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(763), PhD / Research The user shall not be entitled to use Graduateland as a platform for marketing and promoting of own personal goods and services. We are constantly updating with webinars. We also attend career fairs and conferences. For the purpose of advancing your career, exposing you to job opportunities and employer branding (the “Purposes”), Graduateland ApS, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø will collect and process personal data about you. Ved opsigelser i henhold til punkt 5.D får kunden returneret eventuelt forudbetalte beløb senest 30 dage efter Graduateland ApSs modtagelse af opsigelsen. LIONSGATE is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Når brugeren opretter en profil på CBS CareerGate, accepterer brugeren også, at personlige oplysninger bliver gemt på Graduatelands servere, og at dele heraf kan deles med universiteterne og arbejdsgiverne i form af Graduatelands services. Contact To find out more about career opportunities at CBS or if you have questions about a job vacancy or internship, please contact our Recruitment and Selection team by sending an email to: CBSrecruiters@cbs.nl. Kunden kan købe de ydelser, der er beskrevet på oversigten over ydelser. Uklare og ændrede fotos og billeder vil blive slettet. Jobsitet er et samarbejde mellem og Graduateland ApS. It’s clear to them that we don’t simply manage projects; we drive change and bring sustainable improvements. You can create your own personal profile to brand yourself to future employers and stay updated on relevant jobs and internships. Læs mere i vilkårenes punkt 19. Career Gates, the premium provider of British Training in Egypt, is an initiative developed by MSA University, to provide a full spectrum of professional training programs and workshops, that would develop our learners’ soft, vocational skills and Knowledge required by their professional careers. … Vurder derfor den data, som du tilføjer, herunder billeder, omhyggeligt. The user must possess the complete rights to the photos and pictures that the user uploads. North America. Graduateland ApS kan opsige abonnementsaftalen eller dele heraf med mindst 1 måneds varsel, herunder hvis Graduateland ApS ophører med at udbyde sitet. Attend CBS Career Week to connect with organizations for internships, projects, full-time opportunities, etc. for væsentlig misligholdelse: Graduateland ApS er berettiget til at afbryde, indskrænke eller ændre kundens mulighed for brug af graduateland.com samt Graduateland netværket, for at sikre en tilfredsstillende drift og vedligeholdelse heraf eller for at imødekomme myndighedskrav. Graduateland may revise these Terms at any time by posting an updated version to this Web page. ske ved distribution eller downloading. (499), Supply Chain & Logistics Permanently delete email addresses if requested upon by a member. All exchange students must be full-time students. Please be informed that the level of data protection as currently applied and enforced in countries outside the European Union does not conform to the level of data protection for personal data currently applied and enforced within the European Union. for tab som følge af andres uberettigede anvendelse af betalingsmidlet, hvis udsteder godtgør, at den til betalingsmidlet hørende per-sonlige, hemmelige kode har været anvendt, og. Unclear and modified photos and pictures will be deleted. Regions. The Washington Redskins are being sued by former NFL linebacker Barrett Green in connection to an alleged bounty program run by then defensive coordinator Gregg Williams in 2004. The job posting, resume database (“Graduateland User Database”) and other features of the Graduateland Sites may be used only by individuals seeking employment and/or information relating to career and education and by employers and/or organisations seeking to recruit or perform employer branding. The Patriots will take on the Seattle Seahawks during Sunday's Super Bowl XLIX, but in the meantime, check a few other late-night jokes about "deflate-gate." Kunden kan ved downloading af materiale fra internettet eller ved åbning af programmer i modtaget e- mail løbe en risiko for at inficere sin hardware og software med virus. Ændringerne varsles over for kunden ved e-mail til kundens e-mailadresse og på sitet. Copenhagen Business School bruger cookies til statistik, markedsføring samt optimering af din brugeroplevelse af cbs.dk. Dette gør det muligt for arbejdsgivere og universiteter at kontakte brugeren, baseret på oplysningerne fra brugeren. Denne side er beskyttet af reCAPTCHA og Google's. When you sign up and disclose your personal data to Graduateland, Graduateland will disclose your data to companies, universities, organisations, public authorities and institutions that match your preferences for the purpose set out in section 2.1. Companies that post jobs on behalf of other companies e.g. CBS was established in 1899 in response to the need for independent and reliable information that advances the understanding of social issues. The Graduateland Sites are defined as any Web sites under Graduateland’s control, whether partial or otherwise (including, without limitation, Graduateland.com and the Web site from which these terms of use were accessed from). webbrowsere der understøtter Graduatelands software. Modtaget information behandles ikke som fortroligt. 