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[78][af] By the end of 1943, Hardin had 142 aircraft in operation: 93 C-46, 24 C-87, and 25 C-47.[7]. It’s Wednesday and we’re over the hump! 100 bombers and fighters, bombing from 10,000 feet (3,000 m) and strafing from 100 feet (30 m), achieved complete surprise. [112], Under Tunner, the India-China Division expanded to four wings in December 1944. Because the India-China Ferry Command was a theater operation, it should therefore remain under a theater commander. [2] Im Oktober 1995 erschien eine weitere Version, diesmal vertrieben von EMI. I also hump my couch, the corner of my kitchen table, pillows, teddy bears, or just about anything I can. [11], On 25 February 1942, President Roosevelt wrote General George C. Marshall that "it is of the utmost urgency that the pathway to China be kept open", and committed ten C-53 Skytrooper transports for lend-lease delivery to CNAC to build its capability to 25 aircraft. Gen. Robert Olds. [42], Tate was immediately and severely handicapped when the best pilots and 12 aircraft of the airlift went west to Egypt with Brereton on 26 June. Scott was left in command for several days before he too was ordered to China to command the first U.S. fighter group in the CATF. [130] B-29s of the XX Bomber Command, stripped of guns and other equipment and fitted with four bomb bay tanks, were used as fuel tankers while tactical aircraft hauled other supplies, including bombs, but were unable to bring enough materiel over the Hump from their permanent bases around Calcutta in India to begin missions. 2021 SEASON OPENER: [135] During the last three months of bombing operations from China, XX BC quickly phased out use of its B-29s to haul cargo,[136] and ICD supplied all of XX Bomber Command's materiel except bombs, which B-29s toted over the mountains in "reverse Hump" missions. [115][am] An average of 332 flights to China was scheduled daily. We’re here twice a month to give you the events happening in the area each weekend. Cole remained in the CBI as a Hump pilot until 29 April 1943 and was the pilot of the first C-87 mission over the Hump. Although the India Air Task Force had flown reconnaissance missions over the captured airfield at Myitkyina all summer, the Japanese had equipped their fighters with external fuel tanks and mounted the raids from Lashio or bases in southern Burma. CNAC pilots made a key contribution to India-China flight operations. The primary cause of ATC's failure was the complete inadequacy of its airfield facilities, but other major factors were unsatisfactory performance by overwhelmed aircraft maintenance personnel that grounded a hundred ATC aircraft per day, a predominance of inexperienced pilots (particularly compared to those of CNAC), and a dearth of radio and navigation aids in ATC transports. ICW reported directly to ATC's chief of staff in Washington, D.C., Col. (later Maj. Gen. and ATC deputy commander) Cyrus R. Smith (under the supervision of Headquarters AAF), ending the division of authority under which the India-China Ferry Command had labored. [22], Tours Europe • The Kelly Family • Lieder der Welt • Ein Vogel kann im Käfig nicht fliegen • Wonderful World • Une famille c’est une chanson • Keep on Singing • New World • Honest Workers • Wow • Over the Hump • Almost Heaven • Growin’ Up • From Their Hearts • La Patata • Homerun • We Got Love • 25 Years Later, Live • Live, live, live • Street Life • We Got Love: Live, Angabe laut Datenbank der IFPI Austria – Verband der Österreichischen Musikwirtschaft (, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12. The 51st Fighter Group was nominally responsible for fighter protection, but two of its three squadrons had been stripped of their aircraft and personnel in July to equip the group's third squadron and round out the newly activated 23rd Fighter Group, both in China with the CATF. They conclude that humans reach their cognitive peak around the age of 35 and begin to decline after the age of 45. [171] When it first arrived in theater, in addition to being accompanied by technical orders that required 50 field modifications before it could be flown operationally,[172][ba] the C-46 also required additional training for inexperienced crews, and a transition school was established that drained the airlift of ten aircraft and crews. Because so many women used to have untreated bone loss, this bent-over posture (Kyphosis) was associated with older women. Takeoffs