VDARE stands for Virginia Dare, the supposed first white child born in the Americas. CSIS's Asia portfolio includes the broader Asia Program encompassing numerous endowed chairs and programs â the Freeman Chair in China Studies, the Japan Chair, the Korea Chair, the Economics Program, the Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, the Southeast Asia Program, the China Power Project, and the Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics. With Krikorian sitting on the same panel, Richwine stated, “There are real differences between groups, not just trivial ones that we have to notice more than we should. The United States needs to “shrink the illegal population through consistent, across-the-board enforcement of immigration law,” Krikorian proclaimed. When CIS came up, Stein admitted that both organizations shared office space but also stated, “Yes, CIS was never a project of FAIR, but it was a bit of a spin-off.” This is a bit of a whitewash of the facts contained in Tanton’s memo almost 10 years earlier where he specifically states that CIS was starting off “as a project of FAIR.”, In a correspondence to the SPLC as well as testimony before Congress, Krikorian has also pushed this narrative. In 2017, CIS staffer Jon Feere left the organization and took up a position at the DHS. TSC’s longtime editor is white nationalist Wayne Lutton, a man described by Gardiner in his 2005 paper as one of the “intellectual theorists of white nationalism.” While Tanton hobnobbed with white nationalists and shared their beliefs, Lutton has a long track record of directly working for white nationalist groups. The Taylor-Krikorian connections don’t stop there. Krikorian believes many of these immigrant communities make America vulnerable and the threat “isn’t confined to radical Islam.” In fact, he says America is also susceptible to threats from North Korea, “Communist China,” and Colombia. The E-Verify system compiles data from 20 different databases and the effort to clear the system error can not only be rigorous but costly as well. Being arrested in illegal status in New York, and being sent home to Lima or Sydney is a major disincentive, and the individual either will not try again, or will not try again quickly,” he says. The Departments of Labor and Education also have a piece of this pie, and we should get to know them as well.”. What began as a reflection of IRCA in 1987 has evolved into CIS's core policy. In his National Review column he wrote, “The narrowest solution would be to restore the principle of “ideological exclusion” to U.S. immigration law. These immigrants, he claims, have intense difficulties with assimilation such as learning English, transnationalism, and “affirmative action for immigrants.”. FAIR has not testified before Congress since 2012, according to its website. In a report Steinlight wrote for CIS four years before he joined the organization titled, “The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography,” Steinlight painted American Muslims as Jew haters, writing, “For reasons that appear simultaneously self-evident and self-serving, spokespersons from the organized Muslim community regularly cite the figure of six million Muslims. In 2016 CIS began commissioning Jason Richwine, a disgraced former Heritage Foundation analyst, to write reports and blogs for the organization. In an interview with NPR in early 2017, in response to the SPLC listing CIS as a hate group Krikorian stated, “Our work is out there. He has also routinely attacked influential Americans of color. A week earlier, Steinle’s father, who was with her on the night she died, provided quotes in a piece in the San Francisco Chronicle titled, “Leave Kate Steinle Out of the Immigration Debate.” “I don’t know who coined ‘Kate’s Law,’” Jim Steinle, stated, “It certainly wasn’t us.” In 2015, Steinle said in an interview that his family is not opposed to sanctuary policies. Since its inception, CIS has been advocating for some form of "attrition through enforcement." With the end of the Cold War — which too many imagined to be the End of History — we eliminated the legal bar to enemies of America who were not actual members of terrorist organizations or card-carrying members of totalitarian political parties.”. Tanton stated, “We actually donated several of our board members and donors to the Center for Immigration Studies as it was called – Gene Katz became one of their important donors. The Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies advances innovative use-inspired research and teaching on the languages, societies and geopolitics of greater Eurasia. Decades of psychometric testing has indicated that at least in America you have Jews with the highest average IQ, usually followed by East Asians, and then you have non-Jewish whites, Hispanics and then blacks. Krikorian, in a recent Reddit AMA, attempted to distance himself from Taylor, writing, “Sorry, I never "promoted" him. We subsequently hired a retired foreign service officer, David Simcox, to run CIS.” Tanton also remarked, “Forming [Immigration Reform Law Institute] and CIS were part of an effort to develop a balanced program – a neatly rolled rug!”. Despite having no “institutional relationship” with Tanton, it is clear through Tanton’s correspondences that the two men stayed in contact throughout the years. Muslims believe in things that are subversive to the Constitution.” Steinlight conducted an interview in 2013 with the conservative Washington Times, Steinlight stated, “Hispanics don’t exemplify ‘strong family values.’” He also warned in 2004 that immigration threatens “the American people as a whole and the future of Western Civilization.”