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Alaric J. She tells them she's there to relieve them of their shift. When they shock themselves to expel the creatures, it is revealed that Alaric is not under the influence of one of the creatures. Fully resolved, Alaric addressed the students and staff, informing them about the knife, the danger they now faced and warned them that as of that moment, they're more than just a school, they're family. The woman attacked again, forcing the group back inside where they found a barrel filled with phones and other valuables. In Crying Wolf, Damon tells him his plan to kill Elijah. He tells her that he's a vampire hunter. Alaric realizes quickly that Rafael may not have long left, and sets out to find Rafael's mother with the help of Sheriff Mac. In The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, Alaric is teaching his class about the history of homecoming and indirectly talks about Damon. Appearance This partnership eventually evolved into a particularly strong friendship, some even considering Damon to be Alaric's best friend, and Alaric as Damon's only friend. Alaric later before getting into the car, says he won't let Jo die, Damon says that so there's no way they're getting the Ascendant from her and risk letting Kai out. He tells her he has a few and she tells him that someone with the name "Alaric" shouldn't be allowed to name another human. After the break, Elena shares more Damon memories with Alaric, including when he stepped in as her escort for Miss Mystic Falls. Caroline knows immediately, it was when she was still was Stefan. Damon, Elena and Alaric met Vanessa Monroe who leads them to Isobel's study before trying to shoot Elena. However, Alaric and Caroline later learned that she was indeed pregnant and that the Gemini twins inside of her were just cloaked for protection. Alaric again confronts Professor Vardemus. They found Oscar fighting Damon and while Bonnie kept him at bay with magic, Alaric shot him with vervain darts, successfully taking him prisoner. Shaken by her actions, Jo decided that the only way to guarantee everyone's safety was to have the twins siphon the magic from her that was keeping her alive despite Alaric's tearful reluctance. As of right now in the show, Alaric isnt a vampire. Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode. When Stefan tries to find a way to get in touch with Isobel he goes to Alaric to ask if he has any way of contacting Isobel. Jenna stated that she can handle anything he is hiding and left. Eventually, when the school is back under his control, Alaric reveals to the school that his actions have caused the danger of the students and that the efforts used by Triad to infiltrate the school are ones set up by him in fear of the students. When Damon is injured by Elena, Alaric shows up and helps him. Georgie tells Alaric to clear his mind as she puts on a blindfold and ear muffs on him. With this, Alaric tasks Rafael with convincing Landon to return to reality. Ric's not too enthused. In The Sun Also Rises, Alaric, Stefan and Elijah arrived at the place where Bonnie is and talked about the plan. You know, when Caroline and I opened the school, it made sense. They are playing cards and Jo tells him that she got them into the cute bakery for their wedding cake and he tells her at first he had no idea what she was talking about. Alaric addresses the school with tears in his eyes. Back in the present, Alaric, Josie and Lizzie are trying to slow down the crumbling of the Mora Miserium, however every spell they attempt fails. She didn't want Alaric and Jeremy coming back to life so she wouldn't have to turn her humanity back on. In Founder's Day, after John Gilbert turned on the device, Stefan, Damon and Anna along with several other vampires were affected and when Stefan was spotted, Alaric sent a deputy towards another vampire instead of Stefan, saving his life. Alaric suggests that the bell could've been a talisman used to contact Maxwell ancestors. Nonetheless, Alaric agrees to help — and allows Josie to help — Hope return the schools memories of Landon. Matt asks him if he's really doing this, meaning taking a plunge and start a family in Mystic Falls. He knows she never betrayed Stefan and it's okay to love them both. In I Couldn't Have Done This Without You, Alaric finally grows weary of Sebastian and his relationship with his daughter, Lizzie. So there you go, folks. He also says that he doesn't want to have anything to do with the vampire world anymore. Marcel was surprised that Alaric was the occult expert that Elijah had told him was bringing the bone. He said that she was "Like Mulder, except hotter, and a girl". Confused and furious