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It follows from Theorema Egregium that under this bending the Gaussian curvature at any two corresponding points of the catenoid and helicoid is always the same. As the Bonnet rotation angle increases, a continuous family of minimal surfaces is generated. Catenoid - conjugate surface to the helicoid Image by Matthias Weber The catenoid is the unique complete embedded minimal surface with nite topology and two ends (Schoen 1983) or of nite topology and genus zero (Lopez-Ros 1991). Catenoid, 0 o rotation. isometry F b w the helicoid and the catenoid The previous example shows that isometries need not preserve It M has 4 0 N has H l to L Q Do isometries preserve K. Gauss.stheoremtgregihn.IT F M N is an isometry then Kmcp Ku Fcp for all peM. Locally the helicoid is isometric to the catenoid. The key obstruction to the existence oflocal isometries. ... For example, the catenoid and helicoid are adjoints. I.e. Greg Arone Introduction to Di erential Geometry Lecture #10 Figure 1: Straight helicoid References A formula for the angle between two curves on a surface. The isometry from catenoid to helicoid is exercise 5.8. Example of an isometry, from the catenoid to the helicoid. For conformal mappings read §5.3 Nov 11 FROM THE CATENOID-HELICOID DEFORMATION TO THE GEOMETRY OF LOOP GROUPS J.-H. ESCHENBURG Abstract. The Bonnet rotation is an isometry of the surface, that is, all distances within the surface are preserved; there is no stretching or wrinkling. The catenoid and Enneper’s surface are the unique complete minimal surfaces in R3 with finite total curvature −4π (Osserman). an isometry. I : R2!R3 is an isometry of R2 with its image. Fact: Curvature is alocal invariantunder isometry. Lifting a \pacman region" to a cone is a local isometry (you were asked to verify this in homework assignment 3) There is a local isometry between a helicoid and a catenoid, \wrapping" the helicoid around the catenoid. 5 Definition. Every rotation around the origin in C is an (intrinsic) isometry of the Enneper surface, but most of these isometries do not extend to ambient isometries. 7. 45 o rotation. Definition & property of Conformal mapping. The Catenoid and the Helicoid Are Isometric. of an isometry between a helicoid (a ruled surface) and a catenoid (a rotation surface) shows that a condition for the image surface to be ruled is not trivial. Problem 3. See do Carmo, Problem 14 on page 213, and also Example 2 on pages 221-222. (b) Animate the series of plots in (a). Show that every local isometry of the helicoid H to the catenoid C must carry the axis of H to the central circle of C, … Created Date: Nevertheless, each of them can be continuously bent into the other: they are locally isometric. 3 Definition. We then note that the parallels u constant on the catenoid get mapped helices on the heli-coid, and that the meridians v constant on the catenoid get mapped to the rulings t &→(tcosθ,tsinθ,θ). A diffeomorphism : S S' between regular surfaces is … Read: §5.4 for area. But surfaces with the same curvature are so | locally. Rigidity Isometries arerare. For isometries read §5.2. The catenoid and the helicoid are two very different-looking surfaces. Nov 6: Area of a portion of a surface. surfaces with di erent curvatures can’t be isometric. These characterizations also depend on more recent work of Colding-Minicozzi 2008 and Collin 1997. The less known result states that if two ruled surfaces are locally isometric, then the local isometry preserves their rulings, unless the … In fact such local isometry can be achieved as endpoint of a continuous one-parameter family of isometric deformations which are all minimal surfaces. (a) Plot the surface M t for at least six values of t from t = 0 (helicoid) to t < π / 2 (catenoid). Show that a catenoid and helicoid are locally isometric. the catenoid to part of the helicoid given by the image of "σ(sinhu,v).

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