2. CBS CareerGate is a career portal for students and graduates of Copenhagen Business School. Graduateland ApS påtager sig ikke at kontrollere og har ikke ansvar for hvilke informationer, der stilles til kundens rådighed ved adgang til internettet. Search by Keyword. Birth date and gender are used to further identify the user and make the profile more visible on Graduateland. If technically feasible, you may request that the personal data is transmitted directly to another company or person acting as a data controller. Som et eksempel kan vi bruge cookies og IP-adresser til at se, hvilke dele af websiden der bruges oftest og dermed forbedre og optimere netop de tjenester og funktioner. Candidate profiles derived from User Content may also be made available through the Sites. Disse oplysninger kan også bruges som inputvariabler i Graduatelands backend-løsning designet til arbejdsgivere og universiteter. Career development. It is up to the individual user to create back up of the necessary information. Graduateland hæfter ikke for det faktiske eller mulige tab af data og oplysninger på webstedet uanset årsagen. nævnte meddelelse. Graduateland kan også bruge oplysningerne fra tilmeldingsprocessen for at forbedre tjenester og funktionaliteter ved at analysere den måde, som brugeren bruger portalen. Information may continue to be available for some period of time because of delays in propagating such deletion through Graduateland’s web servers. Billeder og billeder skal være fri for ophavsret og / eller anden begrænset anvendelse. Ingen tredjepart skal have ophavsret eller andre rettigheder til de billeder, som brugeren uploader. The photos and pictures must not include violent, threatening, un-sober or sexual elements. De nævnte bestemmelser i loven fremgår sidst i disse vilkår. Graduateland ApS har ikke ansvar for forhold vedrørende kundens internetadgang eller datatrafik i øvrigt. Kontrakter, som er udfærdiget og underskrevet via Graduatelands netværk. Kunden hæfter for tab som følge af andres uberettigede brug af adgangskoder, som følger af lov om visse betalingsmidler § 11, og Graduateland ApS er ansvarlig for tab hos kunden i henhold til lovens § 12. We are looking for smart, imaginative, and hard-working people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas to join us. One of the most common queries asked by candidates What after GATE 2020 Exam? Read more about CG! at brugeren ved groft uforsvarlig adfærd har muliggjort den uberettigede anvendelse. Vira and other computer codes with the aim of harming or destroy IT equipment belonging to us or our members. Hvis der opstår nedbrud på sitet retter Graduateland ApS fejlen hurtigst muligt. You can track CBS Career Fair on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #cbscareerfair and be updated on presentations, the companies and much more. Home; S/4HANA Transition. Graduateland reserves the right to remove any job posting or content from any Graduateland Site, which in the reasonable exercise of Graduateland’s discretion, does not comply with the above Terms, or if any content is posted that Graduateland believes is not in the best interest of Graduateland. Would you like to get in touch with us about one of the activities mentioned below or would you like to bring an event to our attention? Golden Gate University Certificate Programs . If You post User Content in any public area of any Graduateland Site, You also permit any User to access, display, view, store and reproduce such User Content for personal use. any hyperlinks, other than those specifically authorized by Graduateland; misleading, unreadable, or "hidden" keywords, repeated keywords or keywords that are irrelevant to the job opportunity being presented, as determined in Graduateland’s reasonable discretion; the names, logos or trademarks of unaffiliated companies other than those of your customer save where expressly agreed by Graduateland; the names of colleges, cities, states, towns or countries that are unrelated to the posting; more than one job or job description, more than one location, or more than one job category, unless the product so allows; inaccurate, false, or misleading information; and. The photos and pictures must not display weapons, money or illegal drugs. Graduateland ApS er ikke erstatningsansvarlig for tab som følge af uopfordret eller uønsket fremsendelse af data til kunden eller som følge af kundens tab af personlige data eller installeret software. Hvis du