there were subject to artillery and sniper fire. In his memoir Over the Hump, Tunner wrote: If the high accident rate of 1943 and early 1944 had continued, along with the great increase in tonnage delivered and hours flown, America would have lost not 20 planes that month but 292, with a loss of life that would have shocked the world. Now that we are slowly edging back to “normal,” we’re returning to give you the events happening in the area each weekend. [38][k] In July, CNAC quadrupled its tonnage to 221 tons, but 10AF C-47s brought only 85 net tons[l] of materiel and personnel into China. [75] Similarly, Eddie Rickenbacker flew the Hump in a C-87 to reach China during his fact-finding mission to the Far East and the Soviet Union,[76] and both he and Stratemeyer found ICW's performance seriously deficient. Alexander was replaced in command of the ICW by Brig. To alleviate the situation and also provide the additional support needed by the combat forces, 50 C-47s and 20 C46s were permanently based Chinaside after October 1944 for internal movement of cargo and to assist the India-China airlift when gaps in local scheduling permitted. "[175] Due to the isolation of the area, as well as the lower priority of the CBI theater, parts and supplies to keep planes flying were in short supply before the onset of the "Fireball", and flight crews were often sent into the Himalayan foothills to cannibalize aircraft parts from the numerous crash sites. ICD continued its contribution to this success by flying in from southern India a regimental-sized forced of combat engineers and their support, including heavy equipment, for airfield construction. The airlift was the final leg of a journey of 12,000 mi (19,000 km) from Los Angeles to China often taking four months. He appointed the operations officer at Mohanbari, former Hump pilot Major Donald C. Pricer, to establish "a thoroughgoing and efficient search and rescue organization". The peaks of the Hump were waiting; the pilots called them "cumulo-granite"...[30]. Originally referred to as the "India–China Ferry",[4] the successive organizations responsible for carrying out the airlift were the Assam–Burma–China Command[a] (April–July 1942) and the India-China Ferry Command (July–December 1942) of the Tenth Air Force; and the Air Transport Command's India-China Wing (December 1942 – June 1944) and India-China Division (July 1944 – November 1945). Despite an increase in fighter patrols and an alarm issued, the defenders had only twelve minutes warning. AAF base units collectively identified all permanent party organizations, including flying units, at any particular non-combat base. [147] Most of the remaining C-47s were eventually sent to bases in Burma and continued India-China missions over the lower routes. Even though only five sets were approved, and there was no delay in transferring personnel to operate them, the equipment was lost. [40], On 17 June 1942, Haynes continued on to China to take up an assignment as bomber commander of the China Air Task Force, Tenth Air Force's eastern appendage commanded by Brig. Thus when Davidson became 10AF commander on 19 Aug 1943 and Stratemeyer the commanding general of the newly-activated "Headquarters, United States Army Air Forces, India-Burma Sector, China-Burma-India" the next day, control of ICWATC was specifically excluded from both commands. It procured most of its officers, men, and equipment from the AAF, augmented by British, British-Indian Army, Commonwealth forces, Burmese labor gangs and an air transport section of the Chinese National Aviation Corporation (CNAC). [184], The maximum aircraft strength of the India-China Division, ATC (31 July 1945) was 640 aircraft:[183] 230 C-46s, 167 C-47s, 132 C-54s, 67 C-87/C-109s, 33 B-25s, 10 L-5s, and 1 B-24. Based at Sookerating; 99th, 100th, 301st Transport Squadrons. [17][e] 25 other DC-3s requisitioned from American Airlines in the United States could not be moved to India for lack of crews and were later integrated into the complement of the first transport group committed to the airlift. Henry Watson is the story of a troubled youth who barely graduated high school who takes advantage of the country’s desperate need for pilots at the start of World War II to fulfill a life-long dream of becoming a flyer. Accompanying George was Col. Thomas O. Hardin, an aggressive former airline executive who had already been overseas a year as head of ATC's Central African Sector. Office of