in equal measures, Alaric called the group again who informed him about the discovery of an arachne but his words of caution were ignored by the team who hung up on him. Alaric returned as a Ghost in The Walking Dead, when the veil to The Other Side was dropped. He wakes up feeling different. Suddenly she collapsed, her eyes turning white and an unearthly voice spoke through her saying that Josie had been buried alive and demanding the knife for her location. After a brutal battle with Stefan, Damon, and Klaus, Elena learns that her death will also bring Alaric's death. Alaric sits Josie and Lizzie down and explains the Merge and that one of them will eventually kill the other, but they're looking for a solution and this is why Caroline is always traveling. The two talk about the situation and Alaric tells Caroline that he doesn't plan to raise his children anywhere near Mystic Falls or Whitmore College. In Season Two, Alaric doesn't appear in one episode: In the books Alaric was much younger and was a researcher instead of a vampire hunter. Isobel Flemming is Elena's birth mother and a descendant of Katherine. He tells her he will move into her home. Klaus catches Alaric off-guard and quickly flees from the battle with Elena. Furthermore, tensions rise between Alaric, Lizzie, and Josie, when Hope finds out about the Merge from Freya. an old vampire who worked in the asylum where they kept alice. While on the trip, he got drunk regularly, apparently trying to drown his sorrows away. They would later set up a home together and eventually became engaged. The moral here is, "We find a way to keep going." Throughout the series, they become like brothers. Eventually, the two become best friends and drinking buddies. However, Damon, who had a memory of the first time he met Elena before compelling her to forget, starts to fight back, using his anger and his love as boost to his strength. Damon tells him they were trying to get Bonnie back, and Alaric says getting her back was never off the table, but having be compelled and steal from Jo was off the table since they promised her they would keep Kai locked away. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. This makes the situation between Alaric and Emma awkward, given Alaric asked her out of his own merit. After Elena gets drunk she distracts Stefan long enough for Alaric to shoot him with tranquilizers. They wanted to capture Oscar and exchange him for Elena, whose slumbering body had been taken by Lily. Esther then calls Elena to the same location and uses her blood to perform the same ritual used by her over 1,000 years ago to turn her husband and children into vampires. Alaric alters the memory but she still thinks of Damon as her boyfriend, so they decide to take a break. Tyler drives his truck through the maze, hurting many people, including Alaric. When Alaric realized the psychic was a fraud, having handed him a fake ring, he grew irate and volatile, especially when the psychic told him his wife was better off dead. In This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent, Alaric notices the snow in Mystic Falls, and sees this as a sign of another monster arriving from Malivore. The wedding begins, and Alaric delivers his vows to Jo. He takes photos of the cave wall and eventually is able to translate them completely. Caroline broke off their engagement and Alaric helped Peter Maxwell and Dorian Williams at the Armory with the mystery of Sybil and the return of Katherine, who wanted to destroy Mystic Falls. Alaric asks her is she wants to remember, she replies with no, not yet. Alaric eventually escapes the simulation when he becomes self-aware following a conversation with Kaleb, who is also trapped within the simulation when he does not follow Hope's plan. Alaric tells them to do what they have to, but to keep everyone safe. She tells him about what happened to Virginia St. John. Alaric then tells her he knows where she wants to go. John came in and threatened to tell Jenna about Isobel if he didn't get the Gilbert Ring. After Rebekah caused an accident, hurting Matt and killing Elena, Alaric died, since his life was bound to Elena's. Alaric asks what he is doing there and Enzo says that he's hoping he has enough vervain to get Caroline and Stefan to the Salvatore cellar without any drama. While in pain, she invites them both into the house and tells Alaric that there is a knife in a tree stump in front of the house containing her magic. She tells him she needs him alive for 18 years and after they send she/he off into the world, he can go around with guns, vampires and be an idiot. He and the sheriff went back to pick up the girl's body but were shocked to discover that it had