klikker videre, accepterer du CBS' brug af cookies. The road to the Kentucky Derby goes through Dubai on Saturday when 14 three-year-olds leave the starting gate in the 2021 UAE Derby. There’s a program for Fort Hood soliders to get them started on a new path. The halftime show at Super Bowl XXXVIII, which was broadcast live on February 1, 2004 from Houston, Texas on the CBS television network, is notable for a moment in which Janet Jackson's breast—adorned with a nipple shield—was exposed by Justin Timberlake to the viewing public for approximately half a second. (220), View more job positions in Graduateland may engage third party service providers that will have access to and process your personal data. This requires that the third party respects and follows the conditions for data handling as mentioned in this document. pkt. What they all have in common is a focus on research results of outstanding quality. Graduateland har ret til at bruge e-mail-systemet til spørgeskemaer om Graduatelands egne tjenester og produktudvikling, og til indhold fra Graduatelands betalende kunder og universiteter i form at de services, som Graduateland tilbyder. Graduateland har ret til at bruge et eksternt firma til at udføre teknisk vedligeholdelse af hjemmesiden. Det drejer sig kun om den data, som du har angivet som 'synlig'. When it’s time for soldiers to leave the army, many say it’s hard to take the next step in life. Graduateland cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of any Graduateland Site. informationer fra hjemmesider, e-mails, links, nyhedsgrupper eller chatgrupper. Candidate profiles derived from User Content may also be made available through the Graduateland Sites. Follow this link to reach our Job Search page to search for available jobs in a more accessible format. At begrænse mængden af afsendte e-mails pr. Use of the Graduateland User Database by Employers. information about Your organization and its business; implicit or explicit information describing how and/or why the job posting is relevant to students and/or recent graduates from a higher education; what tasks the job comprises and/or what is expected from the employee; necessary practical information such as working hours, start date. Brugeren er ansvarlig for at udfylde korrekte og sandfærdige oplysninger. The portal is a collaboration between Copenhagen Business School and Graduateland ApS. 4. Guest/Exchange Student | CBS - Copenhagen Business School. Følgende forhold anses bl.a. Sweet Boy had not raced since Feb. 28, … GATE 2020 Exam has been over. Ikke at udvikle deres hjemmeside baseret på falske eller automatiserede profiler eller moderatorer. for tab som følge af andres uberettigede anvendel-se af betalingsmidlet, hvis den til betalingsmidlet hørende personlige, hemme-lige kode er anvendt. Har brugeren fået medde-lelse om, at betalingstransaktionen er anerkendt, er udsteder endvidere an-svarlig for tab hos brugeren, som skyldes, at den pågældende betalingstrans-aktion ikke gennemføres eller gennemføres mangelfuldt. CBS offers a variety of career services for students and recent graduates. You can at any moment hide your profile so the above-mentioned cannot access your profile data. Whether you’re a school leaver starting out on your employment journey, or someone looking for a career change, CareerGate is the perfect solution for you. Graduateland makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any Graduateland Site or the Graduateland Content. Brugeren hæfter kun efter stk. - Brugeren kan vælge at justere leveringen ved at ændre denne funktion under "Konto" - "Kontoindstillinger" - "Meddelelser" til enhver tid. The Graduateland Sites and the Graduateland Content may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The user's email address is also used to send emails to the user based on the information requested on the user's Dashboard. Har brugeren forsætligt eller groft uagtsomt medvirket til fejlen, kan erstatningen nedsættes eller bortfalde. Brugeren skal have de fulde rettigheder til de billeder, som brugeren uploader. Career Academy was not only a great value, but instrumental in aiding me to pass the PMP ® exam. Læs mere om CBS' brug af cookies på cbs.dk Graduateland does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of User Content, derivative works from User Content, or any other communications posted by Users nor does Graduateland endorse any opinions expressed by Users. Graduateland will analyse your behaviour and personal data, including registering your competencies and educational background, in order to match your profile with the most relevant career opportunities. En sådan distribution kan ske i forbindelse med statistisk analyse af hjemmesiden, markedsundersøgelser og som forberedelse til reklamer, generel branding og rekrutteringsaktivitet på Graduateland. The people visible on the photos and pictures must have given their acceptance of public display. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL GRADUATELAND, ITS SUPPLIERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTIES MENTIONED ON ANY GRADUATELAND SITE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOST DATA, LOST EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) RESULTING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY GRADUATELAND SITE AND THE GRADUATELAND CONTENT, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT GRADUATELAND IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Sitet drives af Graduateland ApS. Terms and Conditions DOWNLOAD OUR APPDon't Miss CBS Chicago's Award ... a “wow factor” right out of the gate. Hver bruger på CBS CareerGate skal respekteres, og det er vigtigt, at du behandler andre medlemmer, som du selv ønsker at blive behandlet. GRADUATELAND MAKES NO WARRANTIES ABOUT THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, OR TIMELINESS OF THE GRADUATELAND CONTENT, SERVICES, SOFTWARE, TEXT, GRAPHICS, AND LINKS. material or links to material that exploits people in a sexual, violent or other manner, or solicits personal information from anyone under 18. post jobs in a manner that does not comply with applicable local, national and international laws, including but not limited to laws relating to labor and employment, equal employment opportunity and employment eligibility requirements, data privacy, data access and use, and intellectual property; post jobs that require citizenship of any particular country or lawful permanent residence in a country as a condition of employment, unless otherwise required in order to comply with law, regulations, executive order, or federal, state or local government contract; post jobs that include any screening requirement or criterion in connection with a job posting where such requirement or criterion is not an actual and legal requirement of the posted job; post jobs or other advertisements for competitors of Graduateland or post jobs or other content that contains links to any site competitive with Graduateland; sell, promote or advertise products or services; post any franchise, pyramid scheme, "club membership", distributorship, multi-level marketing opportunity, or sales representative agency arrangement; post any business opportunity that requires an up front or periodic payment or requires recruitment of other members, sub-distributors or sub-agents; post any business opportunity that pays commission only unless the posting clearly states that the available job pays commission only and clearly describes the product or service that the job seeker would be selling; post jobs on any Graduateland Site for modeling, acting, talent or entertainment agencies or talent scouting positions; advertise sexual services or seek employees for jobs of a sexual nature; request the use of human body parts or the donation of human parts, including, without limitation, reproductive services such as egg donation and surrogacy; endorse a particular political party, political agenda, political position or issue; except where allowed by applicable law, post jobs which require the applicant to provide information relating to his/her (i) racial or ethnic origin (ii) political beliefs (iii) philosophical or religious beliefs (iv) membership of a trade union (v) physical or mental health (vi) sexual life (vii) the commission of criminal offences or proceedings or (vii) age. Dette omfatter bl.a. Information may continue to be available for some period of time because of delays in propagating such deletion through Graduateland’s web servers. The Graduateland Sites contain links to third party Web sites. Andre brugeres adfærd. Hvis din ydelse endnu ikke er aktiveret kan du fortryde købet ved at kontakte vores salg på sales@graduateland.com. © 2021 ... (A year later, CBS Films’ Terry Press acquired the project at Cannes from a promo reel.) IP-adressen registreres for at sikre, at Graduateland altid vil kunne finde den computer, der bruges til at få adgang til webstedet. All data will be treated as confidential information and will only be used for the purpose as set out in clause 1. 1, 1. og 2. In such case the company will handle Graduateland's data responsibility. Copenhagen Business School bruger cookies til statistik, markedsføring samt optimering af din brugeroplevelse af cbs.dk. Kunden sletter eller forfalsker transmissionsinformation, herunder ip-adresser eller header-information. Udsteder skal give brugeren mulighed for når som helst at meddele, at betalingsmidlet skal spær-res, og skal snarest over for brugeren skriftligt eller på anden bevissikker må-de bekræfte, at udstederen har modtaget en sådan underretning. At drive et system, der giver mulighed for hurtig rapportering til os i forbindelse med upassende eller uetisk adfærd på hjemmesiden. Your personal data will be stored by Graduateland, Graduateland’s IT hosting provider, Graduateland’s IT services providers (incl. Promote