Statistical Control 1945,, "World War 2 Flying Ace Arthur Chin's Amazing True Story", "Candidates for ATC Football Team Organize Hindu Eleven", "Gale Directory of Company Histories:Cathay Pacific Airways Limited", "Supplying War: Interservice and Interallied Cooperation in China-Burma-India", "US Army Campaigns of World War II: China Defensive Campaign, 4 July 1942-4 May 1945", United States Army Center of Military History, "Flying the Hump (A Fact Sheet for the Hump Operations During World War II)", "Army Air Forces Historical Study 12: The Tenth Air Force 1942", "Army Air Forces Statistical Digest, World War II. [16] To maintain the uninterrupted supply to China, U.S. and other allied leaders agreed to organize a continual aerial resupply effort directly between Assam and Kunming. The next day Sookerating was strafed by 30 fighters, again without warning, but damage was confined to a single storage building containing food and medical supplies. After review by Gen. William D. Old and Air Marshal. In his memoirs Tunner called him "a godsend" and noted that in addition to performing, Martin was both talent scout and producer, putting together a touring troupe of amateur entertainers culled from the ranks of ICD personnel. In the early 1940s, the United States flew supplies to Chiang Kai-shek in China, who was fighting the Japanese. [94] The India-China airlift continued beyond the end of the war. Co-produced by Hartmut Müller and Kathy Kelly and recorded at the Sound Studio N in Cologne, it was released on 26 August 1994 throughout most of Europe. As many as ten airfields near Kunming and Chengdu served as China terminals when the B-29 XX Bomber Command was in operation. The hump is a deposit of fat. They proved their continuing usefulness by playing prominent roles in various support missions within China in 1944 and 1945. Das Album kam a… However other sources indicate the abrasive Naiden may have been insubordinate to a British general officer, and one alleges that Stilwell had him relieved for "financial impropriety". September 1994 für 112 Wochen in den Charts halten (mit Unterbrechungen bis November 1996), wobei das Album 53 Wochen lang in den Top 10 und vier Wochen auf der Höchstposition stand. Alexander later commanded both the Caribbean and Southwest Pacific Wings of ATC. The ICW-ATC became the India China Division ATC (ICD-ATC), while the Eastern Sector, carrying out the India-China airlift, was re-designated the Assam Wing, and the Western Sector support organization became the India Wing. Gen.) Edward H. Alexander, who was Stilwell's air officer. [111] Tunner also altered the personnel rotation policy of the ICD, which he saw as a major contributor to crew fatigue. [m] Lt. Col. Julian M. Joplin, acting at the direction of Naiden, for all practical purposes commanded India-China operations until 18 August. It’s Wednesday and we’re over the hump! Each base specialized in only one type of aircraft to simplify the process. ICD was in charge of 60 AAF base units at some point between December 1943 and December 1945. In December 1942, one-third of the 102 technical sergeant (non-commissioned officer) pilot training graduates of the Lubbock Field Class 42-I were immediately sent to India to fly the Hump as replacement co-pilots. The most common sources are degenerative diseases or muscle weaknesses. [187], From 1942–1944, 98 percent of all US lend lease to China went directly to US Army units in China, not the Chinese military. [92] One transport was being lost for every 218 flights (an accident rate of 1.968 planes lost per thousand hours). 67. We’re here twice a month to give you the events happening in the area each weekend. Dinjan was within range of Japanese fighters now based at Myitkyina, forcing all-night maintenance operations and pre-dawn takeoffs of the defenseless supply planes. Col. George D. "Lonnie" Campbell, Jr. succeeded to command of the Assam Wing. Also seen as the "1st Ferry Froup," consisting of the 3rd, 6th, and 13th Ferrying Squadrons. [46][47] The airlift lost its first aircraft to accident on 23 September 1942, presumably from icing,[48] after which losses of transports increased sharply. The route was a "blend" of sea and air transport totaling 9,800 mi (15,800 km) from. It had originally sailed for the Philippines before 7 Dec 41 but had been recalled, reassigned, diverted and delayed since the start of the war. Moist warm air from the Indian Ocean to the south produced high pressure that swept