Comment faut-il interpréter le patronyme ? Geographic distribution of the 82,888 individuals with the name MYERS on Geneanet. I was there for months. Click. Myers: numerous: Cork-Kerry, Monaghan-Louth, Belfast area. Geneanet respecte les généalogistes : nous nous engageons à ne faire aucun usage commercial des données librement partagées par les membres (arbres, photos, actes, relevés...). Surname Origin: German, English, Dutch. Il est composé de l'adjectif allemand "alt" (= vieux, ancien) et de, Porté en Belgique et dans le nord de la France, c'est une variante du nom de famille allemand Eick, Porté en Alsace-Lorraine, devrait désigner un métayer (allemand Halfte = moitié +, Porté dans le nord et l'est de la France, le nom semble le plus souvent originaire du Luxembourg. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Meyers family members. Ontario had the highest population of Meyers families in 1911. À noter que ce nom a souvent été porté par des juifs, pour lesquels il est une adaptation de l'hébreu me'îr (= brillant, lumineux). Now written Ó Mír.Originally of Clare but cognate with O'Meara, q.v.The English name Myers may be involved in the case of those in Ulster and eastern areas. User Submitted Meanings. Geneanet ne diffuse pas de publicité et le fait d'utiliser un bloqueur de publicité peut ralentir voire détériorer votre expérience sur le site. Demeyer : Variantes : Hagenauer, Haguenoer, Hagunauer. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. The surname Myers or Myer is usually either of German or British origin, depending upon the country of the particular family. Myers is a(n) Dutch, English, and German origin surname.The English origin of the surname has multiple possible sources: Anglo-Saxon England, from the Old English word maire (originally maior) meaning "mayor", the Old French mire meaning "physician", or the Old Norse myrr, meaning "marsh". Alternate Surname Spellings: MEIER, MAYER, MAIER, MIER, MEIR. Early records of the name mention Richard de Mirecroft, recorded in Lanashire in 1273, and David Mire, documented during the reign of Edward I (1272-1307). The most Myers families were found in the USA in 1880. En utilisant ces derniers, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. In 1840 there were 80 Meyers families living in Pennsylvania. This is an open forum to discuss the origin, the meaning and the family stories of the surname MYERS. American form of German Meyer, with excrescent -s. Irish: variant of Meyer 3. Ir. In 1940, Laborer and Housewife were the top reported jobs for men and women in the US named Meyers. The Meyers family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. There are 29,000 immigration records available for the last name Meyers. German and Dutch: from Middle High German meier, a status name for a steward, bailiff, or overseer, which later came to be used also to denote a tenant farmer, which is normally the sense in the many compound surnames formed with this term as a second element. This was about 43% of all the recorded Myers's in the UK. Some less common occupations for Americans named Meyers were Clerk and Clerk, View Census data for Meyers | Data not to scale. You can see how Meyers families moved over time by selecting different census years. Signification : la prairie (Au) de Hagen, nom de personne germanique (Hagen peut aussi avoir le sens de haie, clôture). This was about 53% of all the recorded Meyers's in Canada. See all name polls. À noter que ce nom a souvent été porté par des juifs, pour lesquels il est une adaptation de l'hébreu me'îr (= brillant, lumineux). Ziegelmeyer : This was about 34% of all the recorded Meyers's in the UK. Avec génitif : Meyer s, Meiers (57). Origin of the name MYERS Back. Autres formations avec Hagen : Hagenbach (Bach = cours d'eau), Hagenburg (Burg = forteresse) et ses dérivés Hagenburger, Hagenbourger, ainsi que Hagendorf (Dorf = village) et Hagenlocher (Loch = creux, cavité). A user from Texas, U.S. says the name Myers is of German origin and means "Hard working". See all name polls. Jewish (Ashkenazic): patronymic from the personal Meyer (see Meyer 2). What does the name Meyers mean? Meaning and Origin. English (mainly Yorkshire): patronymic from Mayer 1, i.e. In 1891 there were 3,598 Myers families living in Yorkshire. Variantes : Magerus, Mayerus (Belgique, province de Luxembourg). You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. Désigne sans doute l'exploitant d'une tuilerie ou d'une briqueterie (allemand Ziegel = tuile), le sens précis de Meyer dans ce nom restant cependant à définir. Lancez-vous dans la généalogie en créant votre propre arbre généalogique et profitez des nombreuses fonctionnalités d'aide à la recherche d'ancêtres que vous propose Geneanet. Voir Meyer. Nous vous conseillons d'ajouter Geneanet dans la liste des sites à ignorer (par exemple en cliquant sur "Ne rien bloquer sur les pages de ce site" dans le menu de votre bloqueur de publicité). Patronyme rencontré en Alsace. Halftermeyer : Leah or Lindsay? Haguenauer : Both your knowledge and the oral tradition of the origin and meaning of this surname will be helpful. Meyer Last Name History & Origin Add. À noter que ce nom a souvent été porté par des juifs, pour lesquels il est une adaptation de l'hébreu me'îr (= brillant, lumineux). This is an open forum to discuss the origin, the meaning and the family stories of the surname MYERS. Ó Meidhir, meidhir, mirth. Before the late Middle Ages, people were known only by a single name. Désigne sans doute l'exploitant d'une tuilerie ou d'une briqueterie (allemand Ziegel = tuile), le sens précis de, Désigne celui qui est originaire de Haguenau, commune du Bas-Rhin. Les MEYER, naissances en France . Meyer Statistics. Mason or Logan? Instead, we