your jobs, projects, You can obtain further information on the personal data which Graduateland stores and processes about you by contacting. Billeder og billeder, der viser pornografiske situationer, ulovlige stoffer, kontanter og våben. The photos and pictures must be clear. Stk. Erstatter indløser efter stk. CBS CareerGate bruger cookies lagret i browseren. This enables Employers and Universities to contact the user, based on the information provided by the user. Employers are solely responsible for their postings on Graduateland Sites. CareerGate is a free, online tool that will help you to select the apprenticeship, occupation or training pathway that's right for you! You can obtain a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format via your account settings. By submitting, posting or displaying User Content on or through Graduateland, you grant Graduateland a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, adapt, distribute and publish such User Content through Graduateland. Medmindre videregående hæftelse følger af stk. The user shall be responsible for suitable software and technological solutions needed to run Graduateland, e.g. Alle registrerede selskaber med et tildelt CVR-nummer kan indgå aftale med Graduateland ApS om køb af ydelser på sitet. Hæfter brugeren efter såvel stk. While Graduateland reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove User Content, job postings, resumes or other material from the Graduateland Sites from time to time, Graduateland does not assume any obligation to do so and to the extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability for failing to take any such action. If you have signed up to Graduateland through one of the following business partner’s websites, the applicable business partner will also have access to your personal data: universities, business schools, public and private educational organisations, or other organisations. Navn og email: Dette bruges til at identificere brugeren som bruger på CBS CareerGate således at Graduateland, samt arbejdsgivere og universiteter vil kunne kontakte brugeren. We are only able to consider applicants who have submitted their materials through our Careers portal. Graduateland ApS tilstræber at informere kunden om ændringer med passende varsel, hvis Graduateland ApS skønner, at ændringen har væsentlig betydning for kundens brug af mobiltjenesten og/eller mobildatatjenester. Get public access to numerous Open Access full text publications written by CBS researchers. En udsteder er ansvarlig for tab hos brugeren, som skyldes fejlregistre-ring eller konteringsfejl, selv om fejlen er hændelig. tidsenhed. tracking software suppliers) and may be accessed by Graduateland group entities worldwide on a need to know basis. Graduateland reserves the right to refuse to accept, post, display or transmit any User Content in its sole discretion. Course descriptions can be found in our course catalogs, including the number of ECTS credits awarded for each course. Graduateland ApS er ikke erstatningsansvarlig for indirekte tab, herunder tabt avance, produktionstab, tab som følge af at internettjenesten ikke kan benyttes som forudsat, tab som følge af at en aftale med tredjemand falder bort eller misligholdes, og lignende. Når du har købt en ydelse på sitet kan du ikke fortryde købet, hvis din annonce, jobopslag, virksomhedsprofil eller andet først er aktiveret på sitet. Answer as quickly as possible when users have requests to the support function. Graduateland Communities provides a venue for individuals to network for professional and personal purposes and Graduateland does not screen or censor the Profiles or User Content on the Graduateland Sites. We expect that You will use caution and common sense when using the Graduateland Sites. I så fald vil virksomheden håndtere Graduatelands dataansvar. Credits are based on the student work load and not the number of lecture hours. EMEA; D-A-CH; APAC; Enter search term: A passion for consulting . When you sign up and disclose your personal data to Graduateland, Graduateland will disclose your data to companies, universities, organisations, public authorities and institutions that match your preferences for the purpose set out in section 2.1. The Killian documents controversy (also referred to as Memogate or Rathergate) involved six documents containing unsubstantiated critical allegations about President George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard in 1972–73, allegedly typed in 1973. Ændring af priser og vilkår varsles normalt ved e-mail til dig og på Graduateland ApSs hjemmeside (www.graduateland.com). Graduateland har eneret til at udvise eksisterende medlemmer, hvis det konstateres, at et medlem opfører sig ulovligt eller uetisk, hvis Graduateland-tjenester misbruges og / eller hvis generel adfærd ikke accepteres af Graduateland. Tab af data. The user shall be responsible for any actual or