north, while cold dry air from Siberia moved south. Es wurde ein großer kommerzieller Erfolg und führte zum Durchbruch der Band im deutschsprachigen Raum. Like Haynes, Alexander, and Tunner, Cannon had been a pioneer in the Air Transport Command, where as a protege of Tunner's he was base commander of Long Beach Army Air Field, where Tunner made his headquarters as commander of ATC's Ferry Division, and commanding officer of the 6th Ferrying Group. [188], Also called the Assam-Burma-China Ferry Command. [179] "Blackie's Gang" accounted for virtually every crewman recovered in 1943, including CBS News correspondent Eric Sevareid and 19 others forced to parachute on 2 August. The study was conducted for the AAF Inspector General "in the field" by Frank D. Sinclair, Aviation Technical Adviser of China Defense Supplies, Inc. A tactical airlift historian makes the claim that the transfer of the airlift to ATC was "actually a violation of the orders under which the USAAF had been formed," reasoning that as a "USAAF organization" ATC usurped "a responsibility of air forces under theater command." [160], The introduction in January 1943 of the Consolidated C-87 Liberator Express, a design modification of the B-24D heavy bomber, boosted tonnage figures. Each station had a fresh maintenance crew trained for a specific service task, including engine run up, inspections, cleaning, technical repair, and servicing, a process that took nearly a full 24-hour day per aircraft to complete. Apathy became widespread and morale dropped to a "dangerous point," with the feeling among the troops that as part of the Tenth Air Force, they were "illegitimate children". I am still annoyed with the pitiful AH situation and Blizzard's related policy of indefinite realm life-support, but I … The first mission "over the hump" took place on 8 April 1942. By the time my grandmother died after breaking her hip at age 90, she had classic osteoporosis symptoms, including a severe forward bend in her spine—the “dowager’s hump,” as it’s called. [20] Movement by ground transport of supplies arriving from the United States at the port of Karachi to the airfields, as well as construction of the infrastructure required to support the operation, was the responsibility of the U.S. Army's Services of Supply, commanded in the CBI by Maj. Gen. Raymond A. Wheeler. Cycling >> Clothing >> Women >> Jackets; Hump Womens Signal Waterproof Jacket; Hump Womens Signal Waterproof Jacket. In particular the lack of replacement tires and spare engines held down operations even after eight of the C-47s sent to the Middle East returned in August. Posted on April 21, 2020 June 4, 2020. The Grognard: “Hump”? "Project 7" was set up by ATC at the end of June to fly nearly 2,000 men, 50 transports and 120 tons of materiel from Florida to India. The group began with 75 transports, but thirteen were diverted to the Middle East en route to India. The concept proved to be flawed from the outset when the planned 300-bomber force was reduced to a single combat wing of 150 bombers before it left the United States. And our cognitive abilities today exceed those of our ancestors. For now, we’ll be here two times a month. [67] In May 1943, at the Trident Conference, President Roosevelt ordered ATC to deliver 5,000 tons a month to China by July; 7,500 tons by August; and 10,000 tons by September 1943. [161] Attributed by its pilots to its slim Davis wing, the C-87 also had a tendency to spin out of control when encountering even mild icing conditions over the mountains. This idiom has several meanings: 1. over the most difficult part of something; past a midpoint of something, but not in relation to a particular age. Hump Air Transport; See "Mao BangChu", Plating, 2011, p. 38. World War II pilot discusses his 69 missions flying C-54s over ‘The Hump’ Penn State alumnus Garrett "Mitch" Mitchell, age 97, who piloted C-54 Skymaster transport planes during World War II, logging 69 missions from India to China and back, talks about his experiences in the military. Essentially a publicity stunt, Tunner had an elephant and. Sometimes I even fold my leg under me and hump my foot while I'm in public. Author and ATC pilot Ernest K. Gann recalled flying into Chabua and witnessing four air crashes in one day: two C-47s, two C-87s and 32 killed. As a result of these efforts, President Roosevelt directed that the Presidential Unit Citation be awarded to the India-China Wing. Creating an airlift presented the AAF a