disappeared. He used the crossbow on The Hollow and she used her magic on him, completely overpowering him. Liv giggles when he says the lesson is on resurrection. He tells her he knows about what had happened and needs answers. After many unsuccessful attempts, Oscar awakened from the dead but with no apparent memory of what had happened to him, and desperately craving blood. Alaric explains the dangers they face, and that he is finally being honest with the students and will not lie about what lies ahead for them. It's a widely-accepted rule that vampires can't get pregnant - or at least it was, until Caroline Forbes got knocked up with Alaric and Jo's twins in The Vampire Diaries. Alaric tells her they won't find out and she asks how, to which he tells her after the wedding they're going to disappear and where her family can't find them. At the end of the episode, he is seen moving back into the Gilbert House. The Vampire Diaries Season One Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Two Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Five Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Six Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, https://www.behindthename.com/name/alaric, https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=saltzman, https://vampirediaries.fandom.com/wiki/Alaric_Saltzman?oldid=2787000. Alaric and Bonnie prepared to use the stone to try and bring back Jo, but were interrupted by Damon with Oscar's dead body. Last seen When Damon and Stefan are planning on killing Katherine, Alaric helped demonstrate to Jeremy how to kill a vampire with various tools and contraptions. When Hope leaves, Sheriff Mac enters, handing Alaric a restraining order placed against him by Professor Vardemus, meaning he cannot go near the school. ***Katherine became a vampire so that Klaus couldn't use her to break the curse. Logan Fell (as a vampire)Billy (as a vampire)Several Tomb Vampires (as vampires)Henry Wattles (as a vampire)Brian WaltersBill Forbes (as a human)Esther Mikaelson (2nd time)Niklaus Mikaelson (body only)Many Vampires who escaped from the Phoenix StoneUnnamed Dragon GirlMalachai Parker (2nd time; as a witch-vampire hybrid) In Stay, Alaric is at the Mystic Grill with Matt and Jeremy as Jeremy is getting ready to leave town and do his own thing. Later in the day, Alaric questions how he knew to throw the arrow to Hope, as if it was muscle memory. Damon noted that Alaric seemed to have gotten everything he wanted and threatened to start causing some chaos to his perfect life unless Alaric invited him inside, which Alaric seemed very hesitant to do. He leaves, grudgingly telling them that he will see them at the next meeting. Matt tells him that he has 30 stitches in his side and all his friends are killers except him. She says its okay because she had the chance to get her memories back. Marcel quickly realized that it was Sofya and he and Elijah prepared to go after her. As Alaric drove to the meeting place, he was ambushed by The Hollow in Sofya's body. Eye color He tells the twins that on no condition can that happen, and promises to figure the ordeal out. Jeremy later contacts him and tells him that Damon is burying Klaus' body off Route 12. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Damon visits Alaric in the hospital, playing around with all of the hospital equipment, Damon knows that Alaric is sorry for not being unable to uncompel Elena, but there is no way to undo it since Alaric is now a human. I think that placing Sebastian in the prison world was a great idea however they should have also placed MG as well. Stefan then, with vamp speed, grabs the knife and throws it in the direction of the house, unveiling the house once again. He proved to be an intelligent and talented vampire hunter, shown when he killed Logan Fell. Indeed he changed his mind about the girls not going to the wedding, plus he made sure they would be safe (Valerie did a protection spell on them). He also learned that his wife had a child when she was a teenager, a daughter named Elena Gilbert, his student. Alaric and Jo have a heart whelming talk. Alaric dug out a stake shotgun from the cabinet and cautiously checked on his daughters, finding Damon standing outside the door. He was quick to give Jeremy a second chance, and immediately started to bond with Jenna. Back in the main reality after erasing all her wishes Lizzie goes apologizes to her dad who tells her contrary what she believes that he always has time for her and Josie however he's still keeping The Merge an secret from them when Lizzie asks what book he was reading and he replied "Nothing you need to worry about" denying the inevitable. In Black Hole Sun, Alaric is