. At a Tea Party event in 2014, Steinlight was filmed calling for the hanging of then-President Obama. “, In another 1986 memo to a file kept for the purpose of eventually writing an autobiography, Tanton described CIS as an organization over which he had direct control, as opposed to others that he said were "one level removed from our control." Following the tragic shooting death of Kate Steinle in San Francisco in July of 2015 by an undocumented immigrant, CIS and other anti-immigrants used it as an opportunity to attack so-called “sanctuary cities.” CIS published a map of sanctuary jurisdictions on its website which prompted a backlash. Eight years later, in 1994, Tanton wrote that he was still setting what he called "the proper roles for FAIR and CIS. Liz Paddok left the main FAIR board and went over to the Center for Immigration Studies board. Bristow is now the white nationalist movement’s go-to lawyer. Remember: we’re in this for the long haul.”, Later in the memo, Tanton wrote about the need to “Develop strong relationships with the [U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service], and with the Bureau of Consular Affairs in the State Department (which supervises the issuance of visas). At some point, this is going to break the dam.". “Today’s ‘systematically different’ immigrants are simply continuing the traditional pattern (common among the Irish and Italians and others in the past) of trying to climb over the backs of black Americans to achieve assimilation” he says. “After a careful and prolonged study, the FAIR board has concluded that a “Think Tank” on the scale of the Worldwatch Institute is needed. In 2007, Krikorian accepted an invitation to speak at the Michigan State University to its chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), a conservative college organization. Commentary is produced by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a private, tax-exempt institution focusing on international public policy issues. It is the worst kind of deception, but politicians, the conservative media and some Americans eat it up because it always looks somewhat legitimate at first glance.” CIS has also defended the usage of “anchor babies” and released a report on “terror babies,” popular concepts among the nativist movement. Tanton donated his correspondences to the University of Michigan and among the conversations with Klan lawyers and white nationalists, his role in establishing CIS is made clear. Krikorian bragged to Reuters in October of 2016 that the Trump team had received requests for research and studies during the campaign. Krikorian says in denying immigrants access to jobs, identification, housing and “in general making it as difficult as possible for an illegal immigrant to live a normal life here,” undocumented individuals would “self-deport.”. Trump’s victory resulted in nativists obtaining top jobs in the administration and DHS and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was appointed Attorney General. We have published and spoken, myself and my staff, millions of words and there is nothing in there that you’re gonna be able to say that is based on a sort of using a religious or racial or ethnic criteria in running our immigration policy. “First of all, 72 individuals, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, have been implicated in terroristic activity in the United States who hail from those seven nations, point one,” Miller said on NBC’s Meet the Press. Writing in his regular column on the conservative National Review Online nine days after the natural disaster, Krikorian remarked, “My guess is that Haiti’s so screwed up because it wasn’t colonized long enough.” (His emphasis). CIS fellow Don Barnett and CIS board members Frank Morris, and William Chip as well as former member Vernon Briggs are also published in TSC. The chapter was lead by one of Richard Spencer’s friends, white nationalist Kyle Bristow. In July of 2017, Mark Krikorian published a piece on the two year anniversary of Steinle’s death, using it to push for anti-sanctuary policies. Application deadline is March 12, 2021. He stated, “If I had my druthers, we would bring back something like the McCarran Act, in the 50s which barred communists and fascists on the grounds that they believe in things that are subversive to the Constitution. A hallmark of Krikorian’s argument is to exploit the plight of black Americans. Graham did hold the role of executive director and others that were not specified. 5% are pursuing fellowships and further study. In early 2017, Miller made the rounds on national media defending the Trump administration’s Muslim ban by citing the CIS. Thomas B. F. Cummins, Harvard History of Art and Architecture professor, is the new director of Dumbarton Oaks, a Harvard-affiliated center for Pre-Columbian and Byzantine Studies in Washington D.C. Cummins, a member of the DRCLAS Executive Committee, chaired Harvardâs Department of History of Art and Architecture (2005-2012). Krikorian’s book cites his own organization, CIS, and Krikorian himself over 50 times, while also citing white nationalists Peter Brimelow, Steve Sailer and Patrick Buchanan. These are real differences. AFP was founded by now-deceased antisemite Willis Carto, who like Pearson was active on the radical right for over half a century. The crux of the tale is that Tanton simply raised money for CIS and nothing more. During Sessions’ rebuttals Kephart could be seen sitting behind the Senator. Also in August, Krikorian met with Trump officials in New York, where he was asked to be a campaign surrogate, a position that he turned down. CIS also distributed one piece by William Regnery, the founder of the National Policy Institute (NPI) the white nationalist think tank Spencer now runs. Steve Levitsky, director of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and co-author of How Democracies Die, puts it all in context in this podcast. CISâs much-touted tagline is âlow immigration, pro-immigrant,â but the organization has a decades-long history of circulating racist writers, while He says the Pew report suggests that if we implement nationwide E-Verify, track and punish individuals who overstay their visas, prosecute “border infiltrators” and deport every “illegal arrested by local police,” then the “illegal population will shrink considerably.” However, no