution against the Spanish in 1811 and was eventually named Chief Lieutenant to Bolívar, who was known as a great liberator of South America. Antonio José de Sucre y de Alcalá wurde im Februar 1795 in Cumaná im heutigen Venezuela geboren. Kieffer Guzmán, Fernando. Sucre Alcalá, Antonio José de (1795–1830) Antonio José de. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. El 11 de enero de 1821 fue nombrado en Bogotá como Comandante del Ejército del Sur y por órdenes de Simón Bolívar inicia las campañas de liberación del Sur. Dezember 1824 gewesen sein, die Sucre in Abwesenheit von Bolívar schlug und welche die Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen der ehemaligen Vizekönigreiche Neugranada und Peru zum Abschluss brachte. When he was 13, his family, which belonged to the local aristocracy, sent him away to study in Caracas. New primary schools, orphanages, and asylums for the destitute were part of this reform, as were efforts to provide the principal cities with better water supplies, new public markets, street lighting, and public cemeteries. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Der Sucre wurde am 22.März 1884 in Ecuador als Währung eingeführt. Financially, the experiment was a dismal failure. Antonio José de Sucre Ir a la navegaciónIr a la búsqueda Para Militar y Político 2021 . Venezolano nacido en Cumaná en 1795 y vilmente asesinado el 4 de junio de 1830. Two days after his triumphant arrival in La Paz, Upper Peru's largest and economically most important city, Sucre issued a decree (9 February 1825) convoking a constituent assembly of delegates from the audiencia's five former intendencias to decide whether they wished to ally themselves with the former viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, with that of Lima, or to become an independent nation. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Sucre Alcalá, Antonio José de (1795–1830), Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá (* 3. 235, asientan como fecha de su nacimiento el 18 de junio de 1796, recogida muy posiblemente, de la Historia de Familias Cubanas del Conde de San Juan de Jaruco, o … Fue un político, mariscal y militar de origen venezolano, prócer de la independencia americana y principal héroe de la República del Ecuador. Juni 1830, ermordet im Wald von Berruecos, Departamento de Nariño; heute Kolumbien) war ein südamerikanischer Freiheitskämpfer und der wohl fähigste General von Simón Bolívar. . Returning to Quito in September 1828, Sucre hoped to dedicate himself to family life and the administration of his wife's estate. Two years later, at the outbreak of the revolution against Spain, he joined the patriot army, and he shared in both the successes and the reverses of the Venezuelan First and Second Republics. He began his military career at the age of 15 and quickly became involved with the republican (as opposed to the royalist pro-Spanish) cause. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Antonio Jose Sucre in … 0998701540 - 0984661686 Visit us Latacunga: Antonio Clavijo and Antonio José de Sucre. ." Therefore, it’s best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. In the case of Ecuador, Flores-based Ecuador's de jure claims on the following cedulas - Real Cedula of 1563, 1739, and 1740; with modifications in the Amazon Basin and Andes Mountains that were introduced through the Treaty of Guayaquil (1829) which Peru reluctantly signed, after the overwhelmingly outnumbered Gran Colombian force led by Antonio José de Sucre defeated President … However, the date of retrieval is often important. He joined the revolution against the Spanish in 1811 and was eventually named Chief Lieutenant to Bolívar, who was known as a great liberator of South America. The Congreso failed, despite Sucre's prestige, and Bolívar's creation broke up into three independent republics. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Antonio José de Sucre (Antonio José Francisco de Sucre y Alcalá; Cumaná, actual Venezuela, 1795 - Sierra de Berruecos, Colombia, 1830) Militar y político venezolano, prócer de la independencia hispanoamericana. Antonio José de Sucre acompañó a Bolívar en la victoriosa batalla de Junín (6 de agosto de 1824) y, al frente del ejército patriota en ausencia de Bolívar, venció al virrey José de La Serna en Ayacucho (9 de diciembre de 1824), batalla en la que brillaron singularmente la extraordinarias dotes de estratega de Sucre. Wert - Ecuador 100 Sucres 1995, 200. After a brief effort to join patriot forces in New Granada (Colombia) at the end of 1815, he again went into exile. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. 