recommend that you pay a greater attention to the origin and meaning of the name Meyer. Amirah or Inaya ? Répartition géographique des 894 125 porteurs du nom MEYER présents sur Geneanet. Nom porté en Alsace. Répartition géographique des 43 456 porteurs du nom MEYERS présents sur Geneanet. Noms de métier : Hagenmeyer, Hagenmuller (voir Meyer et Muller). In 1911 there were 241 Meyers families living in Ontario. The surname Meyer is an English, Dutch, German, and Jewish surname. Updated Feb 10, 2021 . Si vous voulez pouvoir utiliser normalement le site, merci de vouloir réactiver Javascript dans les options de votre navigateur. Altmeyer : Middle High German meier = 'higher, superior', a name for landholder's stewards and great farmers or leaseholders. There are various names that are connected by cognation The most Meyers families were found in the USA in 1880. Recherchez les patronymes de vos ancêtres et de toute votre famille parmi les sept milliards d'individus référencés sur Geneanet. Baby names group; Girl names group; Boy names group; Cast your vote. You can see how Myers families moved over time by selecting different census years. Autres formations avec Hagen : Hagenbach (Bach = cours d'eau), Hagenburg (Burg = forteresse) et ses dérivés Hagenburger, Hagenbourger, ainsi que Hagendorf (Dorf = village) et Hagenlocher (Loch = creux, cavité). Vous avez désactivé Javascript : son utilisation est indispensable au fonctionnement de nombreux sites, dont Geneanet. Quant à Dinsen, il s'agit en principe de l'équivalent du prénom français Denis. Votre bloqueur de publicité peut gêner l'affichage du site. In 1891 there were 117 Meyers families living in London. The name Myers finds its origins with the ancient Anglo-Saxons of England. Meyère : Find out below. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. Avec le même sens : Haguenau. 4 weeks. Forme contractée : Hagnauer. Create your own poll. When I was a baby, I was admitted to a hospital.I was told I was very ill. advertisement Featured video. In 1840 there were 80 Meyers families living in Pennsylvania. You've only scratched the surface of Meyers family history. Pennsylvania had the highest population of Meyers families in 1840. If I hadn't specified birth year, you'd get a man, woman and all 14 of their sturdy little children. Désigne celui qui est originaire de Haguenau, commune du Bas-Rhin. Il s'agit d'un toponyme, peut-être avec le sens de pâturage boisé, ou encore chalet de montagne (meirie). Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Midhir, probably a variant of Ó Meidhir ‘mayor’ (see Mayer 1). Meyer could also have originated as an alternate spelling of the Dutch Meier or Meijer, or as an Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname Ó Meidhir, from meidhir, \meaning "mirth." Search for more names by meaning Baby names group; Girl names group; Boy names group; Cast your vote. Remplissez quelques informations sur votre famille : nous cherchons en temps réel votre arbre généalogique ! From the Middle High German word "meiger," meaning "higher or superior," Meyer was a surname often used for stewards or overseers of landholders or great farmers or leaseholders—today a Meier is a dairy farmer. History. ... Hello, my name is Emily Meyers. Gender of Meyer. Popularity of the name Meyer in 30 countries, origin and meaning of the name Meyer English: patronymic meaning ‘son of the mayor’ (see Mayer 1). The Meyers family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. ‘son of the mayor’. aussi l'allemand, Nom porté en Alsace. Porté en Belgique et dans le nord de la France, c'est une variante du nom de famille allemand Eickmeyer, formé de Eick = chêne et de Meyer (voir ce nom). C'est le nom de fermes ou de hameaux de ce département, notamment à Gap (les Meyères, écrit. 13% of Meyers men worked as a Laborer and 7% of Meyers women worked as a Housewife. See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Discuss names in our Community. If you are thinking of giving your baby the beautiful name Meyer, spread the love and share this with your friends. Eickmayer : However, in America, Myers will also have come from German surnames such as Meyers, Meyer, Mayer, Maier, or Moyer. The most Meyers families were found in the USA in 1880. Total des naissances pour le patronyme MEYER : 1891 - 1915 : 8 826 1916 - 1940 : 9 982 1941 - 1965 : 13 392 1966 - 1990 : 11 285 Variantes : Altmaier, Altmayer, Altmeier. Origin and Meaning. Dinsenmeyer : Majerus : Meyer, Meier : Nom très courant en Alsace-Lorraine, qui signifie notamment fermier, régisseur, maire. then I was wisked away to a very big place. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. Meier and Meyer are used more often in Northern Germany, while Maier and Mayer are found more frequently in Southern Germany. It is a name for a mayor, or elected head of the community. They would, usually, all be the same … For the veterans among your Meyers ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. Mayers: fairly rare: Fermanagh etc. The Myers family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Meyers name meaning available! In England, however, the term was normally restricted to the chief officer of a borough, and the surname may have been given not only to a citizen of some standing who had held this office, but also as a nickname to a pompous or officious person. Origin and Meaning of Meyers User Submitted Origins. The Myers family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Noms de métier : Hagen, C'est dans la Moselle que le nom est le plus répandu. Grâce à la méthodologie, aux astuces et aux conseils qui vous sont proposés, vous deviendrez rapidement un généalogiste confirmé !
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