analysis or evidence is provided to substantiate this claim. Working off of the results of this report, Krikorian accounted this decline to attrition through enforcement. He adds, “Hispanics and Asians are simply the latest immigrant groups trying to use their location on the nonblack side of the divide as an assimilation tool.” And despite otherwise never advocating on behalf of black Americans, he takes advantage of their position in society to serve his argument. Speaking at the Highlands Tea Party in Florida, Steinlight stated, “We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Kobach has also attended a TSC Writers Workshop. The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) at Harvard University works to increase the knowledge of the cultures, economies, histories, environment and contemporary affairs of Latin America; foster cooperation and understanding among the peoples of the Americas; and contribute to democracy, social progress and sustainable development throughout the hemisphere. The number is chosen because it constitutes both a form of demographic riposte to the hated figure of the six million Jewish victims of Nazism that Muslims believe confers vast moral and political advantages on Jews and, secondly, it allows Muslims to claim they have already achieved numerical parity with American Jews.” Krikorian, for his part, called Muslims a “vicious people” writing in National Review in 2011, “Well, I’m afraid that in the Islamic world democracy faces the problem of a vicious people, one where the desire for freedom is indeed written in every human heart, but the freedom to do evil.” In July of 2017, as tensions mounted in Jerusalem, Krikorian tweeted that Palestinians want to “exterminate the Jews.”. The ACLU estimates there are 154 million workers in the United States, and if the E-Verify system fails just 1% of the time, it will keep 154,000 people from working. And a group of Evangelical grandees has decided to mark the holy season by prostituting scripture for political ends.” — CIS executive director Mark Krikorian in response to a group of evangelical leaders calling for immigration reform, 2013, “We can expect a disaster. April 2, 2021 In Russian Roulette In this episode of Russian Roulette, Heather sits down with Michael J. He adds that Colombian communities in the United States would “serve as a base of operations for FARC attacks in the United States in the event of war.”, On Mexicans he says, “It could well be that there are cultural or other reasons that Mexican immigrants are especially deficient in institution building, but they nonetheless reflect a broader trend in modern society.” Krikorian adds, “But Mexico, already the eight-hundred pound gorilla of immigration policy, is the eight-thousand-pound gorilla with regard to sovereignty, due to its domination of the immigration flow, its proximity, and the historical resentments that many of its people harbor toward our country.”. For credibility, this will need to be independent of FAIR, though the Center for Immigration Studies, as we’re calling it, is starting off as a project of FAIR.” The next day, Tanton wrote to Gregory D. Curtis in Pennsylvania where he again described CIS as a “project,” writing, “We’re in the process of setting up independent projects both the Center for Immigration Studies, and the Litigation Program.”. Krikorian sounded a similar note in 2004, when he testified before an immigration subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee. But a number of publications also contain bigoted language demonizing immigrants from all walks of life and making a mockery of CIS’s “pro-immigrant” tagline. But five years prior to this, Krikorian was exposed to Richwine’s views on race and IQ in a panel discussion organized by the American Enterprise Institute to discuss Krikorian’s book, The New Case Against Immigration. Alright? In a 2008 blog, Jessica Vaughan decried the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program, which provides relief for thousands of individuals who have fled war-torn nations and countries dealing with natural disasters. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies1730 Cambridge StreetCambridge, MA 02138Tel. CIS reports have been widely criticized and debunked by groups such as the Immigration Policy Center and the CATO Institute. So it plays a very valuable role, and has continued to develop as an independent organization and perform much of the mission it was originally designed to carry out.”. This chapter of YAF, however, was not like many of its sister chapters across the country. In sum, we’ll witness the unmaking of America.” — CIS senior policy analyst Stephen Steinlight commenting on the prospect of 2014 immigration reform passing, 2014, “Send him back to Liberia so it’s on their dime.” — CIS executive director Mark Krikorian on the Liberian immigrant who was diagnosed with ebola in Texas, 2014, "We have to have security against both the dishwasher and the terrorist because you can't distinguish between the two with regards to immigration control." Research proposals are accepted from all disciplines, but must be directly related to the region.. No such reprimand occurred when Steinlight, speaking a Tea Party gathering in Texas in 2013, said the following about Mexican immigrants: “Within a few years, I promise you, and I love it when they say, ‘oh, those people don’t care about political rights, they just care about jobs.’ Do you know how long they will be here before the political activists get engaged in that community, and foment something that will look like the civil rights movement for African Americans, but I can promise you it will be a lot bloodier.” At another Tea Party event in 2014 in Texas, Steinlight anticipated President Trump’s Muslim ban by calling for the return of something similar to the McCarran Internal Security Act, which excluded communists and fascists from emigrating to the United States, but applied to Muslims.
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