101208287, citing La Catedral de Quito, Quito, Cantón Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador ; Maintained by … Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Printer: ABNC. De Gaulle, Charles 1890-1970 He gained more notoriety after his success in Ecuador and continued to aid the independence efforts in Peru. Face Type: Portrait Antonio Jose de Sucre. Asociación creada sin ánimo de lucre por un grupo de ecuatorian@s y español@s. Sucre was one of Simón Bolívar's closest friends, generals and statesmen. Er bildete eine Regierung unter Führung von Simón Bolívar, der eine neue Verfassung entwarf. He was one of the ablest military commanders in the war for independence against Spain and an intimate collaborator of Simón Bolívar. Doch der Kongress scheiterte und auf dem Weg nach Quito wurde Sucre am 4. Detailed information about the coin 100 Sucres (Antonio José de Sucre), Ecuador, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, … Sucre saw active service under the first and second Venezuelan republics but was forced to flee to the Antilles in 1814. . Er befehligte mehrere Schlachten und schlug die spanischen Truppen unter deren Befehlshaber Antoñanzas im August 1813. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. After Peru was completely liberated from Spain by the patriot armies led by Bolivar and Antonio Jose de Sucre at the Battle of ... long and futile discussion over the return of Jaen, Tumbes, and part of Mainas, declared war. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. Sucre was one of Simón Bolívar's closest friends, generals and statesmen. Fresh from the victory at Tarqui, in 1830 Sucre served as president of the Congreso Admirable meeting in Bogotá, a last-ditch effort to preserve Gran Colombian unity. Antonio José Francisco de Sucre y Alcalá nace en Cumaná (actualmente Venezuela) el 3 de febrero de 1795 y muere en Sierra de Berruecos, Colombia el 4 de junio de 1830. Reference Pick # 108. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. See More ′′ The best memory you can have ′′ We are Miss Ecuadorian Dresses Confection, sale and rental of dresses. This effort included a wholesale reform of the Upper Peruvian church and the liquidation of most of its assets in favor of public education. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Antonio José de Sucre (3 Feb 1795–4 Jun 1830), Find a Grave Memorial no. The liberator of Ecuador and Peru from Spain, he served as Simón Bolívar’s chief lieutenant, eventually becaming the first constitutionally elected leader of Bolivia. Antonio José Francisco de Sucre y Alcalá (Cumaná, 3 de febrero de 1795- Berruecos, 4 de junio de 1830), también conocido como Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, fue un político, mariscal y militar venezolano, prócer de la emancipación hispanoamericana y principal héroe de la actual República del Ecuador, así como un diplomático y estadista, presidente de Bolivia, gobernador del Perú, General en Jefe del Ejército de la Gran Colombia, Comandante del Ejército del Sur y Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho. Sucre, Colombia, one of the Departments of Colombia. © 2019 | All rights reserved. Sucre was the author of a brilliant strategy that led to the humiliating defeat of the royalist forces, and dictated generous, humanitarian terms of surrender. Sucres Ermordung stand wahrscheinlich in Zusammenhang mit der Nachfolge Bolívars; denn er war sein designierter Nachfolger. Los restos del Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, el venezolano Antonio José Sucre, estuvieron envueltos en polémica y con una trama impresionante que mezcla secretos y deseos familiares. Biografía de Antonio José de Sucre. Dichas campañas tenían como objetivo liberar los territorios correspondientes a la Real Audiencia de Quito y promover su adhesión a la Gran Colombia. Geburtstag von Antonio José de Sucre im internationalen Weltmünzkatalog auf "Sucre Alcalá, Antonio José de (1795–1830) Februar 1795 in Cumaná, Vizekönigreich Neugranada; heute Venezuela; 4. View Antonio José de Sucre.docx from HISTORIA HISTORIA 1 at Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral - Ecuador. The defeat of the Royalist forces broug… The "winners" were Antonio José de Sucre, Andrés de … It was named after Venezuelan-born Antonio José de Sucre, a hero of Ecuadorian and Latin American independence. Los restos del Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, el venezolano Antonio José Sucre, estuvieron envueltos en polémica y con una trama impresionante que mezcla secretos y deseos familiares. Im Alter von 24[1] Jahren wurde er Brigadegeneral. Wert - Ecuador 100 Sucres 1995, 200. Charles W. Arnade, The Emergence of the Republic of Bolivia (1957). The assembly, which met during July and August 1825 in Chuquisaca (renamed Sucre in honor of the victor of Ayacucho), voted overwhelmingly to create an independent state. Pedro de Valdivia Colegio Fiscal Antonio José de Sucre. Sucre's parents were descended from well-to-do Europeans established in the coastal town of Cumaná. Antonio José de Sucre was born in 1795 in New Granada , now Venezuela. Sucre bekam dafür von Bolívar den Titel Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho verliehen. Born in Venezuela, Sucre was one of the foremost military commanders and... Worker sews … No need to register, buy now! Als Stellvertreter Bolívars befreite er 1821 von Guayaquil vorrückend Quito. Venezolano nacido en Cumaná en 1795 y vilmente asesinado el 4 de junio de 1830. Sucre Alcalá, Antonio José de (1795–1830)Antonio José de Sucre AlcaláSimon Bolíva (b. Sucre created and funded a network of public secondary schools, for which he dictated a modern curriculum, recruited teachers, and provided books and supplies. Antonio José de Sucre was born on Feb. 3, 1795, at Cumaná in eastern Venezuela. With Sucre in hot pursuit, Olañ;eta's forces melted away early in 1825, leaving the twenty-five-year-old Venezuelan with the responsibility for creating a republican form of government in the former Audiencia of Charcas. Antonio José de Sucre AlcaláSimon Bolíva (b. 1826[1] wurde Sucre zum Präsidenten des neu gegründeten Staats Bolivien gewählt. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Find the perfect antonio jose de sucre stock photo. Juni 1830, ermordet im Wald von Berruecos bei Pasto, Großkolumbien; heute Kolumbien) war ein südamerikanischer Freiheitskämpfer und war ein erfolgreicher General unter Simón Bolívar. 1824 gewann er gegen spanische Truppen die Schlacht von Junín. Antonio José de Sucre was born in 1795 in Venezuela. Quito era de vital importancia para la nueva nación. Februar 1795 in Cumaná, Neugranada; heute Venezuela; † 4. Pedro de Valdivia (ca. 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; Rendición de Cuentas See alsoBolívar, Simón; Bolivia: Since 1825; Venezuela: The Colonial Era. Seit der Sucre in Ecuador vor einigen Jahren durch den US-Dollar ersetzt wurde, ist die Erinnerung an Antonio José de Sucre auf Banknoten nicht mehr präsent. Seine Mutter starb, als er sieben Jahre alt war. Sucre created a new port for the infant nation at Cobija, on the Atacama coast, in territory that would eventually become part of Chile. No need to register, buy now! 101208287, citing La Catedral de Quito, Quito, Cantón Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador ; Maintained by Samuel Taylor Geer (contributor 46925792) . Detailed information about the coin 100 Sucres (Antonio José de Sucre), Ecuador, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, … Antonio José Sucre wurde später der engste Vertraute von Simón Bolívar und leitete mehrere wichtige Schlachten in den südamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriegen. Antonio José de Sucre (1795-1830) was a Venezuelan general and first constitutional president of Bolivia. . In February 1829 an army under his command defeated Peruvian invaders at the battle of Tarqui, in what became southern Ecuador. Antonio José de Sucre. Success in Guayaquil was followed by an expedition to liberate Quito, aided by auxiliary forces sent from Peru, which culminated in a patriot victory at the pivotal battle of Pichincha (24 May 1822) on the outskirts of Quito. Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá , known as "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho" (English: "Grand Marshal of Ayacucho"), was a Venezuelan independence leader who served as the 4th President of Peru and as the 2nd President of Bolivia. 1502-1553) was a Spanish conquistador and professional soldier. Seine wohl wichtigste Schlacht dürfte die bei Ayacucho am 9. ., "Sucre Alcalá, Antonio José de (1795–1830) At the age of 15 Sucre entered the struggles for independence in Venezuela and Colombia. Thomas Millington, Debt Politics after Independence: The Funding Conflict in Bolivia (1992). 1822 wird er von Bolívar in die Region Quito, heute Ecuador, entsandt und besiegt dort die spanischen Truppen in der Schlacht am Pichincha. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Antonio Jose Sucre sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Geburtstag von Antonio José de Sucre im internationalen Weltmünzkatalog auf The identity of the assassins remains the object of historical speculation. After Ayacucho the only serious obstacle to the liberation of Spanish South America was the ragtag army of royalist General Pedro de Olañeta in Upper Peru (today Bolivia). Mit dreizehn Jahren begann er in Caracas eine militärische Ausbildung, stieg schnell auf und beteiligte sich bereits früh an der südamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung unter Francisco de Miranda. Inicio; Transparencia. Resumen de la vida del Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre. De Sucre joined the fight for independence in 1811, and played a key role in the liberation of Ecuador , Peru , and Bolivia, winning the final, decisive Battle of Ayacucho (1824). Back Color: Red. Aligning himself with Bolívar, who by 1816 was beginning to succeed in his campaign against loyalists in Venezuela, Sucre undertook a number of successful military assignments for the Liberator and by late 1820 had become his chief of staff. Su padre fue partidario de la independencia de su patria y de América, al igual que sus nueve hijos, posición que les costo muy caro, pues varios murieron trágicamente a manos de los realistas. Antonio José de Sucre (Los hermanos Alberto y Arturo García Carraffa, en su obra Enciclopedia Heráldica y Genealógica Hispano Americana, Tomo LXXXIII, pág. "Sucre Alcalá, Antonio José de (1795–1830)
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