considerable challenge in 1942: it had no units trained or equipped for moving cargo, and no airfields existed in the China Burma India Theater (CBI) for basing the large number of transports that would be needed. [64][65][w] From his experiences, Arnold later wrote: A C-87 Liberator transport must consume three and a half tons of 100-octane gasoline flying the Hump over the Himalaya Mountains between India and Kunming (to get) four tons through to the Fourteenth Air Force. [2] In the first 54 days of 1944, 47 transports were lost. [80] Despite the doubling of U.S. fighter patrols, similar interceptions on 20, 23, and 27 October shot down five more C-46s. 16 new C-47s arrived in November bringing in the ground crews for Project 8 aircraft. Impetus for the pipeline slowed and Project 8 was integrated into the India-China operation, operating from a new base at Misamari. [100][117], On 1 August 1945, to celebrate "Air Force Day",[an] ICD laid on its largest mission of the airlift. Hardin was brought back to the United States after spending two years overseas[ah] and command of the India-China Division went next to Tunner. The ICW also had a stake in resistance to the offensive because the threat to Imphal imperiled the Assam-Bengal railroad along which not just Hump cargo but fuel for the airlift passed. Tate took actual command on 25 August, when Naiden was forced to return to the United States,[n] although like Naiden he delegated direction of airlift operations to Joplin. [79] Tenth Air Force immediately began attacks on Japanese airfields (Myitkyina was attacked 14 times before the end of the year, mostly by strafers and P-40s using 1000-lb bombs[82]) and ICW moved its route to Kunming even farther north. Texas A&M University Press, sfn error: no target: CITEREFStaff1945-11-15a (, sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFGann1961 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFAnonymous2006 (, Jay Taylor, Stilwell's The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China, pp. [7], Success of the "Europe first" strategy of the Allies entailed keeping China in the war, tying down more than a million Japanese troops who might otherwise threaten the Allied strategic offensive in the Pacific. The 51st FG remained in Karachi awaiting aircraft and personnel. He then crossed a series of 14,000–16,000-foot (4,300–4,900m) ridges separated by the valleys of the West Irrawaddy, East Irrawaddy, Salween, and Mekong Rivers. over the hump phrase. It delivered more than 44,000 tons of cargo and passengers to China that month at an aircraft availability rate of 75%, but also incurred 23 fatal crashes with 36 crewmen killed. The main "Hump", which gave its name to the whole awesome mountainous mass and to the air route which crossed it, was the Santsung Range, often 15,000 feet (4,600 m) high, between the Salween and Mekong Rivers. [118][ao] C-87s and C-109s carried 15% of the tonnage without mishap. Although C-47s had reinforced flooring and a wider door, they still required specialized loading equipment for much of the cargo needed in China and had a limited payload capacity. Flying from the Royal Air Force airfield at Dinjan, Lt. Col. William D. Old used a pair of the former Pan Am DC-3s to ferry 8,000 U.S. gallons (30,000 liters) of aviation fuel intended to resupply the Doolittle Raiders. The airfields were nowhere near completion, nearly all of the new pilots had been single-engine instructor pilots, specialized maintenance personnel and equipment had been sent by ship, and the complexities of the new C-46 (see Transport shortcomings below) had become evident. Its poor cockpit illumination was inadequate for bad weather flying and often failed during instrument takeoffs, its electrical and hydraulic systems frequently froze at high altitude and malfunctioned, and its flight deck heating system was prone to produce either stifling heat or none at all. Based at Mohanbari; 302nd, 303rd, 304th Transport Squadrons. [53][54] A third raid struck Chabua on 28 October but missed the field entirely. Understand the causes and treatment for this common spinal condition. Tunner made extensive use of over 47,000 local laborers[100][101] and utilized at least one elephant to lift 55-gallon fuel drums into the aircraft. Over the hump Girija Shivakumar August 29, 2013 12:41 IST Updated: ... 