first seen when Elena goes to see him, asking about her life that he had compelled away. At that moment, it seems like Damon is thinking of and thanking Alaric. Caroline tried to help him find a suitable nanny for the girls. Alaric is relieved to find out his twins are alright. By the same way, Damon and Stefan could be turned back too since they died by gunshot. When Hope returns to the car, Alaric gives her a note from Landon - that they've both flew. When Alaric is leaving the school, he bumps into Landon, who is collecting meat to cook for Rafael, who is still stuck in wolf form. Alaric after being taken over by The Darkness. Feeling sorry for the dryad, Alaric opens the window, allowing her to feel the breeze again, and the dryad admits that she will honor the deal they made and reveal what they wish to know. In Before Sunset, Alaric holds Caroline Forbes and Elena Gilbert at Mystic Falls High School captive in order to lure out Klaus. It is revealed that he had sent Sebastian to the 2018 Prison World and lied. He questioned her and she admitted that she read Isobel's research and thought Katherine and Damon were dead. They discover that the moonstone can break the werewolf curse. Alaric is on the ground, holding Jo's unconscious body. TWD Fans: do you think Carol and Daryl should end up together as a couple ? Dorian tells Alaric him and Georgie have found something in the Armory's Vault. At the end, he and Elena decide to make Jeremy leave town. He revealed that a mystical dagger of unknown properties had been stolen. This Alaric was vindictive, hateful, and militant in his crusade against vampires and anyone who supporting them, not caring if they were once friends or family. He promises her that he will be with her, that he will love her, and that he will dodge fate with her. Family Members In Because, both Jo and Alaric are at the Bed & Breakfast on watch duty for Caroline and Stefan. At Alaric's apartment, Alaric hands Caroline a blood bag and remarks that the people at the birthing class were jerks, and deserved everything they got. Moments later, Alaric confronts the Necromancer about Hope's situation, and it becomes clear that Hope has not awoken because of Landon, who is stuck between life and death, reluctant to move on or come back to reality. Elena mentioned Alaric again in Pictures of You. The Hollow prepared to finish him and approached his vehicle but Alaric pulled out a gun, revealing that he had filled his car with explosives. After that, he disposes of the vampire blood she keeps to heal her patients. Later in the dorm, Ric showed Bonnie the Phoenix Stone and told her about its supposed resuscitative powers. But when Alaric appears as a ghost we learn that he will always be watching over Damon. right now he is a teacher/slayer who is looking for his vampire wife. He later helps Stefan try to kill Cade by ringing the bell, but stops after Kai tells him he's going to kill the girls. Later Alaric received a letter from Damon telling him that he was going to desiccate in a coffin until Elena woke up. Elena calls Alaric who tells her he'll get him back and to not worry. Both Alaric and Damon lose the love of their lives at Alaric and Jo's wedding. Still somewhat skeptical, Alaric utilized the truth sphere and questioned Jo further; she answered everything truthfully, while even restating Alaric's statement of being there to cause harm to be a lie. In An Eternity of Misery, Alaric and Stefan question Sybil over the pitchfork, specifically, Alaric questions why the pitchfork affects Josie and Lizzie. Alaric questioned how he knew about it but Oscar demanded to know where it was before knocking them all out with magic. He went there to find out the truth and discover what had happened to his wife. In Ordinary People, Alaric and Elena are in the cave and discover a lot of drawings and words in Viking script. Occupation Fearing for his daughter's life, Alaric returns to the bar in which Bonnie Bennett imprisoned Malachai Parker. In the aftermath of a skirmish with and subsequent death of the arachne, Alaric berated his daughters over ignoring his advice and breaking the rules of the school but was rebuffed by them over his unwillingness to properly teach the students how to defend themselves in light of the increasing monster attacks. He leaves the witches to the job and they are successfully able to create the Prison World and send the mora miserium there. What about the January 30 episode? He often wears casual clothing, t-shirts, button downs, jackets, jeans, etc. Despite the hospital's policy, Alaric paid the pathologist off to keep Jo's body longer than was allowed. In Moonlight on the Bayou, after seeing the birth of his children and