potential economic or legal lawsuit against Graduateland as a consequence of the user's wrongdoing or mismanagement of the profile. The amount of and the frequency at which you receive emails depend on the activity of the employers from which you wish to "follow". (a) and (b). The unauthorized posting, reproduction, copying, distribution, modification, public display or public performance of copyrighted works constitutes infringement of the copyright owners rights. If You do not accept the Terms stated here, do not use the Graduateland Sites and the Graduateland Services. Terms of payment are defined by the Graduateland payment terms. Kunden har ved dom, offentlig omtale, indholdet i ydelserne eller lignende pådraget sig et sådant omdømme eller udtrykker sig således, at Graduateland ApS finder eksponering af kunden uforeneligt med driften af jobbank.dk eller jobbank.ku.dk. Subject to the foregoing, the owner of such User Content placed on any Graduateland Site retains any and all rights that may exist in such User Content. Graduateland shall be entitled to use of an external company to perform technical maintenance of the website. CareerGate. Når du køber og bruger ydelser på sitet indgår du derfor en aftale med Graduateland ApS. Job Opportunities. Kundens brug af kunstneriske, litterære og andre ophavsretsbeskyttede værker uden samtykke kan udgøre en krænkelse af tredjemands ophavsrettigheder. 5. Stk. skyldes forhold uden for Graduateland ApS’ kontrol, herunder men ikke begrænset til lynnedslag, oversvømmelser, ildebrand, krig, strejke og lockout, herunder også strejke og lockout blandt Graduateland ApS’ egne medarbejdere. GRADUATELAND, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. I forbindelse med kundens handel på internettet eller ved kundens erhvervelse af netydelser fra tredjemand har Graduateland ApS intet ansvar for kundens og tredjemands indbyrdes mellemværende. Ændringer af rent begunstigende karakter, herunder for eksempel generelle nedsættelser af priser, kan dog gennemføres uden forudgående varsel. Erhvervsministeren kan, i det omfang det betinges af prisudviklingen, ændre beløbsangivelserne i stk. Svindel, svig, bedrageri o. lignende samt misbrug af de anvendte betalingsmidler. Hvis du mister dine adgangskoder eller har mistanke om, at andre uretmæssigt er kommet i besiddelse af koderne, skal du straks kontakte Graduateland ApS på sales@graduateland.com, som straks sender dig nye koder og spærrer de gamle koder. The page was last edited by: CBS Careers // 10/08/2019. 119 likes. Billederne skal være klare. Industry, Full-time | Brugeren skal være ansvarlig for passende software og teknologiske løsninger, der er nødvendige for at køre Graduateland, f.eks. Contracts, which are developed and signed through the network on Graduateland. CareerGate is a job and project portal for CBS’ students and recent graduates. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Graduateland, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from (i) any User Content or other material You provide to any Graduateland Site, (ii) Your use of any Graduateland Content, or (iii) Your breach of these Terms. Graduateland may review and remove any User Content that, in its sole judgment, violates these Terms, violates applicable laws, rules or regulations, is abusive, disruptive, offensive or illegal, or violates the rights of, or harms or threatens the safety of, Users of any Graduateland Site. Terms and Conditions The gelding had four wins in eight career starts and earnings of $43,971. Du må ikke oprette en anden profil end din egen personlige profil. These Terms will remain in full force and effect while You are a User of any Graduateland Site. Retningslinier og etisk adfærd er angivet i punkt 3. Graduateland does not make any representations regarding the accuracy or validity of such derived works or their appropriateness for evaluation by employers. Search results for "". At afvise ind- og udgående e-mails, som vurderes at være f.eks. Er betaling udeblevet eller forsinket under omstændigheder som nævnt i stk. Bekræftel-sen skal angive tidspunktet for underretningen. to promote your professional profile to potential employers and thereby exposing you to job opportunities and advancements in your career; to provide you with information on job opportunities relevant to you to advance your career; to conduct statistics and reports and historical overviews to understand career trends; to make a profile of you based on your preferences and competencies to match your profile with business partners in section 3.3 and potential employers under section 3.4; and. These limits may be amended in Graduateland’s sole discretion from time to time. You should visit this page periodically to review the most current Terms because they are binding on You. In addition, parts of the profile will be visible to non-members visiting the site.

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