3hrs 54% COVID-19 cases in age group 18-44, 51% deaths reported in 60+ years: Health Ministry Okay, so maybe things aren't looking all that grim after all. [33] Aircraft continued to arrive in small increments through October with flight crews consisting of airline pilots holding Air Corps Reserve commissions who had been called up for active duty specifically for the India-China assignment, and navigators, engineers and radiomen from the AAF technical training schools. [185], Gen. Tunner's final report stated that the airlift "expended" 594 aircraft. The C-47s were those internally based in China. Final operations were flown in November 1945 to return personnel from China. "[170] In its first five months of operations, 20% of the C-46s assigned to the airlift crashed. Yunnanyi (1338th BU), Kunming (1340th BU), Yangkai (1341st BU), Chanyi (1342nd BU), Luliang (1343rd BU), and Loping (1359th BU). John was a Hump pilot, and this meant that he flew perilous supply missions from India across the mountains into China. The "Ferrying" designation for the group and its 77th, 78th, and 88th Ferrying Squadrons was changed to "Transport" on July 1. It is really easy to find the hostel. [159] Also, performance specifications of the Douglas transports were not suited to high-altitude operation with heavy payloads, and could not normally reach an altitude sufficient to clear the mountainous terrain, forcing the planes to attempt a highly dangerous route through the maze-like Himalayan passes. Enforce the plan without reminders, warnings, or second chances and you should be over the aforementioned “hump” within four to six weeks. The only defense provided came from three P-40s aloft on patrol, and six others which took off and gave pursuit. Not fit enough to finish a beginner lap in approximately 2 minutes. [100] On 6 January a particularly fierce winter storm blew across the Himalayas from west to east, increasing the time of westbound trips by one hour, and caused 14 CNAC and ATC transports to be lost or written off, with 42 crewmen missing, the highest one-day loss of the operation. Stilwell vigorously and successfully opposed the plan. Bernie was very good at getting uphill. We started hella early, I mean not even just twenty something. [9][b] Chinese Air Force Major General Mao Bangchu was tasked with leading the exploration of suitable air-routes over the dangerous Himalayas in 1941,[10] and CNAC pilot Xia Pu recorded the first flight from Dinjan, Burma, to Kunming, China, during November of that year in what was to become the route now known as "the Hump". [19], The command structure of the India-China Ferry was fractured after senior officers in both India and Burma made competing claims for jurisdiction, with part of the authority given to Gen. Joseph Stilwell as CBI theater commander and part remaining with Tenth Air Force,[15] which had also been ordered by Marshall to "co-operate when requested" with the British in defending India. Over the Hump: the Coming of Age of 2Lt. [68] The 308th used Chabua airfield, already crowded with more than 80 ICW transports, and its lightly constructed runway was soon "going to pieces" under the weight of the bombers. [150], The mobile air transport squadrons were familiar with the Burma airfields and so were selected to fly the operation. [68] Before the month ended, nearly 50,000 more tons were delivered. "Squadron B," within the Base Unit. From this level the mountain wall surrounding the valley rises quickly to 10,000 feet (3,000 m) and higher. Roger Johnson's book, "Over the Hump," is a first hand look at the China-Burma-India Theater during WWII and is skillfully told through the eyes of the pilot who actually flew the mission. See more ideas about over the hump, happy wednesday quotes, wednesday quotes. The India-China Division ATC had 34,000 AAF personnel assigned, and including indigenous civilians of all nationalities employed in India, Burma, and China, 84,000 persons overall. See more ideas about over the hump, happy wednesday quotes, wednesday quotes. Tunner, slated to become airlift commander following Hardin, anticipated that the end of the fighter threat would see a massive influx of C-54s into the India-China operation. Achilles: Most RPGs have a hump somewhere around the ten to twenty hour mark. One Hump pilot called the variant "an evil, bastard contraption" and a "ground-loving bitch" that "could not carry enough ice to chill a highball". "Be like a duck, paddling, and working hard in the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling, calm face."

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