remembering his promise he had made to Jo about moving away, Alaric decided to move to Dallas with his two daughters. Alaric turns to Google to search for Oliver, sarcastically joking that it is a new spell. He recognized Damon Salvatore as the vampire who "killed" Isobel at a party and confronted him. As he got outside, he notices an argument between Meredith and her ex-boyfriend Brian. Later Alaric tries to help Elena from Stefan, but Stefan warns him not to get in his way. After the oni is killed, Alaric thanks Hope for being there for his daughters when they needed it most, believing himself to have lost sight of what truly matters. They also discover that Klaus and Stefan have been hunting werewolves. Alaric tries to talk to the dryad, revealing that he knows of dryad history, including the fact that they lived peacefully among humans. He asks for Stefan's help and Alaric agrees to help and is visibly concerned over Bonnie's safety. Before he does, Brian says that Meredith is a psycho. I thought if I just kept moving, I could outrun them, you know? Deducing that it was a gargoyle that attacked her, Alaric updated Dorian on the situation and initiated a school-wide lock-down while he went in search of it, believing that it was after the knife. He's like a vampire hunter who poses as a teacher coz like he thinks his wife was eaten by them but actually she got turned, he gets to meet her vampire self in later episodes. He warns Hope the the Necromancer could've tormented Hope with all of her dead family, or those that she has killed before. Alaric speaks with Klaus on his way to New Orleans. Following the meditation session, Alaric went out to break up a student party out by the Old Mill. Alaric is injured in a fight between the werewolves and vampires. He also explains that the Josie they knew previously is gone; this is all a charade, however, as Alaric is aware that Chad and the Necromancer are watching his every move. Damon gets frustrated and asks Alaric if he wants to spend his last night as a single man debating his crisis. Alaric told the boys to run while he and Hope took care of the dragon. She hasn't heard from Stefan since he left town four months ago and is upset about it. Alaric asked him if instead of trying with their plan, that Damon should instead just say goodbye to Stefan, since Ric had seen the same thing happen to Jo when her body was inhabited. Kaleb questions whether Hope will still cure MG after his actions, but Alaric tells him to give her a minute. Hope, however, using the fact that he's the father of Lizzie and Josie, suggested that Alaric take cover in the root cellar while she dealt with the dragon. Hope in private fills in Alaric on blank spaces of his memory. Still have questions? They tracked Ambrose down to a fraternity house but Damon wasn't able to get through the threshold without being invited in, so asked Ric to enter for him. The real Alaric showed up as a ghost to Jeremy, and he realizes that Alaric had died. Later on when Landon goes missing, Alaric looks through a bag he initially believes to be Josie's, however it turns out it was the Sheriff's. When Valerie cast a spell to find out where the babies were transferred to, they discovered that the location of the unborn children was in the room with them. When suddenly Lizzie and Josie bust through the doors having return from Europe. He tries to talk to her but its awkward. Meredith reveals him that she hates her patients dying so every time when she has the occasion to heal them, she will do it, as she heals Bill Forbes from a werewolf attack with Damon's vampire blood. As their relationship continued to develop, it later became strained after she discovers that his wife, Isobel, was still alive. In What Are You?, Alaric talks with Matt, who is experiencing visions following the ringing of the Maxwell Bell. He questions who built the tunnels, and why, but Dorian is unable to give and thoughts on the matter. After Damon raised his glass to Alaric, he smiles fondly and seems at peace as he looks at everyone he cares about. Alaric decided to show her the morgue where Jo was kept and told her how he'd been paying them to keep her body longer than regulated. Dorian tells him to chill, and hands him a cup of hot chocolate, which makes him merry too. Alaric † (Great-Grandfather)Ed Saltzman (Father)[2]Dianne Saltzman (Mother)[2]Isobel Flemming † (Ex-Wife)Josette Laughlin † (Late Fiancée/Mother of his children)Caroline Forbes (Ex-Fiancée)Josie Saltzman (Daughter)Lizzie Saltzman (Daughter)Elena Gilbert (Legal Ward/Stepdaughter)Jeremy Gilbert (Legal Ward) He sits down with Elena, explaining the process he's going to use to work back through her memories to find the signature memory about Damon that should affect all the others when he alters it. Alaric suggests that Bonnie has put her magic inside of her bear. Alaric expresses his contempt for the talent show to Emma Tig, and she suggests that the two should have a day off, considering none of the students are focused on schoolwork given the talent show. He originally came to Mystic Falls to find the vampire who killed his wife, but learned that she voluntarily became a vampire and left him. In You Can't Save Them All, amid feelings of guilt over sending the students to the Prison World, Alaric volunteers to remain in the Prison World, allowing his daughters — and the students — safe passage home. The man came to life, startling Ric who quickly removed the stone, causing the man to return to his former state. John, who wanted his ring back since Alaric had it, agreed to use this to blackmail Alaric out of his ring. He wants her to be happy. Josie believes that it could not be anyone they knew as they would have keepsakes, and Alaric agrees. At the end of the episode Jenna demanded answers about Isobel but when he couldn't answer she left. Silas later uses his form in an attempt to trick Damon but Damon sees through this. She goes into the room where the pit is, goes over the rails, and jumps into the pit, thereby erasing everyone's memories of her, except Hope for some reason. At some point, Isobel gave him a ring and told him to always wear it. During Season Seven, Bonnie takes both Alaric and Damon on a vacation in Europe to help them get over their lovers' deaths. Alaric and Josie talk about the ascendant and Malivore. Spoilers. Elena remembers Katherine used to say the same thing. Luckily the driver is Tony, a hybrid, so Alaric will come back to the living. Alaric doesn't look very happy to see him. However, he couldn't bring himself to destroy the Phoenix Stone as he gazed at a picture of him and Jo. Lizzie asks about Sebastian, and Alaric tells him that Sebastian chose to leave the school. When Alaric and Caroline return home the following night, they find that Josie and Lizzie are nowhere to be found — they had been left in Seline's protection. While the students hid, Alaric moved through the school and happened upon the motionless gargoyle. Later, Alaric arrives at the Salvatore Boarding House to and tells him it's time to get the hell out of Mystic Falls. He went there to see Jeremy who had F for his midterm paper, but is an hour late for his shift. Caroline becomes quite offended when Alaric refers to the twins as his kids, and she remarks that they are her kids too. In This Woman's Work, Alaric is worried when he talks with Valerie and Stefan; Caroline is in urgent need of a C-section in order to save hers, and the twins' life. He tells her that he wouldn't want to watch her trying to practice witchcraft being sober and Stefan asks why the regimen they are doing is happening in his living room, to which Alaric tells him Damon feels guilty. He translates the writings on the wall and concludes that they are Viking script of the Original Family, and their history. In The Departed, Alaric goes to the hospital where Elena has been taken for treatment after collapsing. Alaric and Elena set off and Elena offers his ring back to Alaric, saying that she would feel bad if he died because of her. he saved her from james and then james killed the old vamp cuz he turned her into a vamp when james wanted to … As "Jo" started dying, she told Alaric about the sword that had killed her and trapped her soul in the Phoenix Stone, and told him she remembered that her name was Florence. Biographical information That’s a pretty name, right? Who tells Alaric that Caroline has been calling. Alaric and Jeremy then go to the woods to work out their issues, fighting. 6'2" (Feet)1.88 (Meters) Alaric apologized for not being around very often, but Jenna was used to that sort of talk and told him not to bother. Alaric is concerned and asks Damon if he told Stefan he was going to take the cure. Elena finally admits the day she fell in love with him, her birthday after she and Damon spent all summer looking for Stefan. She tells him she's marrying an idiot and that he could've died. While Alaric's bachelor party is raging downstairs, he and Damon talk at the bar. In the present, he and Caroline waited for the results of a pregnancy test. Alaric identifies Landon as a Phoenix. Instead, he remains behind as the anchor to the spell, and eventually meets his demise as the Prison World collapses in on itself. In Screw Endgame, Alaric arrives at the Salvatore School over concerns that Lizzie and Josie did not attend their pre-arranged lunch.

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